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Looking good Mick, looks like if i played you, id have to disinfect my gaming table...

Quick update on the Sorcerer, his name is Cyric the Withered. At this point im not overly happy with it, so i think im going to just add more black, and some purple to darken the over all feel of it, at this point he looks too much like candy!


Ill have another go after work in a few hours and post another update.



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Well you may want to sit down for this, But......

Update time,

Finally managed to finish this guy been a bit busy lately what with having to take the new computer back and get a refund for it after only a week, Then trying to get a new one with as good a system in. I have also discovered The Force Unleashed 2 is a waste of money 4-5 hours to complete very very disappointed.


Anyway so here is my latest Angels Sanguine hope you like :)








Teaser for one of my next guys, He will be an angels sanguine terminator who is an ancient suit of armour which goes back to the days of the Heresy when they were still Blood Angels, The original owner of the armor was on terra where he fought at the palace and was honoured with being able to place some of the masonry of the palace on his armour. The armour & hero survived and were placed into the ANgels Anguine when they were formed and his armour & gene seed have been passed down over the years :D




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Hello everyone, I don't often ask for help, but I was wondering if you could give me some advice.


I got a Dark Angels Veterans upgrade kit to work on my DIY Swap project, which is done, only needs paint...

But what do I do with all the leftover stuff? I have enough for four robed guys, but Robes really aren't my Chapter's thing. I also have some terminaotr pieces that came with it.


What would you recommend?

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@The Normish - as KhornateKiller said, you could just do a couple of Dark Angels for the hell of it, or you could try and swap them for something you can use for your current project. Robes are cool for things like Techmarines, or Librarians to give them a sort of 'monk' like appearance.
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Nice painted model KK :) .


Myself wasnt able to undercoat the models yet and probally wont be able to do it today either if weather keeps bad. If there is a dry moment i will undercoat the models :) .


Edit: Everything is undercoated, will start painting when possible :) .

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Yes, I shall also be waiting for paint on the Nurgleblade.


Heres my fallen Marine. Hes on one of the hill bases for my Thunderbolts.




Still workin on him. I suspect I should be able to start painting these models in a few days ^_^

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but my Marines Malevolent project has been eating my brain...plus I'm still working on my entry for the DIY swapping project...Plus 3 of my 4 kiddos and myself are sick as dogs...plus work...carry the fraction...yeah, busy. :ph34r: Anyhow, I did want to share my other side project, a few Night Lords.



Let me know what you think please, and be honest. If this paintjob is enjoyed by all, it'll be applied to my new HellBlade. Take care, gents.

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