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Poukis' Blood Angels +++E Tenebrae Lux Update+++


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Hello everybody!


This is another attempt at a plog, hopefully one that I will finish (the others were on warseer).

I started buying my blood angels about a year ago but with the new minis I just had to start painting them.


I'll start with the Land Speeder, which until now is one of the best things I've ever painted...



I have painted more minis but that's the only one I have on the computer right now... More pics in the morning!

Hope you like them...

Constructive criticism is always welcome!

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Nice paint job, I think it would look better with more red and a little less of your darker shading colour, The highlights to the shadows are a little to extreme in my opinion.


Alot better than my efforts though so I guess I can't be to judgemental :woot:

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First of all thank you for all the praises, I basically feed off them!

Interestingly enough the multimelta HAS never fired before! I haven't used it in a game yet! I'll smudge it a bit in the end though, I agree that it will look a bit more realistic...

As for the highlights, I actually like them extreme! It's this contrast that I liked so much in this colour scheme...

@Arbiter: That statement marely reveals the depth of your heresy... And with so many black templar players around... A purge is imminent... In the name of Sanguinius! Or Gork. Or Nurgle. Or Asurmen :)

Some more pics


Captains Galore



Captain with Jump pack. He's actually able to ignite the pack and not get his robes on fire!



Sergeant Lorenzo from Space Hulk. After surviving he was quickly promoted...



Sergeant Gideon from Space Hulk... Still a sergeant!



2 Vanguard Veterand. Initially honour guard but the new minis changed my plans...



Chaplain w. Powerfist



Librarian in Terminator Armour (again from Space Hulk)



And finally the free termie from a white dwarf long ago that started it all... Although the colour scheme has radically changed since!



The images are a bit crappy because I was in a hurry, expect better ones in time!

Hope you enjoy! I will also be happy to answer any questions!

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  • 4 months later...


First of all, sorry for not continuing here but I also paint comissions and I had to finish some Battlfleet Gothic fleets (I absolutely hate painting BfG by the way! And I still have more things to paint but I just took a break, cause, well, enough is enough!)



Pics (Rather poor photo quality, if you want any close ups tell me!):


My Sanguiniary Priests!



A few guys from a jump assault squad



An attack bike



The old Baal Predator






Librarian Attack Force!



His lordship!




Army Lists!

I have a tournament on Wednesday and I wanted to ask for opinions on the following list:




Knows Shield of Sanguinius and (Sanguine Sword?, Blood Lance?, Unleash Rage?). With Storm Bolter.



Brother Corbulo



3x 5man Assault Squad

With Meltagun, Infernus Pistol and Power Fist

3x Razorback

With Dozer Blade, 1 with Assault Cannon

5man Tactical Squad

With Meltagun, Power Fist


Fast Attack:

2x Baal Predator

With Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Flamer Sponsors and Dozer Blade

Land Speeder

With Multimelta


Heavy Support:

2x Predator

With TwinLinked Lascannons, Lascannon Sponsors, Searchlight and Dozer Blade


With Siege Shield


I know that it's not an innovative list but any feedback would be appreciated...

Possibilities that I was thinking was:

*Dropping the Heavy Flamer Sponsors on the Baals, the searchlights on the predators and the storm bolter from the librarian to bump the tacticals to 10 models with a lascannon.

*Dropping the Heavy Flamer Sponsors and the Tacticals for another Assault-Razorback.



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Tried and tested list. I even like the 5 man squad w/ jump packs (assuming you mean ASM not tactical) - though me being mech purist I'd have droped the PF and put them in a barebones razor lol.


The vindy on its own should work in that list (hiding between preds for cover, or x2 baals and x2 preds further up the field causing havoc in their lines/side armor should distract them).


I think you'll have a lot of success with that list - I am assuming thats 2k - feels like 2k to me.


The only prob I'd say is the single speeder - which I think work better in pairs - for blocking purposes or just so they dont get shot down straight off the bat.


