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Chaos Aspiring Champions


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i inherited a small box full of 40k bitz and old models from my cousin who has moved on from marines to tau. after a couple minutes of looking through it i found some really cool classic models like this old chaos aspiring champion. but unfortunately the model was one of his first ones so the paint on it was really thick and looked kind of strange. so i stripped and repainted him and here he is. (sorry about the pictures, i have a very crappy camera) c&c is appreciated.





and here is a champion i converted




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Love the models man, especially the one with the big jazz-hand. The converted one with the two swords is also awesome. You've done the models justice with a very solid tabletop quality paintjob on them too, especially the face on two-swords, looks very mean :)
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thanks, i find painting faces pretty hard sometimes so its nice to know that ive done an okay job


@Brother Rathul:

haha, i kinda thought that about the model too when i first saw it, but its part of the model and i dont really want to damage the model by sawing it off. (i suck a lot at sawing things off cleanly)


@lord gunthar:

thanks, i didnt really get what you meant by gold trim... maybe you could elaborate on it?

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ahh i see, well now i dont have to call it the "sticking up part of the shoulder pad" anymore. yea i was going put greenstuff on the left hand but i ran out of gs and was too lazy to go get some, maybe tomorrow.

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I love that fist, reminds me that I'm tempted to repaint some of my Black Legion models back from when I first started.


Not personally a fan of purple swords but it's still very nicely painted.

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