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The PDF Codices DO NOT replace our physical books


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The new PDF is up for the people who do not have access to buy the codex anymore. The missing Alies section in the U.S format is indeed a mistake. And whichever one the tournament/event organizer says to use is the one that we have to abide by. I know that for our tournaments we will be using the Physical codex and NOT the PDF. I hope this helps!




John Hollingsworth

Customer Service Specialist


Pretty sure they have no idea, and neither do any of us.


Hopefully some real clarification will come out after 'Ard Boyz, since they are allowing allies in the finals.


Although, as long as your opponent will allow allies, then most of this is moot aside from tournaments.

  Gentlemanloser said:
It's as official as any call to thier helpline.


And there are numerous exmaples of the same question getting answered differently each time on these forums.



I emailed GW about it too, and got told the complete opposite to what you were told.

They said that this does count as an update, thus making the hard copy codex as 'codex legal' as using the WD Blood Angels. It's likely it was said because of the huge fanbase fallout resulting from their mistake. The only way they can remedy the situation is with a new (and good) codex release *hint hint GW*

  daboarder said:
yeah me too, you should see my answer form the other thread, heres somethign memorable from it.


"the Daemon hunters and Witchhunters codices remain as competitive as never in 5th edition"


Yup thats how it came to me folks.


We simply cannot comprehend and utilize the intense and varied tactical subtleties that give the DH codex a competitive edge... yeah right! <_<

there WAS a mistake, the website has since corrected it. The difference between the foriegn language versions having an allies section and the english one not has been changed so that there are no more allies for any digital version.


I've talked to customer support too and as far as they're aware that the new digital version is official but for any ongoing tournaments such as ardboyz will be using the printed one for consistency. And that it's up to you & your opponent or if your at a tourney your tournament organizer.


Personally if I was playing a DH player or an IG player, it's the new rulebook. If as a BA player, I was stuck with that lousy BA .PDF for 2 years, then I think it's only fair that they honor their 'new' digital codex.


And besides this does away with the Leafblower army that everyone moans about.

  daboarder said:
number6 the GK pdf is now missing all the rules for shrouding and the like, we cannot seriously be expected to play with almost Half the required rules now "gone".


Yes you are... In the next few days the PDF will be updated they'll edit out the NFW entry. They will, though, put up a hobby section detailling how to paint blue over your models and how to do an inverted "omega".



  boreas said:
  daboarder said:
number6 the GK pdf is now missing all the rules for shrouding and the like, we cannot seriously be expected to play with almost Half the required rules now "gone".


Yes you are... In the next few days the PDF will be updated they'll edit out the NFW entry. They will, though, put up a hobby section detailling how to paint blue over your models and how to do an inverted "omega".




"What is this 'blue' and this 'omega' you speak of? These things do not exist in the GW universe!"

  boreas said:
Yes you are... In the next few days the PDF will be updated they'll edit out the NFW entry. They will, though, put up a hobby section detailling how to paint blue over your models and how to do an inverted "omega".





Heh. Winner. I salute you, sir.



  daboarder said:
not anymore. 3rd page is either the psychic powers Pts and description OR the inquisitorial henchmen starting page now.


The first copy of the PDF I downloaded after they put up has the GK rules on the third page. I still have on my computer, I didn't just imagine it. I've now downloaded the present version and it's gone! I knew I wasn't crazy!


Why would they do that? Remove a page they needed? Sure, they needed (from their own point of view) to reformat WH to get rid of the allies/induction rules but why take out this from DH, it defies logic!

I am not sure what GW was thinking when they sent out that mini update. They smack us with something that hurts, and give us nothing in return.. If anything they could just reorder the book a little and post up a new page with what we are allowed to have and the rules that go with it, make it a half page or something, smack a huge picture in there with it..


To me, seeing what they did there makes me wonder if we are getting a new codex, or if we are, when we are getting it. If we were getting a new codex soon why make up something like that?


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