Finally, love your painting, basically do what I do but much, much better lol. Make me feel bad!

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Hehe, thanks for the painting :cuss It generally consumes quite a lot of my time though so and even with an army such as blood angels I don't know if I'll ever get to finish them!


On the list...

The lone squad is actually tacticals :P

When fielding all assault lists I generally neglect my own objective, so I wanted to try some tacticals for the objective sitting. But I don't really think that they work in a squad of 5, I should either bump them up to 10, or field another Assault-Razorback squad...

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Hehe, thanks for the painting :) It generally consumes quite a lot of my time though so and even with an army such as blood angels I don't know if I'll ever get to finish them!


On the list...

The lone squad is actually tacticals :confused:

When fielding all assault lists I generally neglect my own objective, so I wanted to try some tacticals for the objective sitting. But I don't really think that they work in a squad of 5, I should either bump them up to 10, or field another Assault-Razorback squad...


I run a single squad of RAS in a barebones Razor back (with Heavy bolter) - first 2 or so turns it sits at the back picking pot shots if it can - but is so far back it is the lowest priority. Then turn 4 or 5 it makes a move towards my rear objective and plonks itself on it. The RAS never get out - and for 120 you have a very hard to shift objective sitter, as the enemy have to both pen and destroy it, THEN get rid of the squad. Typically I place that objective in a position where I can get the razor at least a 4+ cover as well.


I loved the idea initially of a tactical squad myself, 24" w/ boltguns (somethng I miss so much in my army!) and 12" rapid fire, sat in cover on an objective. But I found a twin linked Heavy bolter will do as much damage, if not more, that x5 bolters! (and has a chance to glance front armor on things like rhinos, and can pen alot of skimmers!).

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It actually went quite well today! I won all three battles and got to the finals.

I actually went with a 10man Melta, Lascannon tactical squad that performed quite well...

But the whole experience really, really, bumped one thing into my head... (and excuse me crude methods but I only have paint on this computer...)


I will be posting the outcome of the finals plus more work in time :HQ:


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Hello everybody!

Thanks for all the comments... I really need them because I don't think that I will ever finish painting the army otherwise!

@Daybreak: Mainly patience! A bit ore detail would be:


Painting Stuff


-Scorched Brown

-1:1 Layer to Scab Red

-Scab Red

-1:1 Layer to Red Gore

-Red Gore

-1:1 Layer to Blood Red

-Blood Red

-Blazing Orange Highlight on all the edges

-Golden Yellow Highlight on the upper edges, or edges where light would refract

-Sunburst Yellow on a few edges closer to the light source

(Of course that's for characters and vehicles, on the regular marines I skip the 1:1 steps)



-Scorched Brown (My favorite color!)

-2:1 Layer to Iyanden Darksun

-1:2 Layer to Iyanden Darksun

-Iyanden Darksun

-2:1 Highlight with Skull White

-1:2 Highlight with Skull White

-1:4 Highlight with Skull White in the uppermost edges


Or on small items

-Iyanden Darksun

-Wash with Devlan Mud (My favorite wash :))

-1:1 Highlight with Skull White

-1:4 Highlight with Skull White



-Tallarn Flesh

-Wash with Greyphone Sepia

-1:1 Layer to Bleached Bone

-1:2 Layer to Bleached Bone

-1:3 Highlight with Bleached Bone

-A touch of shadow grey under the eyes for the haggard look

-Highlight with Space Wolves grey (over the shadow grey)



-Iyanden Darksun

-Golden Yellow

-1:1 Highlights with Bleached Bone

-1:1:1 Highlights with Skull White


That's pretty much it!!


Battle Stuff:


The tourney was 3 games, 5 turns each, 2 hours max, 1750 pts. 3 points for victory, 2 points for draw, 1 point for defeat, 1 point for a fully painted army, 1 point for killing a designated enemy HQ, 1 point for killing the highest point value entry.

