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Order of the Silver Hand (Pic Heavy)


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I've been painting up a storm, lately, and I wanted to share some of the work with you all. The vast majority of you are muuuch better than I am, so anything you toss out there constructively is always a big help in my growth as a mini painter. Bring it on!


A quick note: At some point this past week I ran out of blue paint; that is why you'll spot a few plasma pistols without the trademark glowy-glow. It will be rectified. The only thing I would ask you to abstain from is mentioning the drilling out of the barrels - when I have purchased a dremel tool, thy will be done. Swear.




On with it, then. Tactical Squad Chimera:





Tactical Squad Chimera, Focus in back:



I wish I had more angles, but I asked my girlfriend to take the pictures (its her camera) and apparently she thought this was sufficient. I'm really proud of this particular crew, and I'll be uploading more tomorrow, so you can see some of the cuter little details on each battle brother.


Small contingent of Black Reach marines, and their Sergeant:



Apparently Sarge has been in the thick of it, somewhere along the line:



Not quite finished on this cat, but I'm in the middle of a photo dump and leaving him out seemed cruel:



Two Sergeants from my Razorback Assault Squad, and one of the troopers they command:



Another shot, with another trooper. The tabard isn't finished because, well, I haven't decided what to paint on it. Any ideas? I'm not afraid of freehand, I just have some kind of creative block. WHAT SHOULD BE IN THE CIRCLE, GUYS??



Supran, Commander of the Fleet, and Solon, High Epistolary, Keeper of the Chronicles:


For Solon, I was going for him holding his hand out, open, conjuring some kind of nasty warp energy - does anyone know of some kind of cool crackly-zippy bit I could tack on there, to make my vision complete?


Their cloaks:



One more of just Solon:




I was kind of nervous - all that purple - but I think he came out dark and moody enough to be cool and mysterious without conjuring Prince. Yes? No? Raspberry Beret? What?


Captain Commander of the Order of the Silver Hand, Beholden in the Eyes of the Emperor, Alaih’anon’s Tempest, Rhyziart!






Here with chapter champions Navad and Uriel:



annnnnnd finally, a close up of the Silver Hand Seal on Rhyziart's banner. Well. It's supposed to be a silver hand. Can you tell it's a silver hand?



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How about...


A SILVER HAND!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!






Look pretty neat. Any chance of naming one of them Otto?


I suppose I could do it again. I was kind of set on having the giant hand be R's personal special thing - but it does make the most sense. If I can't come up with anything new I think I'll have to default to this.


Edit: As for Otto, I'm not sure - if I have a Master of the Forge or a Techmarine with a full harness, I would consider naming him Otto as a Spiderman reference.

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Very well done, I like the commander and librarian, Do you color them with washes from a white basecoat?


Black spray basecoat


on the squads, silver spray over that, (For the commanders and THE COMMANDER I hand painted with gunmetal)


shade darker areas with gunmetal/black


highlight with light grays/mithril


Liche purple for luls, shade with pinks, wash it with Purple Ink


Heavy wash of Badab.

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I'll hold you to the drilling out the barrels thing ;) as most times drilling out barrels goes hand in hand with scraping mold lines, such a minor thing effects the finish on a mini so much IMO.

It'll happen! Emperor as my witness.

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Edit: As for Otto, I'm not sure - if I have a Master of the Forge or a Techmarine with a full harness, I would consider naming him Otto as a Spiderman reference.


Wikipedia is your friend :P


On second thought, I will use a wounded marine as a terrain marker or objective, he will be missing a hand, and he shall be called Otto.


Or if I convert one of my Marines with bionics, maybe toss in a fake hand, that one can be Otto. Hah.


It's interesting, I like the idea

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I love the use of the Master of the Chapter model in making your Librarian, could I possibly barrow and adapt it? Anyone who asks about it I will direct to you.


Sure, of course.


But if you paint him purple and name him Nolos, I get a nickel every time someone tells you he's cool.



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A better picture of Uriel (the burnished bronze guy) and Navad (the other one)




Navad's Shield




Close up of a few of the boys from Tacsquad Chimera:
















Chimera's Sergeant:



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you're off to a good start, although I "must" say that the sergeant's powerfist (the one with the banner that says mortis) looks a bit... off. to long down. I believe it's a terminator powerfist?



It is! I got a bunch of AoBR sprues and the little shield detail was too killer not to use; most of my sergeants are rocking them.

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I painted up four guys to act as Rhyziart's Honor Guard.



Brother Marcus:






This poor fellow got some unexpected battle damage detail, when my girlfriend, who takes the pictures, dropped him and he lost an arm. (We are confident that an apothecary will be able to see him through this tragedy with either bionics, or superglue.)





This guy is the superstitious type, and, in addition to the word of the Holy Emperor throughout the detail of his shield, has incribed the protective Runes of his homeworld at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock.



Another, bearing the Litanies of Hate on his shield to protect him and those he serves in battle, and allow xenos filth some worthwhile reading in their dying moments:



The unit as a whole:



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