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Black Legion and World Eaters

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Anyone want to speculate on their relationship? I would imagine they are pretty good terms (relatively speaking of course). Angron pretty much always hated the Emperor and he traded in heart beat. Also, The Despoiler is a chosen of Khorne, and I would think the World Eaters would follow him right after Angron. Last, I think the World Eaters revel in the destruction and slaughter the Black Crusades bring.



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There is no relationship, as the World Eaters as a cohesive Legion no longer exists (thanks to Khârn). The Black Legion may have relationships with certain individual World Eater warbands, but that is going to depend more on the leaders of said warbands.
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Well, considering the fact that the BL is according to recent fluff the YMCA of Chaos and they all hold hands and sing kumbaya, one imagines that quite a few World Eaters have joined the Legion either entirely (including repainting armor) or as auxiliaries and mercenaries, especially as it would provide them with transports and logistics that they probably don't have the presence of mind to collect otherwise so yeah seems pretty kosher to me.
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Well, when you say the World Eaters have been a fractured leader since Skalathrax I don't completely agree with you. Angron organized some 50k World Eaters in the Dominion of Fire (Skulls for the Skull Throne!). That sounds pretty organized to me. In fact, I would say the only truly organized Traitor Legion is Black Legion and then World Eaters.
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Khârn stuffed them up and made them all Warbands, So the fact that Angron got them all together dosnt matter, its there Primach, of course the leaders of the warbands would do as they are told, wouldnt you facing an immortal Daemon?


They arnt a legion anymore sadly.


Though in the same line as this topic, would someone mind asnswering a question I have; If there was a black crusade lead by Abbodon, do you think Khârn would fight in it. Me and my mates are going to have a black Crusade and I would like Khârn to be in it.

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Well, when you say the World Eaters have been a fractured leader since Skalathrax I don't completely agree with you. Angron organized some 50k World Eaters in the Dominion of Fire (Skulls for the Skull Throne!). That sounds pretty organized to me. In fact, I would say the only truly organized Traitor Legion is Black Legion and then World Eaters.

The Word Bearers are led by their Dark Council.

The Alpha Legion is still led by Alpharius and Omegon (if Guilliman killed anyone it was a lookalike).

Perturabo still leads the Iron Warriors.

Mortarion still leads the Deathguard.

The Thousand Sons (as a Legion) are still lead by Magnus the Red.

The Night Lords are still pretty organized without Konrad Curze.

Even the Emperor's Children are more organized than the World Eaters.


Angron may be able to gather his World Eaters for a particular slaughterfest, but the World Eaters no longer function as a Legion, and I'm sure Angron is no longer interested in Alliances, or telling any particular World Eaters to ally with anyone.


Though in the same line as this topic, would someone mind asnswering a question I have; If there was a black crusade lead by Abbodon, do you think Khârn would fight in it. Me and my mates are going to have a black Crusade and I would like Khârn to be in it.

Khârn would fight anywhere where he could kill something.

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1.The Word Bearers are led by their Dark Council.

2.The Alpha Legion is still led by Alpharius and Omegon (if Guilliman killed anyone it was a lookalike).

3.Perturabo still leads the Iron Warriors.

4.Mortarion still leads the Deathguard.

5.The Thousand Sons (as a Legion) are still lead by Magnus the Red.

6.The Night Lords are still pretty organized without Konrad Curze.

7.Even the Emperor's Children are more organized than the World Eaters.


Angron may be able to gather his World Eaters for a particular slaughterfest, but the World Eaters no longer function as a Legion, and I'm sure Angron is no longer interested in Alliances, or telling any particular World Eaters to ally with anyone.


I'll give you #1. I forgot about them, my bad. #2 is an enigma. I also forgot about #3, my bad (however, when was the last time he was in Imperial Space?). #4. I just don't buy it, he hasn't done a thing except sulk. #5. They are split in half, and again, Magnus hasn't done anything since. #6. I'd say they are about as organized as the World Eaters. #7. I'd say they are the most dysfunctional.

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Angron may be able to gather his World Eaters for a particular slaughterfest, but the World Eaters no longer function as a Legion

That is not much different for the other Legions you cite. If their primarch calls they will respond, but other than that they all operate as smaller warbands. The Black Legion and the Word Bearers might still be a bit more coherent in their efforts. Perhaps the Alpha Legion too, but then they operate in smaller independent cells without one zentral command anyway. The Emperor's Children and the World Eaters are completely shattered.