My exact list was:


Librarian with Shield of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage

Brother Corbulo

3 5man RAS with Melta, Power Fist and Infernus Pistol (1 didn't have pistol), Heavy Bolters and Dozer Blades on Razors

1 10man Tactical, with Melta, Lascannon and Power Fist

2 Baal Predators with Flamestorm Cannons and Dozer Blades

1 Land Speeder with Multimelta

2 TriLas Predators with Dozer Blades (1 Designated as the highest point value)

1 Vindicator with Siege Shield


First game was Capture and Control, Spearhead with 1 extra point for the player with the majority of units on opponents deployment zone. I was playing against a vanilla marine that roughly had


Captain with Artificer armour on bike

Techmarine with Repair Servitors

Bikers with Attack Bike

2 Tacticals, 1 with Lascannon sitting on his objective one with missile launcher. One on a rhino, on accompanied by a lascannon razorback.

1 Assault Squad with power fist and flamers

1 Vindicator

1 Lascannon Dread

1 Land Raider Crusader


I can't really take pride in winning this because of the list being so inconsistent... I deployed my tacticals on my objective and outflanked with the baals and the column-deployed the rest within a 6 inch bubble from the librarians razorback. He goes first, moves towards the center and manages to immobilize the vindicator but pretty much does achieves nothing else. I move the column 6 inches on the bottom long side of the table. My vindicator proves it's worth by destroying the land raider with a hit, the result rerolled by Corbulo. Having my force sitting exactly in the middle of the lower edge he more or less forgets the objective and focuses on the tanks with his bikers, destroying the vindicator and on of the predators with focused shooting and assault. His assault marines deep strike (pfff. if it's not blood angel it aint no assault marine :)) near my tactical and shoot doing nothing. Both baals come on my next round each arriving from a different table edge. One makes short work of his tacticals except for the lascannon marine. The other completerly burns away his assault marines. In the end the surviving predator takes out the last tactical on his objective (after he managed to destroy my baal). So the game ends with his bikers in my deployment zone, but it was too late. So objectives were 1-0, he got a unit in my zone so it on tournament point it was 4-2.


Second round was Seize Ground with 5 objectives, Spearhead with 1 tourney point for the one with the most kill points. Against Ultramarines (painted :tu:) with


Master of the Forge

Land Raider

2 TriLas Predators

3 sniper scout squads with missile launchers

1 scout biker squad

2 lascannon dreads

1 multimelta dread

1 assault marine squad


He deployed all of his scouts in area terrain the master of the forge behind the landraider in the uppermost corner, near the two predators. All three dreads were near the center. I deployed using the column of doom format described above, and outflanked with the baals. My predators were stationed behind some tank coversand the rest of the column moved towards the center within the scattered objectives. The tacticals were deployed behind a fence on one objective. The vindicator along with the razors started making short work on the scout squads while the predators were engaged in some hot predator on predator action and the land speeder was zipping around trying to take out the dreads eventually destroying one but getting a weapon destroyed from another so it went to hide in a corner for not being just a moving Armour 10 kill point :) . One miscalculation on my part led to the razorback without characters being assaulted by assault marines but then my corbulo influenced marines managed to break them (it took 2 rounds because we were outnumber but they got the job done!) Other than that the baals eventually came from the same edge (the one with my tacticals) and began burning away scouts and scout bikers. Eventually one got destroyed by a dread but they more or less done what they came to do. Last round corbulo and squad disembark and go for a scout guarded objective (evil laughter) and the librarian disembark and go for a free objective while shooting meltas and inf. pistols at one of the remaining dreads but neither managed to do anything (even with the reroll) while the remnants of the assault squad that defeated the other run for the forth objective behind the cover of the razorbacks. His last scouts try to make a run for the librarian objective but fail while his dreadnoughts charge my squads. 1 kills a couple marines while the other kills the librarian. (that dreadnought survived a couple predator shots, melta shots and power fist attacks) In the end I have 2 objectives (tactical and decimated assault squad) while he has none. Tourney points me 3 for winning 1 for kill points, him 2 for him. Plus 1 for extremely good sportsmanship because I got ahead of myself in one round and shot with the immobilized vindicator before moving anything and he let me play my movement. In the end it didn't actually change anything but it was a really great guy. He would have got another point but he destroyed the wrong predator by mistake.


