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Emerald Crusaders


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Greetings Brothers. This Chapter is currently under development. in the Horus Heresy Forum Dark Mechanicum had a thread about primarch relics for this project, so he and i decided to post up what we have so far. Names for the characters are drawn primarily from the Grandmasters of the Knights Templar. During its early years the chapter specialised in rapid-response, highly mobile warfarfe, so we have been using the Blood Angels codex for a long while now.


Let me know what you guys think, C&C is GREATLY appreciated as we have hit a few roadblocks. As more comes up it willl be added to the page.


The Emerald Crusaders are a chapter from the geneseed of Rogal Dorn. As of the mentioned date their main mission is to seek out relics from each of the primarchs. The chapter is one of the 12 participants of the feast of blades, having won earlier than the given timeline.


C749.M41 – The 812th Feast of Blades. All twelve competing Chapters are in attendance. The Iron Knights’ champion Hervald Strom wins the competition.

C750.M41 – The first appearance of the Emerald Angel. The Angel arrives before the Chapter Master Alexion bearing the sword of the Emperor. The Chapter begins its hunt for the relics of the Imperium by forming the Exsequiae Guardians and the Relic Guard formations.

C758.M41 – The Emerald Crusaders are called in to pursue the Death Guard fleet spreading the Zombie plague.

C767.M41 – Rumors of Eldar pirates in the Ryza system become strong. Captain *Tycho* and the 4th Company are dispatched, but arrive too late.

C789.M41 – Tales of relics of the Primarchs increase. The Exsequiae Guardians are increased in strength .

C840.M41 – Chapter Master Alexion and elements of the 2nd and 3rd Companies are called to purge Necron presence on Naogeddon. During a devastating encounter with the Deciever Chapter Master Alexion is slain. Epistolary Jaques de Molay is burned alive by his own power, but survives by recovering the Spear of Teletos, Using his newfound strength to destroy the Deceiver. The surviving Emerald Crusaders return with the relic. Jaques de Molay becomes Chapter Master of the Emerald Crusaders.

C849.M41 – The 813th Feast of Blades. Despite suffering heavy wounds in the Vinculus Crusade, Hervald Strom emerges triumphant once more. Never before has one Chapter, let alone one Champion, prevailed in two successive assemblages.

C863.M41 – Waaagh! Bonesnappa engulfs the Asylum sector. A Primarch relic is confirmed on the planet, and Captain Andre de Montbard of the 5th Company is tasked with retrieval. Andre claims Brazentooth, the axe of Angron, after defeating warlord Bonesnappa in personal combat.

C888.M41 – The Crusade of Wrath. The Black Templars Chapter inflicts heavy losses on the Word Bearers Traitor Legion. Grandmaster Armand de Perigord leads the Emerald Crusaders 1st and 4th Companies to aid the vanguard of many of the Black Templar assaults. Many worlds in close proximity to the Maelstrom are reclaimed. Armand claims a Book of Lorgar from one of the worlds.

C890.M41 – High Chaplain Odo de St Amand and the 3rd company reclaim Hellsiris from the forces of Chaos. The Chaplain discovers an undefiled shrine to the Emperor hidden in the wastes. Within is a copy of the Lecitio Divinatus, the holy word of the Emperor, penned by an unknown hand.

C900.M41 - Craftworld Alaitoc is spotted by the Emerald Crusaders. Before sufficient pursuit is mounted Alaitoc disappears.

C914.M41 – Chapter Master Jaques de Molay leads the 2nd Company in pursuit of Ahriman of the Thousand Sons following the sack of Jollana.

C930.M41 - Captain *Tycho* and the 4th Company are dispatched in an attempt to destroy the Chaos Space Marine warband the Purged and re-establish contact with the Vidar system.

C935.M41 - Captain Andre de Montbard and the 5th Company are sent to strike at the Forge planet Ghalmek in the Maelstrom. The Crusader fleet is intercepted by the Red Corsairs. After bloody ship to ship combat, the Emerald Crusaders emerge victorious but too depleted to assault Ghalmek.

C949.M41 – The 814th Feast of Blades. The ravages of war dictate that only eight of the twelve participating Chapters are in attendance, but the tradition is still observed. Supremacy is tied between the Imperial Fists and Crimson Fists Chapters.

C990.M41 – Grandmaster Armand de Perigord leads the 1st Company to Rynn’s World to aid the Crimson Fists. Armand fights alongside Chapter Master Pedro Kantor during the recovery of Arx Tyrannus.

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Firstly, welcome to the Liber!


but survives by recovering the Spear of Teletos,

Do you mean the Spear of Teloso? Sanguinius' weapon? In which case, the Blood Angels are in possession of it.


