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Lizardmen Cold Ones vs. Dark Elf Cold Ones

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Right, so I have this obsessive idea to field Thunderwolf Cavalry (what else).


But, seeing as how wolves aren't terribly dragon-y, and I don't want to go the jetbike route, my latest "brilliant idea" is to field lizard riders.


My potential choices so far have been:


- Cold Ones of Dark Elf or Lizardmen variety

- Carnosaurs (too bloody expensive and metal)

- Or a prayer that some perfect dragon/lizard model will fall in my lap somehow...

- Or maybe the Chaos Bloodcrusher Juggernauts, when they are released... yes, I am THAT heretic...


After looking at this thread, I'm fully aware that the Dark Elf Cold Ones, while undoubtedly cool, are too skinny and small to carry the Marines without having their back broken.


However, the Lizardmen variety also looks like an option, and the lizards seem to be pleasantly bulkier. Has anyone had a chance to compare the two models? Is the Lizardmen version still too small to carry a brother in PA?

I don't have any of them, but I'm a bit familiar with both, since for a couple of years I've been thinking about Lizardmen in terms of "some day I'll convert a Cadian Rough-Dino riders". Having said that, would I use them for TWC conversion? No, as they both are too small for marines :)

The issue with the cold ones is they are probably a little too small....


HOWEVER... Might I suggest that you look to perhaps Archaon for demonic steed type mounts? These could be ultra-hard carnivore horses (like the totem animal for Clan Hell's Horses from Mechwarrior) - expense may stillbe an issue, but you could even go as far as the Chaos Knights kit and de-Chaosify it, and these steeds are a helluvalot more substantial than the dinos. If you DID have to go for one or t'other - the Dark Elf ones are more menacing looking..

I own all 3 types of cold one (Lizardmen, Dark Elf and the old chubby plastic ones) and none of them are good for PA marines they are to small and for the new Lizardmen cold ones the aztec collars are apart of the model and are apart of what attachs the bodies together so it would have to be covered or the detail smoothed out with GS. Maybe scouts would work though


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