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so here is the beginings of nihm's model i'm building other then glaring mold lines which are being taken care of just after typing this the only change he is thinking is to use a raptor pack instead of the wings. nihm is alodge master of the raptor cult for the nightlords or was which is why i gave him the chalice pad as a kind of heraldry. any way on to the bad pics.




any opinions? specially on how i might get better pics if these suck

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so here is the beginings of nihm's model i'm building other then glaring mold lines which are being taken care of just after typing this the only change he is thinking is to use a raptor pack instead of the wings. nihm is alodge master of the raptor cult for the nightlords or was which is why i gave him the chalice pad as a kind of heraldry. any way on to the bad pics.


any opinions? specially on how i might get better pics if these suck


I like the wings man, but the raptor packs are sweet too! Where is that head from?

Are you using a flash? My pics aren't perfect, but i find i get good effects from decreasing the shutter speed and turning the flash off. Pig Of Sparta takes really nice pics, he'd have some good advice

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I love the wings. I'd keep them! And the hand flamers are ace. I think I need to get my hands on some sangy guard/death company-boxes.


And btw, fellas, I just started a blog about my WH-stuff. Check sig for link =D


- Nat

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Today i assembled a Plague Marine Squad and added some GS to the Plaguereaper. Made some picture`s off the Plague Marine`s with the following results:


PM 1 (Plague Champion):




PM 2 (Standard Bearer):




PM 3:




PM 4:




PM 5:




PM 6:




PM 7:




PM 8:




PM 9:




PM 10:




I hope u like them and feel free to leave some C&C. From the Plaguereaper i will make new pictures when the construction phase is complete ^_^ .

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nihm wanted a jumppack instead of wings so i looked through my bits and found this one so here's the model with out wings. soon as i get feedback i'll finish cleaning up the model plus alittle gs to fix elements and then i'll start painting it


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Been painting the Sanguinary Guard today. I decided that I was going to do them red. So here's where I am and some painted bases for them!








The fifth guy is being reprimed after a nice bath in Simple Green.

So enjoy this for now.

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Really liking a lot of the stuff getting posted just now;


Replica, he looks great, and I love way that we're letting elements of the mini's drive the narrative (which I will write, I promise).


Astador, loving the Sanguinary Guard with the banner and power fist. His pose just screams that violence will definately ensue! (sorry too much Reach Firefight with GYSGT Buck) The red also looks really good too.


Captain Mick, Those plague marines look great. It's amazing what the simple addition of some greenstuff can do.


Nephren-Ka: brother nihm looks great. Although I must admit I did really like the wings, the Raptor pack looks great too. It looks like it could be resin though, which does beg a question... although I won't ask it here. Nice work with the twin flamers too.


I've not just been playing Reach and lurking in the forums this week though, oh no. I've done a little light painting myself:




Not much to look at just now I admit, but I'm sure you guys know my love for blocking in base colours before starting more detailed work... Incidentally, not all the 'gold' areas will actually be gold, some especially the back of the helmet will be more copper or brass. I want them to look machine like. I've been thinking that this Librarian has the 31st millenium version of a psychic hood not for protection from the insidious powers of the warp but rather to enhance his otherwise mediocre powers. His mentors the Thousand Sons do not need such a device for the blood of Magnus flows in their veins, but for those who do not have this boon, yet have the wit to learn, they are more than prepared to provide 'assistance'.





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Great work everybody. I love the red of the sangy guards, and the EC librarian is coming along nicely as well.


Mick: The Plague Marines look great as well, tough I think that the edges of the GS makes it feel a little like you just put it on there, and not like it is part of their body. Dont know if you get what I mean, but yeah.


- Natanael

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James that Librarian looks amazing !!!!

Astador i love how your guys are turning out to.


News on my model front I'm still finishing off highlights for the iron armour guy.

I have also jumped on the dark eldar band wagon and have entered a painting comp at my local GW which is to paint lileth :lol:

Will put pics of her on our site when i get some :P


Had to take my new computer back after only a week of having it :( There was a line down the screen which couldnt be fixed and PC world customer servuce was disgracful so got our money back after 4 days of messing us around.


So have now ordered a better computer with a better warranty for less money :P


So now got more time to paint till that turns up ;)


SO hopfully you wll be seeing more of me around these parts hope everyone is ok.




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Replica, he looks great, and I love way that we're letting elements of the mini's drive the narrative (which I will write, I promise).


Yeah i agree, its such a characterful mini (the Loth model)! I had contemplated buying him to use as the base of the sorcerer but thought it might be harder to cut the Loth model up than it would be to throw some plastic bits together!


I had some ideas for the sorcerer, not sure on the name, but i was thinking that as the time the EC went into the eye of terror, due to his time with Fabius Bile he had some knowledge of the mutating effects of the warp and so tried to remain out of it as much as possible. This caused him to age significantly, much to his horror and earned him the suffix 'the withered'. I think having a physical change like that would effect an EC more than any other legion as having their striking good looks taken from them would be devastating.


I love the purple you've done already mate, I always thought the purple on the EC should be darker than some of the pink artwork, as im sure the colour is meant to reflect royalty, you've nailed it! cant wait to see more!

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Hey guys, I finally got a little freedom from school (though I have 4 tests next week...) to get some stuff done!


Adarkhurshid (he's standing next to Vaaish's guy)

Vaaish's guy for the DIY swapping.

Hi everyone!

Here is some work I have done on Vaaish's guy, there is still a bit of cleaning up to do.

http://i53.tinypic.com/9tjrrt.jpg (ignore the dude next to him...)




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Today i tried the bubble`s but it didnt really get right, the heads ''sinked'' in the pva glue abit but will try to get it right with the painting. The construction phase is done now and will when everything is dry. Made some picture`s off it and hope u like the end result so far. To bad some picture`s just dont wanna upload but i will make more picture`s when its painted then.
















I hope u like it still and feel free to leave some C&C ^_^ .

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