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Chaos vs loyalist vehicles

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I'm looking at getting some vehicles for my space wolves and was noticing the choas and loyalist kits look basically the same just with some extra bits for whichever side they are supposed to be.


Does anyone know if the basic vehicle is the same? (ex vindicator,rhino,predator).


I just thought it might be nice to have the chaos bits for my bit box if thats the only difference between them.

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as said previously - the main body is the same for both however the accessory sprue is different. this means that the chaos vesion will have chaso symbols/effects on the top hatches at the very least if yuo use this as your base vehicle. had this issue buying a rhino off ebay for my DA army. ended up remaking the hatches out of plasticard and using some spares for the weapons

Like has already been said vehicle wise there the same. the pred i use or my black templars was actually a chaos one that i had clensed by the ordo heriticus before using lol.

only diffrence is you get chaos bits and dragon muzzles for your lascannons and stuff and twinlinked bolters in place of storm bolters.


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