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Hi All,


Thought it was about time I introduced myself to the boards. I've been a member for a few months, but have never introduced myself properly, and felt I should at least take the time to do so.


I've been playing Games Workshop systems for at least 15 years now. I started with epic 40,000, and never really understood the rules (far too young), but loved painting the models. Eventually, moved onto the bigger stuff, naturally beginning with 40k. LOTR came along and I began that. Left college and needed a job, and somehow managed to get a position at Games Workshop in Winchester, UK. I had to start Fantasy, and began my High Elf army, then Brettonians.


Left the UK and travelled NZ for a year, and sort of fell out of touch with the hobby, but on my return dabbled a little just to stay in touch with friends. Now I have Imperial Guard, Custom SM Chapter, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, 13th Company, Night Lords, Grey Knights and Tyranids. About 6/7 weeks ago, my best friend and I decided to attend the LOTR doubles Tournament, even though I hadn't played since the original rules and had no army, and he had never really played, nor had an army. That was last weekend and we cam a fairly respectable 31 out of 47. We had an awesome time though, and met some really great teams.


Now I'm moving to Christchurch, New Zealand, and even though I'm shipping all my stuff out there I am concerned I will lose touch with it all again. I hope I'm wrong! This really is my reason for joining this forum, to stay in touch with the hobby, and use it for the inspiration I'll need to keep going.



Kind Regards,



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I hear alot of complaints about higher prices on that part of the globe- buy what you want now is my best advice.


We do in fact have a subforum for ozzy and kiwi bound people, just below this one- I wish you the best of luck in finding friendly opponents. A good adversary makes all the difference.

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