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Rogal Dorn

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My LGS had an Apoc game of the siege of Terra during the Horus Heresy. Unfortuneately I wasn't able to attend, but I did complete a model for the next game. The guy in charge had down loaded some rules for the Primarchs and I chose Rogal Dorn.


I decided to "true scale" him, and thanks to Lamenter's tutorial I think he came out fairly well.


So with out further a do here he is..





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Interesting take on Dorn, I like the use of gold armor. The helmet and the leg rivets are my favorite details of the model. Where is the Aquila mounted on his powerpack from?


errr.... didn't Dorn use a Boltgun and Chainsword? the standard issue weapons he loved, and kept using?

I'm sure when the occasion called for it, he enjoyed using a Storm Shield and Power weapon for bashing open heads as well.

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Interesting take on Dorn, I like the use of gold armor. The helmet and the leg rivets are my favorite details of the model. Where is the Aquila mounted on his powerpack from?


Thanks, I've been working on getting the plume right for a while. Originally it was longer, but it just didn't look right and I thought it visually interferred with the powerpack.


The Aquila is from the old IG vehicle misc parts sprue. I put two of them together and then put it on top of a BT relic pole.


errr.... didn't Dorn use a Boltgun and Chainsword? the standard issue weapons he loved, and kept using?

I'm sure when the occasion called for it, he enjoyed using a Storm Shield and Power weapon for bashing open heads as well.

Yes, I know Dorn is known for his chainsword and bolter, however with the rules for him (at my LGS) he counts as having a power weapon and his armor save is a 2+3+ (I figured the storm shield would be a good counts as). I do believe that he would have been well versed in other bladed combat since the fists background has them very involved in duels and such with swords.

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He could use a better helmet


How exactly is this helpful?


What kind of helmet would you suggest? Give me examples of what you've done that would make mine better.


The lack of constructive critisism is amazing. I see models/armies that are painted/put together worse than mine and either get glowing praise or constructive help.


I understand this isn't Golden Demon worthy. I aim for good/very good tabletop and I think I achieve that.


If you think your modeling/painting skills are so much better, please enlighten me with examples so I can get better.


(Rant Done)


Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

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First off helmet is awesome my favorite part. The only that could have made him cooler is if he was magnetised and had Dorns Fist (the TH Lysander uses) Dorns Arrow (the PF bolter deal kantor has) but thats more of a display peice.... 0.o I know what Im doing when I get the Bitz!!! But overall great model and a nice paint job. How did you do the helmet by the way?
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He could use a better helmet


How exactly is this helpful?


What kind of helmet would you suggest? Give me examples of what you've done that would make mine better.


The lack of constructive critisism is amazing. I see models/armies that are painted/put together worse than mine and either get glowing praise or constructive help.


I understand this isn't Golden Demon worthy. I aim for good/very good tabletop and I think I achieve that.


If you think your modeling/painting skills are so much better, please enlighten me with examples so I can get better.


(Rant Done)


Thanks again for taking the time to respond.


wow, you bit his head off.


Errm what I think he was trying to say (poorly i admit) was that, your models head appears to be that of a normal marine, with a cool plume on top. I think he was saying a normal marines head for a primarch dosnt make him appear special enough if you understand me?


Maybe a bear head would look good, i have no pictures of my work but on google images there are many examples such as, this and this i do know however that some people dont like the idea of helmetless models because of the fact they think that during battle its stupid not to wear a helmet. (personally i think its them showing they fear nothing)


so if you would rather have a helmeted head, maybe a plumed one of these or the Emperors champions head would just make it seem a little less ordinary.


personally id go for this helmetless head because i think it looks like he does in the pictures i have seen

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The lack of constructive critisism is amazing. I see models/armies that are painted/put together worse than mine and either get glowing praise or constructive help.

I understand this isn't Golden Demon worthy. I aim for good/very good tabletop and I think I achieve that.


Rhooo you stroke, SoH !