Armand claims a Book of Lorgar from one of the worlds.

If the INQ found out about this, they would hunt you down.


Within is a copy of the Lecitio Divinatus, the holy word of the Emperor, penned by an unknown hand.

Actually, its not. The Lecitio Divinatus was written by Lorgar, declaring the Emperor's divinity.


Also, its generally not a good idea to name drop in all these well known GW chapters. Mostly cause it makes it seem like your trying to make your Chapter special.


And finally, I think most of the 1st Founding Chapters would be miffed if they found you in possession of a relic of their Primarch. Except of course for the Primarch these guys are descended from. That said, I do like the idea of crusading for relics of their Primarch. :)


Sorry to seem negative, but it helps in the long run - just stick with it.

On the Traitor Legion Primarchs, oh yea we know that the Inquisition would do a purge angry thing if they found we have them. But, they dont know so its ok.


On the Spear of Teloso, it was only in possession in the Blood Angels Omnibus. Considering it is the only mentioning of that weapon its one of those will the people take that as offical canon. If it gets to be too much of a problem then the Soulspear could also be used as that is a Dorn relic and since we refuse to acknowledge the Counter books for fluff reasons we could use the spear.


Fighting the Word Bearers, joining the fights with fellow geneseed chapters. Its not making us seem important, its the brotherhood of Dorn, those chapters work together when available. It even says in the Space Marine Codex about the Dornate chapters "These Chapers, the Crimson Fists and Black Templars amongst them, form a tightly knit brotherhood of Space Marines, united by blood and the honour of their shared Primarch."


Our first company leader fighting with Pedro Kantor is also not against fluff, it doesn't name what happens in the mustering to help retake Rynn's world so those chapters that went there, their are many that are never named.


On the search for other relics from First Founding Chapters: Unless they are also in the same battlefield there is the "I dont know what they have" syndrome. If all Space Marine Chapters instantly knew about what another Chapter had done, the Dark Angels would have been engaged for the supposed destruction of the Black Templar ship the Ophidium Gulf. Since the Ship still hasn't been found nobody knows what happened to it.


On the author of the Lecitio Divinatus: If the Imperium knew who wrote it, then it would have also been declared Excommunicate Hereticus after Lorgar went traitor, Since nobody knows who wrote it in the fluff it is still valid even though most players who read the Horus Heresy novels know it was Lorgar.



I know this may sound like i'm angry but the feedback is good. Its alot of painstaking research to make sure we are not going against fluff for this reason. Thank you for your feedback and the list should be updated later with the final listings.

A couple of things:


- Interesting idea, but I doubt other Chapters would want you trying to snake their pretty toys. In fact, I would imagine they would come to blows over it.

- I don't feel like the name Emerald Crusaders represents a Chapter that seeks out relics.

- Since you brought it up... You mentioned the BA 'Dex. How do you explain away Red Thirst and Black Rage if you are of Dorn lineage?

- I feel like you are name dropping SOOOO much GW canon to make your Chapter "awesome"


Don't take this as flaming you, I am just giving you my first thoughts when I read this. Good luck with this.

Red Thirst: Still a work in progress


The Black Rage: They have sworn fell oaths that any battlezone in which a relic rests no enemy of mankind shall stand upon that soil.


Finding of Relics: They view it as their mission as seen by the Emperor. They also didn't get the relic mission until 750 m.41. So the beginning of the Time of Ending according to GW year. The chapter is a 3rd founding due to how we have our "Sanguinor" aka: The Emerald Angel.


Name Dropping GW Canon: Most of the events are those that are never mentioned in any other source but the timeline in the main rulebook. The only one two we shall have documented is: The Third War of Armageddon, The Thirteenth Black Crusade, the Muster at Rynn's World, and the Zeist Campaign. With these each one has undocumented chapters fighting. We are not doing major fights and the only major name we drop out of those is Pedro Kantor. As I said before the Dorn chapters do work together.


Finding relics of the other chapters: For the traitor legions, yea not that hard to explain. For the loyalist chapters it is still being discussed. This is our first draft that will probably go through another revision before the deadline.


Pretty much, most of it done in one day of hammering out ideas and revising them. The full project is making our own "codex" by taking the blood angels one and changing all the fluff for our chapter and re-writing the character fluff and some unit fluff. The Rules shall always stay the same and we will take every precaution to not do anything to the rules. So, those timelines in most codexes are about 15-30 entries. Thus the reason why alot of things are mentioned that are GW canon with our reactions or just seemingly random events is to fill in space and tell a story.


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