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Devestating Devestators

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Ok I need to get this off my chest. Has anyone else found the devestator sprue almost absurdly fiddly and difficult to assemble? There must be a better way to do it. I tried gluing the gun to the backpack first, which worked with the lascannons, but I am struggling here. The shoulders don't seem to line up with the right place on the torso, or the cables don't line up. I'm using superglue because I find that I can break it apart if I make a mistake, is that where I'm going wrong?


Any tips on this particular kit would be most appreciated.





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Which weapon is being the buggiest for you mon ? I'd guess the plasma cannon


my best tip is blu tak (or white tak if you prefer :D )


Kick off by getting your torso, legs and the rest of your gubbins and your blu tak, add a judicious amount of fiddling until you're happy with the pose, strip out the left arm remove all the blu tak then glue the supporting arm into position to keep the weapon in place a bit more of our friendly blu tak between the wrist and the hand to hold the weapon on.


Next glue the back pack together and assemble the weapon/arm then using the left arm as a reference for the pose you acheived with the blu tak glue the hoses together after which the sub assembly should slide off the torso relatively easily for painting



these guys are still held together by blu tak awaiting detailing and other things


as for the using superglue or polystyrene cement debate, I'm in the superglue camp purely for the snap the blighters apart if you have to aspect

but for the weaker joints poly does work much better effectivley welding the plastics together (It just takes too long setting for me)

I too have recently acquired a Devvy squad and had considerable trouble getting everything to sit right what with the multi-multi-multi-part kit.


I found that reaching within oneself and focusing the rage into a cold spear of determination works rather nicely. Failing that, take a sledgehammer to the barstewards.


But seriously, the above idea of using blu-tak as a medium while you decide upon the right arrangement is great. I've used this method myself, and like everything involving minis, your best bet is patience, patience, patience.



I used pins to locate everything and keep them together while the glue set.


Yes, this meant drilling out ALL of the ammo/power feeds and left arm/hands and backpacks AND torsos.


Fortunately, being plastic, it meant I could use 1mm plasticard rod instead of the usual 0.5mm paperclip into metal.


It was still easier than assembling the older hybrid devastators - which I did manage to find enough METAL SM bodies for, so they don't fall over from the weight of the weapons.

Oh man I haven't even started on the Plasma Cannons yet! :S


And I completely forgot about painting them, I was so focused on actually getting them together!


And Odsox, you crack me up man that was brilliant. The cold spear of rage approach is definitely the way to go!


OK so, blu-tac is the way forward. Pinning sounds like it would work, but very time-consuming #I can imagine. Thanks for your feedback everyone, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had this difficulty!


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