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I can accept that the World Eaters fractured and no longer function as a full legion, but to blame (claim?) it all was due to Khârn is reading the fluff too literally imo. You dont have an entire legion simply fly apart because on guy goes full crazy and causes a problem...


The World Eater legion, probably more then any other, would have been full of marines pushing to be the Alpha Male. In an environment like that, Khârn would have been a catalyst of the fracture into separate Warbands, but it would have happened eventually with or without Khârn. The fact Angron is a Daemon Prince and like his brothers that where also elevated is likely more involved in the Great Game then anything in the Material Realm probably doesnt help things.

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You dont have an entire legion simply fly apart because on guy goes full crazy and causes a problem...


He could be the straw that broke the camels back so to speak...


As for the legions most of them are still lead by their primarchs... the thing is most primarchs don't care... or if they do they care more about the daemonic realm... If I'm honest most of the legions if not all seem pretty broken up... the difference is some have more central command than others... Black Legion has someone in charge, Word Bearers have Lorgar and his council. Then we have people like Perturabo and his Iron Warriors where it seems Perturabo is still in control but hasn't got a hugly active role... however if he wishes to bash in heads he can... Then you have the Legions like the Thousand Sons and Death Guard which seem to have been divided into factions such as the cult of Ahriman and Typhus' BFFs... however if the primarch was to call on them they might return. The Nightlords are particulary broken and I guess this is due to the fact that no one individual was strong enough to claim leadership over them after the death of Curze... unlike failaddon for the black legion.


You then have the Emperors Children and the World Eaters who are the most broken legions.. and the warbands will most likely operate with little care for what the other warbands do... but if their god or primarch calls hard enough no doubt a large number of them will follow.


As for the Alpha Legion... everything is going just as planned!

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  • 2 months later...
Mortarion still leads the Deathguard.

The Thousand Sons (as a Legion) are still lead by Magnus the Red.


I'd say that the Death Guard are not necessarily so coherent. Typhus left the Daemon World in disgust at the sentimentality, and there must be many who followed him. The Thousand Sons were split by the Rubric. Magnus was all Hutt Burt about it and sent Ahriman off with a reading list a hundred thousand pages long, and there are some who followed him.


I'd say that there is some coherence with the Word Bearers more than any other. They're organized into Hosts and tend to self-police as rigorously as Imperials from the stuff I've read. Black Legion probably come second, due to the force of personality and successes (yes, successes) of Abbaddon the Despoiler. The God-Cult Legions seem to be shattered- by Khârn and Skalathrax, among other factors, for the World Eaters and Emperor's Children, by Typhus and Ahriman for the Death Guard and Thousand Sons respectively; it seems fitting, as devotion to one single power of Chaos is unlikely to aid in coherence. The Alpha Legion likely operate in very effective cells and perhaps even groups of cells, but whether this is all according to Alpharius or Omegon's super clever plan to save the galaxy is heretofore not apparent. The Iron Warriors will all follow Perturabo but the same could be said of any Legion and its Primarch, and thus they are not much more organized than the Black Legion, who gravitate towards powerful Lords who in turn generally follow the will of a higher authority in Abbaddon. The Night Lords are probably not that coherent, all things considered; if you consider Lord of the Night reasonable as an account of events, Sahaal probably has sympathizers in an extreme minority, Acerbus commands the lion's share of the rest and he's a Daemon Prince- a mind suffused with the power of Chaos is unlikely to be an incredible logistic mastermind capable of keeping and sustaining a number of warbands.

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The Night Lords are probably not that coherent, all things considered; if you consider Lord of the Night reasonable as an account of events, Sahaal probably has sympathizers in an extreme minority, Acerbus commands the lion's share of the rest

"Soul Hunter" explains that the Night Lords are divided into several warbands, IIRC, with Acerbus commanding one of the biggest ones. Also, at the end of "Lord of the Night" I did not get the impression that Sahaal would have any sympathizers among the Night Lords. He had been gone for 10,000 years, mostly for selfish reasons (he was after his precious).

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