Well its true that bringing some ideas would help. IMHO, Dorn seems to use a rather "standard" equipment (well, undoubtfully rococco but standard) like a bolter and chainsword (Hail the forum !!!). Their effects in game beeing mainly determined by the fact golden-boy uses them (beeing a primarch I mean). For the helm thing, the HH books seem to describe Dorn without helmet so far. This doesn't mean he doesn't have one but the high esteem Primarchs have of their physical possibilities might bring some tendency to throw it away on fi®st occasion. Give a look at Aerion's work on Dorn, might help. As far as I see your mini, I just see some uper-officer from IF and no Primarch (and because "size matters"... Dorn beeing not sucha shrimp of standard Astartes size, I'd say at least 32mm to the eye. Your mini seems to have been resized but lack of comparative doesn't help, is that a Termi base ? Must be, I see Termi legs).


Carry-on aiming friend, D. De Abreu or B. Grellier bring some very good TT lvl, on this forum, I'd say that the best TT lvl I saw is Desert Eagle (not to use too old references). Though vanity beeing one of Dorn's caracteristics, I'd say you're on the good way (c'mon, I'm joking).



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Errm what I think he was trying to say (poorly i admit) was that, your models head appears to be that of a normal marine, with a cool plume on top. I think he was saying a normal marines head for a primarch dosnt make him appear special enough if you understand me?

I can see your point here. My thinking of it was that the helmet is a new/prototype "mark" of helmet (compared to preheresy models) and looks more clean than the cable/knight helm type of helmet. I wanted to show him as a professional soldier instead of a preening Primarch. Reading his back ground I don't get that he has as much vanity in him as some of the other Primarchs. If I used a heresy helmet I think maybe Mark III "Iron" armor would have looked best.


Maybe a bear head would look good, i have no pictures of my work but on google images there are many examples such as, this and this i do know however that some people dont like the idea of helmetless models because of the fact they think that during battle its stupid not to wear a helmet. (personally i think its them showing they fear nothing)


I'm in the helmet wearing camp. With the pose of the model in combat, I thought it would be odd that he wouldn't have a helmet on. The second link that you have is a model I've taken some inspiration from (Aquila powerpack, sholder pads). Do you know how he did the scroll work on the legs and arms? I can't imagine that is green stuff worked into whorl patterns.


o3gan-I appreciate the input. Thanks for the links.

How did you do the helmet by the way?

I inserted several brass rods into the head to act as a skeleton for the plume. I then green stuffed the portion that was to be part of the helmet and let it dry. Then I green stuffed the plume and added texture by wetting down some needle nosed pliers. It takes longer than using an Exarch plume, but I like working on my green stuffing skills.

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I'm in the helmet wearing camp. With the pose of the model in combat, I thought it would be odd that he wouldn't have a helmet on. The second link that you have is a model I've taken some inspiration from (Aquila powerpack, sholder pads). Do you know how he did the scroll work on the legs and arms? I can't imagine that is green stuff worked into whorl patterns.



hmmm i dont know, it does look to complex to have it raised greenstuff, but maybe as indented greenstuff its possible to replicate, however looking at its shadows i doubt that its indented on his model. Maybe its free hand painted?

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I just feel that its not screaming Dorn, if it were not for the DORN on his shield I would have guessed he was a captain. You could make him helmetless and give him a battle hardened head with close cropped hair (dev sergeant). Have his original helmet on his belt or on the base. For the Helmet I would suggest either the Maxmini steam knights helmets or the Pre Heresy helmets from Chapter House Studios. Anything really knightly, the plume might need to go though if you plan on keeping the original helmet.

EDIT: Other than that I really like the model, the shoulderpads are very nicely done and Do I spy shoulderpads used to bulk out the legs or is that GS work?

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Im not sure how to do it, but i think the eagle on his backpack should be bigger, in the photos and minis i have seen its much bigger. Maybe using a forge world etched brass symbol to make a GS mould might get a decent effect
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To be honest I can't say I like it. It just doesn't seem like Dorn to me, the armor isn't nearly ornate enough for a Primarch like Dorn, the Power Sword looks unimpressive in scale for a Primarch and the sword and shield combo with the flat gold armor make him look more like a Custodes Champion than an Imperial Fist. The helmet is an interresting idea but the plume is oddly shaped and the helmet far too small for a figure that size and the green stuff cape looks more like board than fabric.


Its a nice model, the painting is solid and the conversion is interresting but it just doesn't look like Dorn.

