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Obsidian Angels [PIC HEAVY]


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This is my chapter Obsidian Angels, currently under construction. I currently have my first 500 pts painted for the Iron Gauntlet 2nd Challenge but will keep on posting my further additions to our ranks. The Obsidian Angels are based on the Blood Angels codex and is meant to be a successor chapter.


Reclusiarch with Assault squad and Drop Pod in the background.



Sternguard Veterans (Multi-Melta)



Tactical Squad



Assault Squad



Drop Pod



Next to be bringed under the brush is 5 more tactical marines, a sanguinary priest as well as 2 Rhinos and a Land Raider Redeemer.

C&C always welcome! :unsure:

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Nice work so far, I can only recommend that you put more layers of orange down to get a smoother finish.



Actually, the unsmooth finish is due to Devlan Mud, I kind of like the dirty looking pauldrons but if I ever change my mind I'll be sure to keep the orange un-mudded.


EDIT: Looking back however, yeah. The Drop Pod could atleast use a couple of more layers of orange on its "wings". :/ Oh well! Completed for the time being! Some day I have to go back and highlight as well. xD

Yeah, I mainly noticed the drop pod, the shoulder pads looked good to me though.


I'll be sure to look over it when given time. As mentioned in my first post I have a Land Raider Redeemer, 2 Rhinos, 5 Tactical Marines and a Sanguinary Priest left to paint, as well as convert and paint a Furioso Librarian! All before the 27th of July. ^^'

One thing that will help you with the orange is to use a brown as the base for it to build on. I use Vallejo Model Color Orange-brown myself. Take a look at the Cult of Orange link in my sig and you'll find plenty of tips from other orange marine painters.
One thing that will help you with the orange is to use a brown as the base for it to build on. I use Vallejo Model Color Orange-brown myself. Take a look at the Cult of Orange link in my sig and you'll find plenty of tips from other orange marine painters.

I'll make sure to check the cult out! I manage rather fine as it is but I can always perfect my ways. The colour I use is Valejo's Orange Fire, works decently if applied by multiple thin layers onto a black surface but as seen on the drop pod it may leave darker areas from time to time.


Practice makes perfect. ^^

Here's some teaser pictures of my Furioso Librarian, the green/white hand is made from greenstuff and plasticard and is supposed to hold a force weapon. Thinking about using either an axe or a halberd, any thoughts?

Oh. I splashed some blue paint onto him so I could get an idea of how a blue dreadnought librarian would look, and I'm quite happy with the results!

Aside from the right hand conversion I will also add some form of psykick manifestation to his left hand, thinking a blood drop hovering over the palm.






Practice and enjoy! :D

As usual I can't keep one project going at a time and needs to build a trillion different models at the same time.. Anyway here is a picture of my NEW Reclusiarch who's gonna join forces for an upcoming 1250 game along with some new heavy weapons for my tactical Squad and some jumping assault marines. ^^' Pictures will be added later, when I've actually built them.




Excuse me for the poor picture, I'll be sure to post a new one when I have time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Allright! The Reclusiarch is now completed (except for the base!) And here's how it looks. Any thoughts? C&C is as always, highly appreciated.





Sculpted Shoulderpad and back.


  • 1 month later...

Allright, ages since I updated. I haven't done much painting the last couple of weeks, just a basecoat of my shade of purple on most of my figures. The Death Company has gotten some paint on them as well.

Furthermore I've assembled 2/5 assault terminators as well as an Terminator with Storm Shield Librarian (as always, wholly converted with plastic parts and GS). Oh and I got a Vindicator and a Predator for my b-day! They are looking to be magnetised at the moment though. (Pictures to be posted)


I'm looking into how to paint my Sanguinary Priest though, I can't decide if I should go with the Blood Angels version of a Apothecary (mostly red) or with the regular apothecary scheme. Both would fit great colour scheme wise compared to the rest of the army but I just can't decide for one or the other. All thoughts are appreciated!

Red with a white trim?


Guys are looking great man



I'd suggest adding white to your color scheme for the Sang Priest. Maybe even replace the black with white fully.


I'm currently going with the regular Blood Red/White trims sanguinary priest, the contrast seems to work well with the army but I'm having big trouble getting accustomed to the red paint (using Vallejo instead of GWs). The colour coverage is pretty good although too thick at the backpack. Might strip the model from paint but I'm leaning towards building a whole new priest with a little more "bling" as the youths call it today! ;)



This is the pictures for my upcoming Terminator Librarian. I decided to go with a, quite literal, hood instead of the usual one. The tubes connecting to the psychic hood is made from some old guitar strings and it's based with parts from the first Leman Russ model! ;)

I just recently finished the green-stuffing though so touching up the surfaces is required at the moment. Will post more delicious pictures when the little bugger is painted!








Weapon arm



Oh. And I accidently broke his nose so I had to redo one with green stuff. :)

The Librarians GS has been filed down to a smoother state as well as I've added some scrolls to his armor. He's also going to get a book before I start painting him. In the meantime I figured I'll post a picture of the total force at the moment. (A lot of turrets are missing from the tanks since I also wait for magnets) OH! And the drop pod seen above is also missing from the picture.


EDIT : Aand pretty much everything unpainted is waiting for additional bits and conversion work.



Roughly 1900 points of Blood Angels! ;)


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