Third round was Kill Points and Pitched Battle with 1 additional point for the player with the most uncontested table quarters. This was really easy because it was against an (not so experienced?) chaos player with the following list


Chaos Lord


Land Raider (yup, eveybody had one!)


3 Rhinos with Chaos Marines, each with a pair of the same special weapons, the one that had the meltas also sporting a power fist.

6 thousand sons

1 obliterator


He deployed all over his zone keeping the obliterator for deep strike, while I deployed on a corner, tacticals a bit further in cover and baals outflanking. His land raider was exactly opposite to the vindicator but a bit hidden from the preds. Basically the game was:

-His vindicator killed two tacticals per turn until it got too close and in los from the lascannon that destroyed the demolisher.

-Rhinos moving towards me, being popped by predators

-His land raider moving towards the column, being succesfully penetrated (almost every turn!) by the vindicator but never managing to destroy it (even with the reroll!) Eventually the baals joined the fun and took out about 18 chaos marines and 4 thousand sons. It was so much fun! The olbiterator tried to deep strike (without even a simple personal banner on a sarge :wub: ) got too close and I placed him on the other side of the table (something that eventually costed me!)

In the end the only things from his army still on the table were the obliterator and the land raider with 4 weapons destroyed! (and the lord still inside)

I won but he had the table quarters because: one was uncontested (one of my preds being an inch sort, basically because I forgot all about it) and the land raider was sitting squarely in the line dividing the remaing two, surrounded by my entire army. In the end I think I managed something like 8 succesfull penetrating hits against it, 1 with a reroll, 4 with ordnance, 2 with AP1 but still didn't manage to even wreck it!

That left as with me 3 points and him 2.

Leading to a grand total of 11 points.

Phew, that was a lot!

I'm sorry for the way everything is written but I'm writing a bit fast and disorganized because I don't have that much time!!


Finally I'd like to post some motivational pictures of my angelic host :) It's everything I got which is more or less about 4000 points.






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  • 1 year later...

Okay, time for some good old threadomancy :)


I'll post the updates for the Tenebrae Lux in the following (?) days (?).

First bid are two predators and a vindicator...


Meanwhile I might post other things I have painted in the past erh... 2 years ;)


I'll start with the vindi :P

The most important step is done... I've basecoated it :P




Now for some actual work...

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Still alive :P


Haven't been able to do lots of work but...





And that's 15 pts in the bank!... Yup.. Not lots of work ;) In the end as per the captain's instruction's I went for a mixture of both sturdy iron, bloody red and glorious gold :P

More pics of the vindi later... (hopefully!)

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Stunning paintjob, I really like the Sharp highlights (since I do them myself)!

And the games sounded a bit to easy. Who in their right mind deepstrikes assult marines? (if you are not BA that is, even though I prefer not to do it anyway)

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As promised I really did do some work yesterday :P

The camera is bad and there was hardly any light in the room so its seems much worse that it is :P





Red done, all the details remain...


@Axira: Thanks! I really like extreme highlighting I must admit :P Especially since for most of the time you will be looking at models from the distance that makes sharp highlights look awesome :P

It's been a while since the games :P but I do remember that 2 of them were too easy. I feel sad that these were the last games that I played for over than a year... (Because it means that I haven't played for more than a year :()

But I did finally go for a game last week and beat a SW player! (Might go today as well) I still got (some of) it ;)

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Fresh update ^_^

Finished the vindi! (Yesterday but couldn't post pics)

Daylight as well so the quality of the photo is a bit better ;)







Two predators to go before the second oath (<- very optimistic)

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