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[Artworks] The Order of the Virtous Lily

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I'm really taken by this piece, most notably the face. She looks borderline psychotic, which is how I think the Sisters should be. Pic related, but not my work



that picture reminds me a bit of the art from Hellsing! (the only anime i still like because its incredibly violent and has a point!)

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  • 1 month later...
Hello everyone,


this is my first post here, so be nice... please.^^

My boyfriend introduced (or rather forced) me to sign up here and present some of my works.

I'm not so much into miniatures (yet), as my favourite hobby is drawing stuff.

Therefore, I'd like to share some of that stuff with you. In order to not letting you guys wait for too long, I'll begin with posting a finished drawing. Hope you like it, and be sure to leave a few kind words :-)





I like it.

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Thats damn good work sisterofchaos. I cant wait to see more.


I have to say I really like anime but only when its not too strong and I think you have it perfect. The armour, cloth and face (well everything) is awesome.


The one thing I would change maybe is to make it slightly less slim. I dont think I would have noticed it if the breasts werent so big (which is the anime style after all) but I would maybe change that just a little. Hope you dont think Im criticising your work, dont get me wrong its brilliant. Its what I think is a very small flaw in an otherwise perfect piece of work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Finally, a Battle Sister who doesn't look like she just came back from the God-Emperor's holy beauticiorum and hair salon. My fiancee will have to see this, she's mad for graphic design, and loves anime-style artwork. I think she'll glomp you from across the screen.


BTW, how about some battle damage? Can't purge without getting the gloves a little dirty.

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@ Solid Zaku:

Thanks, and please let me know what your fiancé said about sister Soraya.

Battle damage... I actually added some scratches, but my main intention was to present the character herself, and not to tell a story. But I'll consider doing some battle damage. :-)


@ Ace Debonair:

Thanks a lot, and feel free to try.

I like my art being a source of inspiration^^


@ LardO'Blood:

Dark Angel? Why not... You might ask me for an avatar, but remember: you got to be quick.


@ pueriexdeus:

Thanks for the kind words. :-)

She's not really pensive. I've pictured her to be less bright than most of her sisters - not stupid, but her thoughts are mostly somewhat like "to purge or not to purge?" - just as Brother Nihm guessed quite correctly.^^

Of course, she behaves differently when not in battle. But that's another story - which is not to be told in these halss. xD

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I like Sister Soraya. Does she have a first name? Or is that her first name? If so, what's her family name? Or do Sisters just use one name? ^_^


I showed some of your artwork to my GF yesterday and she told me to say 'Great work!' from her. She loves drawing, too.

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@ AyanamiKun:


Glad to hear that!

Soraya is her first name; I don't think sisters keep their full names; it just makes no sense to further individualise them (in a military sense), as they are educated to work as one, as a unit. Of course that doesn't prevent me from giving them personalities. ;-)

Her families' name was most likely erased from imperial records; all sisters or rather members of the scholae progenium are orphans and thus their families either stopped existing or do simply not matter any more.


Which is what my boyfriend told me.

Which is what confused me. ^^

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  • 5 months later...

Hi folks!


After being absent for a long time, I wanted to show you some drawings that occured during my B&C break.


1. "Loyalty?"


2. "Collateral Damage"


Unfortunately, this is gonna be my last update for a certain time, perhaps even for ever. Lately I stopped feeling "at home" in this community - there are a number of different reasons, which I don't want to post here, because I don't want this to become even more personal than it already is.


You can still find my works on Dakka or Deviantart.

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I'm sorry you feel like that, but please understand that you have a few fans of your work here at B&C , and we will always welcome you and you wonderful art back anytime. Keep up the great work, that "Collateral Damage" pic was awe-inspiring.
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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys,


I know I've been offline for quite a while due to personal stuff, but now, after more than half a year, I decided to join the BnC once more.

In the past six months I drew some half dozen new pictures, and I'd like to start with this one:




There once was a sister superior of the Order of Our Martyred Lady holding a village's gate against a seemingly unending tide of chaos cultists. Having fought bravely for an entire day and night, she eventually fell to her knees and died, not without having slain every single foe.

When her sisters finally found her, they buried her in the centre of the village she had saved. When the next spring had arrived, a single purple lily had grown on her grave and was proclaimed a sign of the Emperor and her former squad decided to found the Order of the Virtuous Lily to honour her courage and her sacrifice.

The village later became the capital of the chapter's homeworld. Since then, for nearly six millennia, the flower had appeared every spring.


Hope you like it.

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This will come across as mean but hell...


I love the pictures of the wounded sisters! The other ones in the beginning I was iffy on since I'm not a big anime fan. But the last couple are truly astounding and very good pieces.


*Also might be good to know I'm not a big Sisters fan anyway.

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@ Dark Apostle Thirst:

Thank you! ^^

Concerning the fluff, I liked the idea of a little less serious and severe 40k universe, just like the Ciaphas Cain novels (my boyfriend keeps telling me about them); that's why we still have battle sisters, but with a little more personality traits than the pious warrior woman.


@ Dark Scipio:

Glad ya like it :-)

You bet I am! But I have to warn you, there's a lot of manga in there.

My Gallery


@ Grimdarkness:

Thanks, friend.

It's actually my second favourite piece so far - I'll post my favourite one in a second.


@ Biohazard:

It's always great to hear people like my style, especially since many dislike the combination of manga and 40k. Thank you ^^


@ Rafen_2:

No offence taken ;-)

The wounded sisters are among my favourites, too. They just tell a story, and to my mind, they really manage to bring it across.





It's really awesome to see so many people welcome me back; it's good to know I haven't been forgotten during my 6 months of absence.

The next piece I want to show you is my personal favourite (so far), "Guardian Angel".




Huh? A small child?

Yup. For those who are interested, here's a short background story.


Sister Salome had just been promoted to the rank of a full Battle Sister, when she was given a mission to save and rescue a potential new recruit; an orphan whose father was an officer in the Imperial Guard.

Unfortunately, she discovered that young Donna had already been murdered when she arrived. It was then that she heard a little girl's screams and, in a rush of zealous fury, killed the traitor guardsmen harrassing the girl.

Looking at the helpless girl, she suddenly had the idea that none of her superiors would notice the difference - and even if they did, who would care?

She talked to the poor wretch and asked her if she were willing to go with her, to become a protector of people just as helpless as she had been until today.

And so, young Asifa became Sister Donna, and the two agreed never to mention her old name again.


I'll ask my boyfriend to translate the whole story into English, if you're interested. Might take a little time. :-)

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