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Hey Folks,

Well i finally got something painted, Not really been bothered to pick up the brushes this week or so. But got this done so far on him what we think ??








these a few pics i have quickly took (will try get better ones soon when i can access some better lighting) but these pics quickly show you what i am working on.

the base itself ha taken a while as i am fussy. i don't like the generic flat painting sand look so i like to add different levels building up certain areas to give the base more realism as lets face it the battle field isn't going be a flat field ;-). i have also added a little bit of scrap metal to the base as well with 2 posts. The impression i am going for is the dreadnought has stepped upon a raised platform and its sheer weight has bulked the platform.

i have done a quick picture including the dreadnought just to show how the model will stand upon the base.

C and C is much welcome


Welcome The Jimster! You shall be admitted once Sparta comes around. :) The dread looks nice, along with the base. I like the blue.


Great khornate! I like the red you have. It must be shading, but I think you missed a little bit of red on the powerfist.


Skirax, I like him. I really like the muddy-looking robes too, the writing is a bit thick, but I'm not good at that myself, so I can't comment.

I'd love to see his right arm if you could.

Everyone's stuff is looking pretty cool. Welcome to the IBH the jimster and welcome back replica!


Shorts, that's a pretty serious load of resin you've got coming there, I can't wait to see what you do with it :).

Skirax, that apostle looks pretty cool, I love the dark shades you've used on his armour to contrast with his robes. I like the way you've added the scripture to them too, although it does seem to be a little big. Not that I'm criticising, frehand scripture is one of the (many) things I struggle with.

KK, once again youre Angel Sanguine is shaping up nicely, I particularly like his goldedn bionic arm, kinda makes it look more artificier constructed than if it was gunmetal coloured.

jimster, I like the look of that Ven. Dreadnought. Seems like you're off to a pretty good start with him.

replica, I'm loving that BA. The red looks really well done. If you like, you could add me as a friend on LIVE, my gamer tag is pig of sparta, maybe we could organise a game and a chat sometime...

Astador, as usual your stuff's looking great, I really like the grime you've put onto the Plague Marine and the purple works really well with the green. I'd never thought of using purple in a nurgle scheme before.

Captain Mick, , I really like the way you've added stuff to the soulgrinder to make a very unique and suitably decayed defiler. The paintwork looks to be shaping up nicely as well.


Finally, I'm happy to say that my Lufgt Huron arrived a few days ago, along with my copy of IA9. I'm really impressed with the mini and have begun cleaning him up. He needs a little greenstuff work to fill a couple of unsightly mould lines though. I also, through sheer blind luck managed to acquire Sevrin Loth on his own as well as a couple of other Forge World bits. I've also been working on a conversion of Chaplain Lemartes. Pictures of many of these will be coming soon :)





replica, I'm loving that BA. The red looks really well done. If you like, you could add me as a friend on LIVE, my gamer tag is pig of sparta, maybe we could organise a game and a chat sometime...


Thanks mate, i think this will be the last Blood Angel for a while, no idea what im gonna do next...maybe chaos?

Yeah, sweet, i haven't got xbox live at the moment but ill let you know when ive sorted it out. I used to have it so hopefully i can get all my old achievements back!

Hi everyone,


Skirax, He looks good, but I have to agree with PoS, the writing is a little thick.

KK, He looks of to a nice start, can't wait to see him finished,

Captain Mick, I like the Soul Grinder/Defiler, very nice green colour.


I will try to post pictures of my Inquisitor's Henchman who i've been painting soon.


Bye guys!!!

Skirax - I'd advise maybe a few thinned glazes of the base colour of teh robes over the scrollwork, as that would make it look like part of teh rob rather than something painted in. You are aimin to just swash a brush damped with the based colour over the text softening it and blending it in to the cloth.
You wouldn't be looking to get rid of Loth's command squad, would you? :)


I'm afraid I only got Loth. I jumped on to Ebay one morning before I went to work and there he was for £15 buy it now! I don't think I even hesitated for a second before clicking the button...

You just join! Pig of Sparta will add your name to the list, and there you go, Marneus's your Uncle.


I need to find something to talk about, I haven't been so much on the hobby side of the um... Hobby, and have been doing mostly fluff-work. But I will eventually get some pics of my Guard force on our own forums sometime soon!

Greetings Brothers,

quick pic update:

The flesh is a little over half way done, and the sword had been removed to be painted separately.


Quick question to the IBH, how do you think i should paint up the sword? Whats your favorite looking blade, and what sort of blades do you like to see wielded by blood angels?



Greetings Brothers,

quick pic update:


The flesh is a little over half way done, and the sword had been removed to be painted separately.


Quick question to the IBH, how do you think i should paint up the sword? Whats your favorite looking blade, and what sort of blades do you like to see wielded by blood angels?





Looks pretty good, green purity seals never sit well with me, even on BA red I'd paint them darker red but that's just my preference. I'm not sure which sword I'd use but I'd make it big nevertheless!



A couple of things I've been working on over the last couple of weeks or so:


When I traded some stuff with Shorts, I found an Imperial Cruiser that was missing it's front weapons batteries. Inspired a by a conversion I'd seen on eBay I hacked away the mount for the missing weapon batteries and glued the prow back on....



my very WIP conversion of Chaplain Lemartes. After reading through IA9 I'm thinking he might make a cool Executioner Captain if I remove his remaining BA icons. But I'd need to check IA10 for their 'new' colour shceme as I don't really like the classic blue camo one.


Oh and Huron has had his greenstuff treatment, needs a little more tidying and he'll be ready for photos....


High Marshal Sigfeird, you are now a member, I'll update the list later on today :)


Replica, I'd suggest a reflective chromed look for the sword if you reckon you can do it, perhaps with a blue hue to it to contrast the seep reds of the armour. my 2 pence :)


cheers all

Replica, that looks great. Took me ages, but I finally figured out that the thing in the eagle is a blood drop. I thought for the longest time that it was a screwed up Ω. Loving the red shade.

Sparta: Thats cute! hah hah. :) Plans for prow color? The executioner is pretty wicked too.


I plan on doing more for the Master later.



And my fat babies have had a washing and their first dry fit.


The stick needs some trimming


A couple of things I've been working on over the last couple of weeks or so:


When I traded some stuff with Shorts, I found an Imperial Cruiser that was missing it's front weapons batteries. Inspired a by a conversion I'd seen on eBay I hacked away the mount for the missing weapon batteries and glued the prow back on....


How large are those ships compared to marines? I think I have seen a conversion using BFG-ships combined with bikes to make PH-jetbikes. Anyone got any clue on what to get if I was going to do that? I went through the BFG-part of GWs webpage, but since I have no idea how big they are I didnt know what to get.


- Natanael

Firenze, you already have signed :), I'll add your name to the list too.


Shorts, I meant to say earlier that I'm insanely jealous of you just now. A thunderbolt is one of those things I'm gonna buy when I actually have time to do it justice, like when the kids have started school :D. The prow of the BFG (I'm calling it a light cruiser, of design that was rejected by the Admirality after a couple of prototypes were constructed. A Rogue Trader managed to somehow get a hold of this one and now he plies the galaxy searching for his fortune in it) will probably be white with gold trim.


Nataneal, the plastic cruisers are a little on the small side for use with jet bike conversions I think, but I'll see if I can get a photo of one next a marine for scale later on :)






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