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'Ussell's Art Gallery

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I've decided to create a central place to post all the 3D art that I'm doing/done.

I'll start it off with a new one I call "Boarding Action"


I've left it fairly big, if the mods like I can resize it.

I'll be putting more stuff here as time goes on.

I'm always open to comments and constructive criticism.

Those that have seen the following already, please forgive me, I just wanted to consolidate my artwork into this one album for easier reference.

This is a IF piece that started out as a design for a Signature but I just turned it into a simple picture instead.


Here is the Brazen Claw piece I did recently, It's made a bit diferently then most of the stuff I've done so far, it's mainly painted in zbrush with some compositing work done in photoshop.


Lastly this is the homage piece I did to the mighty BnC melta we all know and love. It went through quite a few improvements before this point thanks to alot of helpful advice from boardmembers.


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I've got to say that those are some very fine pieces of artwork Brother. I particularly like the Brazen Claw and the Imperial Fist. I'm a sucker for anything in mark II to VI armour and really like the fact that you've gone for a full mark VI suit on the Brazen Claw rather than the up-armoured variant that is most prevalent nowadays.


Looking forward to seeing more of your work



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Hey, another 3D dude. Nice work.


My favorite must be the last one, the lighting and the melta gives it a lovely atmosphere.


They feel a bit too 'clean' as space marines, but that might be in tune with the style of the models. I see a bit of damage and some texture in the specular highlights on the Brazen Claw, but IMO you could ramp it up a notch.


The newest with the Black Templars is more in tune with the 40k grimdarkness, but I don't like the 'mirror' polished armor. Personally I would like to see more dirt and grime.

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Hey thanks for the replies guys!


@pig of sparta:

Thank you very much, I too am a fan of the older styles, I'm hoping to model some Mk IV soon. I'm still deciding on what to do next.


@codex grey:

Hi there! Thanks. I also tend to be drawn to the more dramatic style of lighting etc. unfortunatly it's a poor way to expose all the work you put into carefully modeling these guys when it's getting hidden in the shadows, oh well. I've decided that I really need to focus on adding more "wear and tear" to my future stuff.



Thanks! Hope to create many more for you to see :)

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Hey I hope you don't mind a bit of criticism thrown in here as well to break up the awesome's :D


I went and beefed up your spehs mahrehns a bit (roughly) as the poor chaps looked like their legs were about to snap under the top heaviness. I beleive I gave this sort of crit before towards your Brazen Claws marine ages ago. He's a little stumpy and squat now that he's been beefed out but add length and you get the idea.



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Hey I hope you don't mind a bit of criticism thrown in here as well to break up the awesome's :devil:


I went and beefed up your spehs mahrehns a bit (roughly) as the poor chaps looked like their legs were about to snap under the top heaviness. I beleive I gave this sort of crit before towards your Brazen Claws marine ages ago. He's a little stumpy and squat now that he's been beefed out but add length and you get the idea.




I cant help but feel they look more like overweight marines now.


On the whole, i love the pictures, I wish i could do this kind of stuff.

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Fantastic work - it must take many hours to put those images together and get them looking 'right'. The Templars do look a lot better for being dirtied up a bit.





Thanks Isiah, It does take quite awhile for a few reasons. I'm just figureing this stuff out as I go :)



Do you do both the texture and the wireframing or just the wireframe? In either case I would recommend toning down the saturation a bit, the colors are very bright and a little too cheerful for my tastes.


I create the 3d models and the textures, the base of some of the parts are just maya's materials but everything needs tweaking of course. Everything gets attention in photoshop afterwards though. I tried adjusting the saturation and to me it just washes away the piece. I guess it's a preference thing, I would have made it a bit darker maybe but I wanted to show more details in this one.


All good but I love the Imperial Fist. :)


I like that one too, I have a tendency to sway to the dramatic lighting but I have to learn the other stuff too. Thanks :)


Hey I hope you don't mind a bit of criticism thrown in here as well to break up the awesome's ;)


I went and beefed up your spehs mahrehns a bit (roughly) as the poor chaps looked like their legs were about to snap under the top heaviness. I beleive I gave this sort of crit before towards your Brazen Claws marine ages ago. He's a little stumpy and squat now that he's been beefed out but add length and you get the idea.


Thanks, I don't mind criticism at all. The fact is when you did crit the Brazen Claw I actually changed the way I modelled the legs for the Templars, so thank you. I don't disagree with you 100 percent about the leg armour however, but keep these things in mind:

My original model is based of of the proportions of the mini's, adjusted slightly so that thier legs work somewhat. So if you don't like the legs on my model then you really must hate the legs on the mini's.


I'm modeling these in 3d, I try to make the peice work physically from all angles. Maybe thats a mistake from a artistic perspective but I'm not a artist, I'm just a Millwright that is inspired enough by the 40k world to create these.


I think to acurately model power armour legs so that they looked like they would offer the protection you would imagine as well as still look like space marine legs and also look like they could actually be walked in, is a tall order.


I'm just trying to find a balance between looks and funtionality, hopefully creating something that I like and others might take a couple of seconds to look too :)





I cant help but feel they look more like overweight marines now.


On the whole, i love the pictures, I wish i could do this kind of stuff.



See above :)

I think everyone has thier own "vision" of what a space marine looks like, be it the squat "stand and shoot" pose you see in the models or imagining them running or jumping.

That's why I said these are "MY" visions, how I imagine them.

You can totally do this kind of stuff, I just started learning on my own in my spare time.


Thanks so much for the comments everyone!

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Of course it's all down to personal preference. I only commented on the legs both times as you have a big upper body with slim line legs with upsets the balance a bit. And you're right, the minis annoy the hell outta me haha. Of course my crappy little paint over there wasn't brilliant but it was enough to demonstrate my point I hope. I'd be pretty chuffed if the only thing that's been pointed out is the legs in all your pieces.
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  • 2 months later...
Awesome stuff as always Ussell, but there something odd about his ears and hair line.

Thanks, Admittedly I did have some issues with the hair, it was more about the process I used which I didn't realize until I was in the final stages, I decided I was happy enough with it to chalk it up to live and learn for next time. I'm not sure about the ears, they are kind of difficult to get right, my lighting in that area might be a bit bright too though.



Thats a real nervous looking blood angel you got there. ;)


Maybe add a lower lip?


He has a lower lip, might be I could have added some more colour there to make it stand out a bit more.


The powerpack looks a little odd.... The diagonal lines behind the head seem off, but might just be from this perspective.

It does look a bit off, problem is I have the benefit of being able to see the model from both sides, there is symetry with the lines but the other two are hidden, I think that's what might be upsetting the visual balance.







Looks even better now he's coloured :wub:. I really like the enamelled look that you've given his armour, and the facial scarring is another of my favourite parts too. Hideously injured yet reconstructed to be (almost) as flawless as any son of Sanguinus could hope to be.




Thanks James :HQ: I've really been working to develop my look for armour textures, I still have a long way to go. The problem is, and I'm sure you find this with painting as well (I do), space marine armour is supposed to be a form of ceramic right? Ceramite, I'd imagine some composite, layered affair with plastron and some other goodies packed in there. It's not your usual well worn ancient steel or iron, layered with paint and bleeding rust from the many areas of chipped paint.

Visually boring.

So it's a matter of either ignoring what we're told about how thier armor is constructed or try to find a balance.


I think you will really like the next piece I'm working on.




Really, really good stuff here! Wish I could do this kind of stuff! :P I like the BA the best so far.


Thank you! I only started learning this less than 2 years ago, not being able to paint but still wanting to create things 40k related drove me to teach myself in my spare time.

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