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Tactical Squad and Captain of the Grail Keepers


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Hi folks!


This is a Space Marine squad I finished quite some time ago. Wanted to start a new SM army and made up a new chapter - but aborted this project in favour of some Imperial Fists.

The squad contains ten individual and sometimes converted heroes, each one having his name written on the base.

They're supposed to be a successor chapter of the Imperial Fists, bearing a burning grail on their right shoulder pad.


... This was another reason for me not to continue the project; as I don't like the Soul Drinkers and at least their chapter badge has a striking similarity to theirs.


Let me know what you think about them!




/e: forgot something. I found the stories I had once written for each and everyone of them.


At first there is the Marine with the sergeant's helmet on his backpack - Halgar - he is a former sergeant, but vowed never to be a leader again when his whole squad was ambushed and killed because of a rash decision he had made.

The current sergeant, Nathaniel, is a rather young Space Marine who earned his position at the battle of Plath, where he crushed an exalted champion of chaos with his bare hands.

Paran, the warrior with the banner on his backpack, is the bearer of the Crimson Banner, a precious relic of the chapter, which is said to have become dark red when the first Master of the Chapter was killed during the Voss campaign.

Valbrecht, holding an auspex, painted a checker pattern on his left knee cap after smashing a traitor general's skull with it.

Derion, weilding the heavy bolter, has always been interested in the arts of the Techmarines. His weapon, carefully repaired by himself, is optimized for hit-and-run-tactics and fed by a drum rather than a belt.

Urvin, the plasma gunner is a daring youngster. He had been entrusted with the dangerous device because he does not fear death and would willingly go through laser fire to save his battle brothers.

Lenhard is an apprentice of the company's chaplain; having earned the Gauntlets of Faith, his righteousness is without flaw.

Celdric is a veteran of many campaigns, and although severely wounded, he still enjoys to assault enemy firebases. Always keeping a grenade at the ready, he excels in short-ranged shootings.

Nicholas chained his weapon to his hand as an eternal punishment for hesitating decades ago. He had caused the death of a battle brother when he was not willing to shoot rebels from his homeworld. As a byproduct of this failure in duty, he always attaches the largest magazines available and generally shoots an enemy in the face before asking questions.

Basilus was a member of the death watch some hundred and fifty years ago. He is a skilled close-combat fighter and quite proud of this time. He had been given an ancient mark IV helmet to compromise the fact that due to his right shoulder guard is hardly able to feature his chapter's insignia.


Last but not least, there is Captain Osric. He became captain after three centuries of service - most notable in this time the victory against a hive tyrant. The giant beast assaulted him and the tactical suqad attached to him, killing everyone but him. The powerful shield of his iron halo deflected most of the tyrant's ferocious attacks but overcharged at length, eventually failing. His armour cracked and was nearly torn open, when he finally raised his thunder hammer for one terrible blow. But before he could bring his weapon to bear, he was struck down and the beast trampled on him, lusting for his blood. With his last strength, Osric pushed the alien off his body and, using his advance, swiftly crushed its head.


The paint scheme symbolizes the chapter's belief that the Emperor is everywhere, watching over His servant's spirits as well as over their every step.



If you'd like to vote, here are the links to the pix on CMON:


Whole squad

Captain close-ups

Squad members close-ups


As it often takes some to get entries... "unlocked", these links may not be active yet.

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are my eyes f***ing with me are do i see some good freehand?

the bone color is also very nice, some nice conversions as well!


don't see why the marine has a red helmet on his backpack though...


pity that you didn't make some more of these fellas

can we have some more picks?

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Of course you can. Just tell me what you'd like to have and I'll immediately take a pic.

Nay, it is not a freehand. I sculpted every shoulder guard and added some freehand flames. Or are you talking about the dragon on the shield?


OK, it IS a freehand ^^

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So... WarInHeaven asked for it, and here are some close-ups.

lemmenowatchathink ^^




And the Captain:



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