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BlackHeart calls and I obey

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Hi to one and all, old and new, for the first time, the last time, maybe even after a hundred times when we are old and grey still talking, painting, modelling and our masterpieces grace the pages of White Dwarf.


Duno haven't thought that far yet, but in the Now... I am a OverActive background, fluffy, Historain what ever the generation name of it is i am a Warhammer 40,000 Geek, wanting to know everything and anything about a world, the planets, the wars, the glory, the colour the sky was when Huron Blackheart said enough was enough and turn his alligence to those that would embrace it.


Back to business or Topic i am a veteran of 3 editions dapable into several first foundings mainly chaos (really) armies but now i have come to the point where the game is in hands reach and yet in another part of the galaxy. For now I have no army and fortune of starting one soon is out of the question, my books and my normal mind (some of it) keeps me on firm ground in knowing, perparing, studying till that day comes.


As from the name, the title and description i am into the Red Corsairs, in particular the Hounds of Huron. But that doesn't tell how i got there why, when, the answer i 'm about to tell you, and Hopefully not bored you to this point.


I love Bike Models, each one everyone, eldar, ork, the blind(Space marines) and the true path(chaos). What I love most is the Horus Hersey, Marines where the Emperor created, Horus Betrayed and the Never ending Fight of the Emperor's greatest creation, his sons.


I Loved the White Scars the Background, the History, the Savargey, pride, the honour of their culture. The White Scars' playing style suits my temperament, the speed, the grace, the few against the many, shock tactics all what I hope for in a game. Yes i may Lose but i pefer the excitment during the game than just the result at the end.

In the game I love the colour, Battle reports i have read(over 3 dozen from more than one source)


However the White Scars for all their worth have not grab me to paint a army of them, chaos is my calling, the detail in the models, the history the hatred, and that fact that nearly 3/4 quaters of my regular friends of play are space marines of every colour of the rainbow and the more.


When i open for the first time Apoc Reload the answer gaze at me and the idea inspired. THE HOUND OF HOUNDS


By using the VANILLA Codex as a count as for my army, the stories i shall create, the background i shall write in blood will be my mark left in this world.


I Am one of the four Heralds of Huron, a Huntmaster and i say.... HELLO


P.S If that was too much info of the first go sorry, i get carried away sometimes. If anyone that does hopefully reply to this message please i seek or help,advice where do i put my general talk of my background for my army, my counts as army list, i'm i aloud too put it under the chaos thread or do i have to put under the good one due to the codex i use. Ideas for modelling general discussion cos it be awhile before i start modelling, showing pictures. or can i put it into one big discussion.


Thanks again for reading this, it won't be the last time you hear from me or... and just so we are clear on the army that i'll be using


It'll be 36 bikes(nothin else) army, using chaos models, using Space Marine Codex, yes it will die badly against probaly any other army that it comes across maybe yours in the future, it will go out on to the field for death or glory for one reason..... who wants to live forever anyways....

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P.S If that was too much info of the first go sorry, i get carried away sometimes.


This! now condense what you have said into 10 words or less so I don't get distracted by something! Just kidding :P


Welcome, enjoy your stay and if it is a chaos army it will be welcome on the chaos undivided board regardless of which of the various codices you use.


See you around,


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Thanks Helios and yes the Army will be a chaos one, I've much to learn on B&C and by looking at topics of varies kinds i hope to boarden my eyes



i'm thinking of using the Sanguinary guard boltgun, meltagun arms and construct a flamer along these lines and putting them on the models to repersent the weapons so they can use. by doing this they still use both arms for steering or using one hand for a close combat weapon.


for cloak am thinking darkangels legs back piece of torso and bit green stuff for edges, i hope i find inspiration from ravenwing, whitescars players on B&C to help with this conversion idea.

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