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The Symphony of Plague.

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  • 1 month later...

Slayer - Epidemic

Just about anything by Carcass works for Nurgle

The Berzerker - Chronological Order of Putrefaction

And of course, the mighty Bolt Thrower!


*glances at his collection of metal* I'm sure I could find more than just those representations...But, this just needs to be a short list, not an entire album dedicated to Nurgle :)

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Some day, I'm going to get a Forge World GUO, add a tattered top-hat and vest-front, possibly a cane as well, and play the Richard Cheese version of Down with the Sickness, as well as Toxic Love (Extended version) by Tim Curry whenever I use him.


After all, Nurgle isn't just about sickness and death, he's about smiling and laughing while doing it! What better way of doing that than a GUO singing lounge-songs about filth and disease!

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's got to be: The Prodigy: Fat of the land. Personaly for me this whole album makes me think of my death guard. I bought it back in 97 when it was released and it was playing in my CD Walkman (how times have changed) when I first walked into a Gw store and bought 2 boxes of 5 plague marines, abaddon and the chaos codex. I still listen to the album on the more modern iPod when I go to play with the death guard. My personal favourite is diesel power, track 3.


I still have them somwhere in one of my old figure cases and the army has evolved ever since with newer models. I love my death guard and that's the way it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Props to everyone who mentioned Legit metal,


Six Feet under, Slayer, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse.. Job for a cowboy for that matter!


I would submit _anything_ by The Black Dahlia Murder is quite excellent for sowing plague and pestilence across the stars, they even have an album named "Miasma" :)


I would have to go with pretty much anything brutal. The Faceless is quite good, and they have a plague god T-shirt with a rotting dude on it that's pretty epic.


First post, might as well be about Metal and decay :)



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i think you guys missed some big ones.


Winds of Plague, they have one or two songs that are fitting


Mortician, hmm maybe not, atleast the band name fits


Obituary, Slowly We Rot and 90% of their stuff


Baphomet, The Age of Plague


Skinless, Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated or Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead

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  • 2 months later...

How has no one suggested Toxic Love, by Tim Curry? Come on, "Slime beneath me, slime up above"? Sure, anything sung by Tim Curry is going to sound a bit Slaaneshi, but it still works.


Also, in order introduce a little variety, here's some Non-Metal music. Hey, I like metal too, but remember how Nurgle's supposed to be cheerful? Ok, so some of my stuff isn't, but whatever.


Cemetery Polka-Tom Waits

My S***'s F****d Up-Warren Zevon

Pollution-Tom Lehrer

Stinkfoot-Frank Zappa

I'm The Slime-Frank Zappa (about stagnation, so it fits)

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Great stuff so far! Here are my most Nurgle-appropriate tracks:


Painting music:

Sunn O))):

"Bathory Erzebet"

"Mocking Solemnity"+"Death Becomes You" (these two are really one song)



"Engine of Ruin"

"Old Black"

"Father Midnight"


Pre-Game music:


(the whole Plaguewielder album)



"Immortal Corrupter"


"The UberKlaw"

"The Price of Peace" (Which is truly the theme song of The Purge)

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  • 1 month later...

My contributions:


Myrkskog - Over the gore



Myrkskog - Indisposable Deaths:



Immolation - Majesty and Decay



Immolation - The Purge (who knew?)


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My friend listens to

sometimes when working on his Chaos and Nurgle forces. Sounds nice and bleak as if its the planet after it has been ravaged.


When I first read the title though, it made me think of a Nurgle Chaos Lord or Daemon Prince towering over a fallen marine or soldier declaring:


"Listen, do you not hear it? Can't you hear the harmony of pestilence? The sweet music of rotting? A million voices all singing together in praise to the Lord of Decay. You still cannot hear it? No matter, your voice shall join ours and sing in its harmony."


*victim proceeds to be invaded upon by nurglings and flies until they become a distended and warped monster in the image of Nurgle's children*


"Welcome to the symphony of the plague, now join its chorus!"




Dear sweet Emperor I'm infected by Nurgle's taints! :P



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  • 2 weeks later...

I like myxamatosis by radiohead! I personally don't like metal, so I don't know of many plague themed songs :woot:



Nausea by beck

Szerencsetlen by venitian snares

They are night zombies! They are neighbors! By sufjan Stevens

A waltz for the few remaining by happy apple

Wibbler by skream

Creep by radiohead

Necromancer by gnarls barkly

Most all dubstep is great to!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone here partial to Meshuggah? It may potentially hurt your soul, but it's pretty heavy. Maybe not so fitting for Nurgle...


Perhaps some Alice Cooper or Ozzy Osbourne, but then again they'd be fitting for Chaos undivided...


Hmm...I guess I can't think of much else, except this Green Jelly: Misadventures of :cussman.

I warn you that the video is nasty and can potentially be taken in mind alongside a certain video involving two girls and a cup.


Meheheheheheheh! How's that for happy Grandpappy Nurgle? I think he would certainly approve...

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