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Exocists, plus Librarian

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Well, my trusty Exorcists are getting a re-paint. I've striped and re-painted a few of the character models, and now just have to press on and bulk paint 20 sternguard. Plus 2 Tac squads, and an Assault squad ;) I use the first mini as Vulcan, and the others are sergeants. The minis started as a kill team in a blog, and was the perfect excuse to start the army I had wanted from when I had first read about them eons ago! The entire army is in Mk VI armor where possible, and the characters have MKIV's from the FW kits.


Anyway, here is what I've done so far.









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They're not dipped, but they do have a layer of silk floor varnish on them to keep them from chipping, and also blends the paint nicely. Vulkan doesn't really fit, but I'm doing a few of the special characters so that I can at least vary the force that I game with. There will also be a Pedro and maybe a Kor'sarro in Exorcist colours too, plus I have some of the Masters of the chapter to choose from.
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Terminator Librarian conversion, I also use it as Chapter Master in some games. It started off as Grey Knight Captain Stern, and added the FW Inquisitor storm shield.




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