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quick question about painting SW

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So I've finished a few squads of Space wolves Grey Hunters and I wanted to get some input before I started painting the rest of my force. I'm unsure of a good looking color scheme. I tried Codex Grey with Fortress grey highlights on a black base coat but i kind of like the color I get from basing them with white primer then Fenris grey base and then SW grey and then a wash with Asurman (spelling?) blue. I'm curious if anyone had any other input or advice because the only reservation about using the lighter greys is that the wash makes them look very blue.


Thanks for the input

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Have you tried only using the blue wash in the crevices and recesses of the armor, like the edges of the plates and panels? That's typically how I use my ink and washes, since I don't like how it pools when I wash it over the entire plate of armor.

The blue wash makes the basecoat darker. I used Codex Grey as a primer - I don't prime them black or white, but use grey instead. Then I basecoat with Shadow Grey, richly wash it with Asurmen Blue and then repaint Shadow Grey over the places which became too blue. I then highlight with Space wolves grey and Skull White.

The result is something like this http://content20-foto.inbox.lv/albums133683624/emils_photo/Halfdane-One-Eyed/Image00004.jpg

I painted this



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Fenris Grey

Badab Black wash (also experimented with a 50/50 black blue wash but wasn't sure if the difference was noticeable)

Drybrushing with 50/50 Space Wolves Grey and Shadow Grey


I was aiming for tabletop quality with very contrasty shading.


Just needs some touchups and edge highlights and they'll be good to go :P


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