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Some great looking stuff there Astador, how do you find the time to work on so much stuff? Dante's axe does look fantastic, a nice sheen to the blade and the green fits perfectly with the pallete on the rest of the mini.


1000heathens, I'll have some step by step photos of how I painted the white flesh up later on tonight or first thing in the morning :D.


Normish, that seal looks even better now you've tidied up the the rough edges. The 3 GW game systems at the bottom is a nice touch as is the 010.m03 at the top :). Once again thanks for taking the time to do that for us.



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I see you've posted the finished logo. Do you mind if I try to tighten it up? I would like to get it inked as well and then I can mess with it in Photoshop/Illustrator.


Let me know.


Brother Anthony

Go ahead! Do whatever you want, as long as I approve of it when your done (I'm sure I will). In fact, if I may recommend something, is that you make the text more standardized. No-one wants to read my handwriting, so some sort of typed font would be nice. Also, contrast, but I'm sure you plan that already. I look forward to seeing the final result.

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After an quick couple of hours painting, a step by step guide to how I painted the white flesh on the Daemon Prince can be found here in the tutorials section of the PCA forum. I apologise for the quality of the photos in advance, but you can hopefully make out most of what I've done.





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No bother 1000heathens, I posted a better 'finished' photo tonight if you fancy seeing how it looks with less blurryinness :cry:.


Astador, I keep starting projects too, but I don't seem to be getting half as much painted as you do! I think I need to try harder...



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Well i'm going to be starting a good project in the next couple weeks, Turn the big 30 a week monday so got myself some stuff my sister is going to give me the money for :cry:

PIcked up the new character conversion kit & the new Huron model from Forgeworld ;)

I really like the Huron model but most of all i love that power fist fancy it would make a good Night Lord looking weapon, Maybe on a Kurze conversion ??



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For those who were interested in my Dark Apostles, I'm painting up the first tomorrow and may be able to upload some pictures at the end of tomorrow ;)

I'll definitely be having a look at those. :P



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Aye, I'll be checking those out as well Skirax ^_^.


KK, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with that FW stuff. They're both on my list of things to pick up from them. I get paid twice next month cause of the way that the dates fall so maybe, just maybe I'll be able to grab some stuff....


If anyone fancies a look, I've uploaded some photos of the Sanguinary Guard I've been painting tonight. You can find them here in the thread I created for them in the WIP forum, just scroll right down to the last post I made.


I'm headed to bed now cause I'm shattered and all I can see is feathers....





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Hello again my friend's good news is it was my birthday on the 21st of september and i got the sanguinary guard but i got a £50-£100 spare to spend but i dunno on what? I would have more but i got halo:reach legendary edition im a big xbox live gameer ;) .

Any idea's.

I'm already a captain on live i did legendary by myself (campaign.).

James I'll give you a 48 hour trial so you can add me if you want?

Khornate killer how did you paint your sanguinary guards axe or any way to paint the power weapon?



thanks your friend.


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Hello again my friend's good news is it was my birthday on the 21st of september and i got the sanguinary guard but i got a £50-£100 spare to spend but i dunno on what? I would have more but i got halo:reach legendary edition im a big xbox live gameer :D .

Any idea's.

I'm already a captain on live i did legendary by myself (campaign.).

James I'll give you a 48 hour trial so you can add me if you want?

Khornate killer how did you paint your sanguinary guards axe or any way to paint the power weapon?



thanks your friend.


Well Jack, and I speak for all my brothers when I say.... JOIN THE EVER SWELLING LEGIONS OF CHAOS!


Or the Wolves, you know, whatever.

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Hey Tarkus, happy belated birthday! That'd be cool if you can spare the 48hr trial :P. If you PM me your gamertag as well then I can add you as a friend on LIVE.


As for your spending money. If you fancy a something that'll give you a bit of a challenge then I'd recommend checking out Forge World's goodies. The new mk's of Space Marine armour are very nice as is the character conversion set and the Lufgt Huron kit. Also Khorne Lord Zhufor is a pretty cool mini as well. Or if you like shiny new stuff, some of the new Dark Eldar (I know it's Xenos, I apologise and brace for bolter shells) stuff looks quite tasty too. Hmmm... I guess I have'nt really helped much there.


Are you more of a painter and modeller for painting and modelling's sake or are you wanting to put together an army just now? Either way, an army starter set might be the answer.....



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hey tarkus,

Do do the axe i used the eavy metal article out of White Dwarf number 364. Its actually quite simple to do just need to remember to make sure your brush strokes go the same way as the "grain" in metal all goes the same way. They dont tell you to do that in the article/ :)

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Here are some of my suggestions.


I'm not sure about all the scroll work. In regards to logos I think it should be kept simple. The Hell's Angels logo is a good example. When you see it you know what it is without having to read the top our bottom rockers. The BIH on the shield should be good enough and maybe the motto on the shield.


I will try both ways and see what you guys think. I also left out the eagle claws holding the shield as it looked too much like US currency.


All in all its a great design Normish and I can't wait to get it into the Mac.


Those are my thoughts and as long as every one agrees with the meat of the design that I posted I will begin inking it this week. Tuesday nights I have Billards league so most likly Wends for the inks. Inking just like painting minis, just got to remember to breath....


Also I have no internet from home now, (checking at work, M-F) but can post pics from my wifes friends lab top on the weekends.


Brother Anthony

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