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[Artworks] The Order of the Virtous Lily

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I really like the later B&W sketches. At first I wasn't that keen on the manga style but in the later drawings your depiction of the armour has really come on leaps and bounds. The action shots bring it to life a lot more too.


I'm starting to feel like I would really like to see a short SoB movie in this style :rolleyes:

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@ Ace Debonair:

Thank you!

I think it's really great that you managed to get the idea of what's behind the picture by looking at the faces. That's just what I wanted to achieve, thanks again! ;-)


@ AyanamiKun:

Thanks a lot, glad you like it.


@MarshalSampson of Terra:

Thank you for your kind words, that's a great compliment. :-)

It's important to me that a picture is able to tell a story, to bring across a message. Seems I succeeded! :-D



Thanks for your comment!

Seeing the same stuff all day gets boring, I understand that. It's like guard artwork: a thousand soldiers buggering around a Lord or something, shouldering their weapons etc - it's just not the same as something with a unique story. :-)


@ rednekkboss:

Thanks for welcoming me back - I actually didn't think so many people would remember me. :-)

I took a look at your sisters and I really liked the paintjob. Your bronze looks great!



Great to hear I improved, and that you noticed the slight change in style, thanks for the attention you paid. :-)

I have to say that I am going to maintain the manga style, just because one just can't really switch between their styles. But I'm really glad you liked it after all - and I can tell, that, with the amount of experience I gained, every power armour looks better and better (even if that might sound a little over-confident, which I don't hope).



Now that's a pity :-(

Most of the time I don't focus on boob size; it just is the way it is. I mostly draw C/D-cups, but since the armour considerably pushes a girl's boobs (layers of ceramite or whatever), the breast size increases.

I really didn't realize her boob size until now that you told me; I focused on the story I wanted to tell, especially on her emotions.

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I really didn't realize her boob size until now that you told me; I focused on the story I wanted to tell, especially on her emotions.

I wouldn't worry too much about that one. The last thing I was looking at on this dead Sororitas was her cup size- which tells me either the enlarged size due to the armor looks natural or the story is far more important :blush:


I've been ghosting through your thread here and you really do fantastic work ^_^ I'll have to take a look at your other stuff after I get home from work.

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  • 5 months later...

Hello, guys!

I've been absent from this forum for quite some time - I just didn't feel like drawing 40k related art. But yesterday I finally managed to finish this picture:




Title: I Will Not Yield


Sister Aedis knelt after a serious blow. That rotten traitor's strength was beyond everything she had encountered so far. She recalled the oaths she had sworn and vows she had taken; "suffer not the heretic to live" being the one she had liked the best. And now, should it really become her fate to die from a heretic's hands? Emperor be praised for the gift of righteous fury and the purity of her hatred, she thought, clutching her crushed left arm. Defiantly, she stared at the disfigured foe standing in front of her, malevolence radiating from every inch of it. "I will not yield", she told it, "and you will perish before we will".

Ha, ha, ha, roared the red armour-clad giant. Little Sister, boomed a voice from beyond the mortal planes, We will swallow your soul and gift the Lord of Skulls with your pretty head - prepare to die!

"Damnation!", Sister Aedis yelled, and collected her last bit of strength.


This latest piece was done in a sort of marathon of 8 hours - I don't want to swear, but it was a real pain in the a... Yup.

Had a lot of fun colouring it, too, especially the blood.

My boyfriend helped me a lot with it, and I'm really thankful for the assistance he provided. He didn't paint or draw anything, but he told me when he didn't like something or thought details should be changed.

My favourite part is her kneeling on the ground - she's turned out exactly the way I wanted her to.

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Hello ;)


As an old school Anime fan (as in circa '80's onwards), I like your art. I especially like the art in post 43 (Virtious Lily I had seen it in a google search of SoB pics (I've been considering doing a small army after I've done at least one of my DIY Marine armies and was looking for inspiration).


Your art work kinda reminds me of Chrono Crusade, as that Manga/Anime has a Nun packing guns as well! (although she hangs around a Daemon (albeit "reformed" one), so not all that similar!) ^_^

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Just wanted to say: although I normally agree with Brother Nihm's opinion that anime art stylings and warhammer 40,000 don't necessarily mix; I have to make a notable exception here. These are some fantastic pieces, and you should be proud of them.
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Great to see you back, Sister!

I really did miss your PA drawings - you should do more as soon as possible. ;)


Even though I had the luck to watch this one come into existence, I'm still not tired of it. Some small things sure are improvable, but overall, the quality is just awesome.

There's a thing or two I'd ask you to do, if you don't mind, however:

First: next time, make the marine even bulkier. They're superhuman giants and so on, blabla, you know the deal.

Second: your little story sounds just fine, but if it were mine, I'd put the marine's words either in quotation marks or in italics. Just for the sake of readabilty ^^


Anyway, great stuff!

Looking forward to seeing more of it :)

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