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To be honest I can't say I like it. It just doesn't seem like Dorn to me, the armor isn't nearly ornate enough for a Primarch like Dorn, the Power Sword looks unimpressive in scale for a Primarch and the sword and shield combo with the flat gold armor make him look more like a Custodes Champion than an Imperial Fist. The helmet is an interresting idea but the plume is oddly shaped and the helmet far too small for a figure that size and the green stuff cape looks more like board than fabric.


Its a nice model, the painting is solid and the conversion is interresting but it just doesn't look like Dorn.


i like the cape, especcialy its paint job. but i do agree it dosnt look primarchy (its a word) enough, but to make any model primarchy is difficult vash113 you got any ideas how to? (you had better do or your head will be ripped off) :)

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Really....prepare for head ripping :HQ:


After looking at some more artwork and models I can see how my take on Dorn is fairly plain.


Power sword and shield aside, Dorn to me has always been the no-nonsense professional soldier. I know that being a Primarch would allow him to be armored in a grand style, however I just don't see him wearing gilded armor. He's a master of the seige, he is a master at defense, he's in the muck with the grunts getting things done. He leads by being solid and stubborn and trust worthy (simple, unadorned traits). I don't see him preening like Fulgrim or Guilleman, or as artistic as Sanguinius or Vulkan. He wouldn't need to cover himself with seals/prayers like Lorgar, or be swaddled in furs like Jagatahi or Russ. He's okay with his humanity and doesn't loathe it like Mannus or the Iron Warriors Primarch (It's late and I can't think). This is why I went with a simple and straight forward approach to his armor as a whole.


The sword....I figured that by true scaling the model the sword is already as tall as a standard Astartes. There wasn't any reason to make it any bigger other than to make up for some other short comings...which we all know Dorn has none ;), so no need to make it bigger.


The cape...Yeah, probably not my best attempt in green stuff, however the angle of the pics doesn't show it very well but it does flow fairly well when looked at from an angle. It was also easier to paint this way. I tried to have the model in equilibrium where the arms and cape are almost at equal angles from each other. I thought it flowed better that way.


The gold color......I was going for a beaten brass/gold color. Again I was aiming for a leader of a front line, no-nonsense type of unit. I also thought it would make the armor look more "aged" with the beaten look.


I see all of your points, and they make a lot of sense if I was going for the "Heroic" scale of Primarch.

I guess I was going for a more realistic "look" instead of an over the top type. Obviously I failed in conveying the scale, mood, and sense of direction I wanted to go with him.


Thank you for all your comments and I will make those changes to the next Primarch I make.

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Maybe a bear head would look good


Or even a bare head! Having just assembled Space Wolves with wolf head helmets I thought for a moment you were actually suggesting the equivalent but with a bear and was most confused!


I really like the plume but agree the standard faceplate is a little bland.


Can we have a shot of him next to a regular marine for scale reference?

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couple of quick things


I would love to see a comparison marine (preferably imp fists)


the major things that I would consider doing are adding a bolter on a lanyard or chain under the cloak or on the left hip to placate any1 that asks. A great example of this is Helbrecht


also whilst completely on accident I really wanna see a bear helmet now . . cause that would be awesome


as for Dorns helmet while the HH and common conjecture both say he was helmet-less I can guarantee there are times when Dorn was wearing a helmet. (think bording action) Personally I don't care for the one you've chosen but the suggestion for the honor guard helmet really got me thinking. Without actually using an honor guard helmet you can give Dorn the same feel by repeating what you did on the shoulder pad. This will also allow you to make the head "appear" bigger.

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I would love to see a comparison marine (preferably imp fists)

Yes, me too. He'll be looking greate if made in "actual scale" style, if compared to normal marines.


This guy on the photos is well painted and his pose is really like "Hey, i'm going to CHAAAAAAAARGE!" but he doesn't look like a primarch. A Chapter Master maybe.

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Sorry, I don't have any "bear" helmets :HQ: (jeez you guys are mean).


Anyway here are a couple of comparrison shots.


This one is with a couple of standard sized Imperial Fists.




And here is one with a I.F. a storm trooper and a sage...sounds like the opening line of a joke.



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