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Counts-As Dante


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Realised I have this up on 40KO but not on here. Doh.


Anyway, rustled up a conversion based on awesome artwork recently, which led to me producing this:




And then on with the painting. Basecoat:




Followed by a heavy wash of Badab Black:




Then layered with 50/50 mix of Dark Flesh and Blood Red:





I've started the first highlight, but bad light is stopping me go any further for today. More to come as I make progress!

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You got a kit list for that?


Yep. To re-create it, you will need the following:


Bretonian Pegasus Wings

Sanguinary Guard Jump Pack

Sanguinary Guard Front Torso

Sanguinary Guard Legs

Sanguinary Guard Axe

Sanguinary Guard Infernus Pistol

Space Marine Commander Iron Halo

Space Marine Commander Rear Torso

Black Templar Crusader Helmet

Dark Angel Helmet Wings

Blood Angels Forgeworld Terminator Shoulder Pads


I think that was everything.


Oh and could you post a more detailed painting guide as the above is a bit 'hazy' sorry to be a pain


There's not really a lot of detail to go into as such, at least in these initial stages. I did the basecoat of red gore using the citadel spraygun, I get a much smoother base to work from that way as opposed to doing it by hand. The black wash is just liberally applied over the armour using a tank brush. Athen once that had dried, I applied my layer mix over all the armour, leaving the shading in the recesses and around the edges of any detail (Well, as best I can, I have quite shakey hands when trying to do detail work).


Hope that satisfies your curiosity. ^_^

Oh and how did you attatch those wings


Badly. ^_^


In all seriousness, this is the weak part of the conversion. Basically I just clipped the taps from them and wedged them between the jump pack and the shoulder pads. I have a rear-view shot (pre-paint) of what it looks like from behind so you can see what I mean.




As you can see, it's not perfect. I'm sure someone could come up with a better way of doing it, but it looks okay enough I guess.

Got some highlighting done today. Just need to do a red wash over the top of this to tie everything together and then re-highlight slightly. This is the stage I hate, as I find highlighting quite tricky to say the least.



And here we are after the red wash and then a re-highlight. Essentially, the red armour is completely done now. Next step will be to paint the details liked the winged blood drops, etc. That will have to wait though as the light isn't good enough to carry on today. I need to get me one of those lamps with a daylight bulb or something.



Just finished off the wings on the armour/helmet. Sloooow progress, but I'm just struggling to get more than an hour or so a night at the moment. And I'm a slow enough painter as it is. But here we are.



Yeah, it's mostly rub (there are a few specks of grey where I slipped whilst trying to find an angle at some points of the helmet wings). The wings are a pretty convenient point to hold the model by, and as they will be the last thing to paint I figured it wouldn't do any harm.

Having the original artwork as my current screen saver, I've got to say that the mini is looking awesome so far!

Like many others I will be keeping an eye on this thread, I'm looking forward to seeing the fully painted finished product! Great job.

Yours in Honour and Faith,

Chaplain Hiltraud


[EDIT] on a side note, what's rub?


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