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Haha Thanks guys! :)

He's the Arbite Judge from the Inquisitior Range. It's the specialist range in 54mm. I love the 54mm models and really think I am going to do more for myself, namely Artemis the Deathwatch Marine! :blink:

More to come probably tomorrow night when I can get to the store and do more work.

He he. Nice guessing Ignis. Yes, I have been building custom Grey Knight Terminators (and maybe even casting one into a metal kit at college ;)) and building a squad of Deathwatch for the Tempus Fugitives campaign in May. I may treat you to some piccies tommorow.
Haha Thanks guys! :)

He's the Arbite Judge from the Inquisitior Range. It's the specialist range in 54mm. I love the 54mm models and really think I am going to do more for myself, namely Artemis the Deathwatch Marine! :)

More to come probably tomorrow night when I can get to the store and do more work.

Did you forget the piccies? :) Haha.


Firenze. Gray Knight Termies are boss. Metal ones would be too. (I know they're already metal, but sounds like you may be making your own?)

Hi Everyone, I know I've not been around over the last few days and for that I apologise. Unfortunately my partner and I split up last wednesday. So as not to unsettle our two children I left the house then. I've been 'homeless' since then so I've been unable to access the internet. Once I get a place of my own sorted I'll be getting reliably back online again but until then I'll probably only be sporadically on. This means that all of my current projects are on hold until firther notice as well...


Sob story over, normal transmission will resume shortly....



Hi Everyone, I know I've not been around over the last few days and for that I apologise. Unfortunately my partner and I split up last wednesday. So as not to unsettle our two children I left the house then. I've been 'homeless' since then so I've been unable to access the internet. Once I get a place of my own sorted I'll be getting reliably back online again but until then I'll probably only be sporadically on. This means that all of my current projects are on hold until firther notice as well...


Sob story over, normal transmission will resume shortly....




Hang in there James, we'll be here waiting :D

Well I have a bit of an update for you fellows. I finished up the Arbite Judge today! As well as a model for the stores managers army!



First the Judge





And the Berserker!



He only took about an hour and a half to paint! :yes:

C&C welcome!




Thanks guys! Next time I'm at the store I'll do more pictures of the 'Zerker.


And yes he comes with a bare head and a helmeted head. The client built him with the helmet for a Judge Dread feel.

Cool cheers :blush:



Ive been wroking on nightlords for awhile now but only recently have freinds of mine in the game started wanting to build nightlords themselves due to fluff. recently one of them asked if he could build one of my more known captian and wanted artwork to help him. since its gonna be a miniature soon I thought maybe you guys could give me some feedback and maybe throw some bits they could see on the model.



thanks guys. and nihm is progressing nicely

he has them built into the armour and the claw has a twin linked bolter. i use the model as a counts as abbaddon. tomb kings have some good bits since it has the skeletons banded and tied to it. the vampire counts I cant seem to find normal skeletons.......

I'd say use a Mechanicus marine's torso and shave off the scull so you can greenstuff it without wasting a nice looking piece.

And use a Shoulderpad like how people do scratch built librarians for the head-thing, and use the skull from the torso for the top piece, and some Dark Angel wings for the sides.

Shoulderpads from the command sprue box.

Head, probably from Space Wolves.


Hope it helps, thats what I would think of using.


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