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I have played a couple games now and have been trying to work in a LRC with a pack of Blood Claws. Problem is that once the LRC comes into play it becomes the main target on the field. What would you recommend to try and pull fire off the Land Raider?


ANother Landraider?


Honestly in a Marine Force there's not much that draws fire more than a LR. Especailly a Crusaider becuase they know it's pakin something huge and they don't want to let it get close.

The good news is you can help yourself with some nifty use of terrain and rely on the fact that even LasCannon have a hard time hurting you. Once the Assault ramp is down and your BloodClaws are eating him alive, the LRC becomes an afterthought. A 250pt afterthought ;)

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Umm.. 5 WG TDA in a DP with three assault cannons, runic charms, a frost blade on the WGBL and something fun on everything else... and a pair of storm shields for durability.


The enemy just wont be able to...




Dang it.


*sighs* A pair of vindicators would be pretty brutal, and demand alot of attention. A Rune Priest in a nearby rhino to cast stormcaller wouldnt hurt either.


Or you know, Bjeorn.

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Although it can be disconcerting having your hero unit with its head in the noose, think of this;


You have BC+LR, and you have, say, 3x GH+Rhinos.


Rhinos are easy to pop compared to the Raider. Every shot at the Raider that does nothing is golden for your Rhinos.


Las cannons are the only Long Range Imperial gun that can destroy Raiders (barring whatever special IG tanks bring)

Las cannons at bs4 only have a 3.7% chance of destroying a Raider


LC at bs4 against AV 11.


4/6 to hit

4/6 to pen

2/6 to destroy

32/216 or 14.81%


That means the Land Raider is only 25% likely to be destroyed compared to a Rhino, against a LC shot. Nice.


So make sure that if you are rushing your foe, you have enough of other transports streaming forward to capitalise on your foe's concentrated efforts :HQ:

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I have played a couple games now and have been trying to work in a LRC with a pack of Blood Claws. Problem is that once the LRC comes into play it becomes the main target on the field. What would you recommend to try and pull fire off the Land Raider?


So, it becomes the main target, but in those games has it been destroyed? I played 4 or 5 games a couple weeks ago running a single Land Raider and a Venerable Dreadnought as my only vehicles against a variety of lists, and the Land Raider was only destroyed once (as a matter of fact, that was the only game in which it was even damaged!). The only reason it was destroyed in that one game is that I did a poor job of protecting it from an overzealous Warlock with a Strength 9 Witch Blade, so shame on me anyway.


So, my point is, unless your experience is that it keeps getting destroyed in your games, and is therefore unable to complete the task/mission that you have assigned it, then it is okay that it has become the fire magnet. The more ineffective firepower that is pulled away from your other, more vulnerable, units and directed at the Land Raider, the better!



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Whenever I play (and a lott of other players as well) there is nothing quite so scary as vindicators. Of course a sueside Drop Pod with wolf guards are also bad.


It depends what you put in the landraider. If all the eggs are in that one bascet you are having trouble. But if you had...say...an iron priest, with wolfs and servitors he would have a REAL problem. It is fast, it get repairs, and you do not want to get charge by a unit that has 12 power fist/hammer attacks, even if 8 of them are str 6. If you have the right landrider and the wulf saga you get a good 12 I5 attacks as well, and (I think) you are majoraty T5 so you are hard to kill.

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