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Taste The Rainbow

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So a friend and I had an idea about playing a clensing of Prism campaign, he already plays Sisters of Battle so it fell to me to represent the Rainbow Warriors. We decided for fun/challenge we would select our army lists at random, so a dice roll was used against a standard FOC to select how many of each choice was used in each army. I generated:


1 HQ

2 Troops

2 Elites

2 Fast Attack

3 Heavy Support


We decided points cost to be fairly irrelevent and as long as the armies were close to each other it was all good, next was to assign a number to each selection within the choice, this then generated the following


HQ - Chaplain

Troops - 2x Tactical Squads

Elites - Terminator Squad (non combat) Iron Clad Dreadnought

Fast Attack - Assault Marine Squad Scout Bikers

Heavy - Devestator Squad. Thunderfire Cannon & a Vindicator.


Having marine stuff kicking about for ages I own nearly all of this already however the Iron Clad & 3 of the bikers are to be purchased later. My painting table now looks a bit like this



The Chaplain has been finished and is just wating to be based.



Finally I have finished the first Tactical Sgt and I'm rather pleased with the results.




Comments welcome


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i am very interested in how you are going to do the non-combat terminators. what will their role be? cleaning the battlefield with power brooms?


i kid, you meant non close combat termies i reckon.


great looking stuff, nice to see people make stuff not meant for tourneys for a change.


just refrain from making a locker room/shower stall diorama :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so here's the first update. Completed the first Tactical Squad and Rhino so here they are.






Squad Veteran





First I would like to say great work... looking fab and as someone else who has some Rainbow Warriors and was once a skittle ninja... I wish you look with making the foes of the emperor taste the rainbow!


My one criticism... and I'm not sure where official art work and so on falls on this but I've always imagined the (and painted as such) the rainbow stripe to be about as wide as the mini crest thing that runs along the top of the helms.... yours are obviously wider and that may have been because you felt it would look better and they are your minis and they look fab as I say so I'm most certainly not having a go B)

Hmm I see some very nice work here. I'm usually all for grimdarkness and dark paintschemes but when I see a well executed bright paintscheme I have to give it its due. And your tactical sergeant is one of the best sergeants I've seen in terms both of conversion/ pose and painting. Keep up the good work and I hope you have your army finished soon. ;)


Sorry for the off-topic but I just have to do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV8x2HKTRdM

  • 4 weeks later...

I know it's been a while since I've updated this thread but I hope these pictures show I've not been slacking in my absence.


2nd Tactical Squad SGT






Squad Veteran










Terminator SGT






Assault Marines to follow shortly nearly finished the 10 man squad but for now hope you enjoy the latest offerings.


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