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Chaos Defiler

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After 8 hours of painting, this is what I came up with.








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well it looks alright :tu:


I'll be honest and say it doesn't look like 8 hours of work but then again we all paint at different speeds :D


I think some more detail work wouldn't go amiss to make it more Nurgle-fied, some variations in colour may make it look more disgusting and putrid like Nurgle should be :down:


Still a good attempt though

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I think the worn white on the legs works quite well, and I especially like the bullet holes in the green bits with the ichor coming out, and all of the other weathering, that came out really well.


The white on the body looks a bit strange, especially on the plate around the battlecannon, more like a bad undercoat rather than worn white paint. I think it's because the green bits look too 'clean' in comparison.


Having said that you've got a painted defiler which probably looks quite decent on the table top. Mine has been in its undercoat for over a year now :)

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Not too big a fan of the "white Nurgle" thing. It was original and awesome when Kenshin first did it years ago, but now--meh. As for your paint job, I think that if you do go for white, it should be more of a solid white, that looks too "dry brushy" if you get what I mean. If it was a metallic, like silver, that would be good, but with a color like white, it looks odd.


If I were you I would make it a more solid white and then maybe give it a watered flesh or green wash to dirty it up. Either that, or just paint the whole thing the green you used for the leg covers, that came out very well, and it seems that green (the canonical color) is now also the minority color for Death Guard.

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