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Lords of Chaos


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Greetings all!

After a bit of a hiatus dabbling in Eldar of all things i've come back to the power-armour fold with a revamped Abaddon and the Chaos Terminator Lord my gf bought me. Not really knowing which armies i collected she figured if anything it was this guy - what a gal!

Basically i've decided to stop painting bulk squads and actually take the many hours required to make a few individual pieces stand out from my collection, I'm also in the process of working up a modified Typhus which i hope to finish in a week or so.

Lord Kaeloth:




Comments critiques etc (at least meaningful ones - i know there's a mould line on the spiked skull! :lol: ) are much appreciated.


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The painting is clean and looks good on both models.


I like the lava effect you have on the terminator along with the khorne free hand.


I only have two minor things; The lava glow looks good on the rock but there isn't any reflection on the terminator. Granted most of him is shadowed by the rock, but I think the end of his combi-bolter would have a red reflection. Second, the color scheme looks off on Abaddon. Maybe it's the blue of his skin, for some reason it just looks off. The skill you have painting is good it's just the color scheme for me.


Again those are very minor things and I think the models look good.

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I think both look BRILLIANT!!! :)

Your painting skills are very good, both models look great!


The only thing which REALLY irks me is the missing top-knot. Sorry, but Abaddon has a top-knot, stop finish. Without the top-knot it's not Abaddon. Looks more like Horus - you could exchange the sword for a massive mace, then you would have Horus ;)

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Cheers guys! and good points BotT unfortunately the lava detail didnt come out so great in the photos but i agree that there should be some sort of uplighting reflection on the armour & bolter.


The Abaddon was reworked from my old 2nd ed. paintjob which also included a few highlights of bright green :lol: i was trying to tone it down but didnt really touch the armour, maybe the highlights are too close to the mr. freeze face? it was to match the old 2nd ed codex cover (of course, he had a topknot on that)


Sorry Ufthak it got chopped off years ago, and was never to be seen again.. unless i get a new abaddon head

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