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Space Marine Captain (painting article link added)


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hey B&C...


here is my latest job...


the full 360 view is here:



painted to my basic commission standard, with the basic conversion/sculpting option added...

i threw in the freehand for free, because this guy would not have looked right without it...


the Chapter is called The Heralds of Light, a creation of one of the guys here on the B&C...

the icon on the right knee is the Chapter symbol, while the sculpted flaming tower on the shield and shoulder are the Company symbol...





this was a fun little conversion, since i rarely ever take a fantasy piece and put it on a 40k mini...

i chopped the chainsword off of the bionic arm, and added an empire shield...

the power coils on the inside are sculpted, as are the two tower symbols...

the sword is taken from the BA Sanguinary Guard...


it took a while to work out how to paint the white, as i usually work up over browns instead of greys...

in the end, after a royal pain with the photography, i got a close approximation of how he looks in hand...

i went for quite a strong comicbook look to this guy...

not very subtle, but quite striking.


hope you like him...


thanks for looking...




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no, you're not alone, Jarl...

it's been said on each forum he's posted in...

it's the standard bionic arm from the Captain kit, but the photography seems to be distorting it...

it looks fine in hand, but really tweaked out in the pics:(...




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no, you're not alone, Jarl...

it's been said on each forum he's posted in...

it's the standard bionic arm from the Captain kit, but the photography seems to be distorting it...

it looks fine in hand, but really tweaked out in the pics:(...






OH OK. Well in that case its perfect, just curious but was the commision for Codex Grey? if i remember right he's the creator of the Heralds of Light.

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thanks guys...

i'm glad the paintjob is getting a good reception...

i only wish that my photography was anywhere near as good as my painting:(...

live and learn...


@Jarl: this guy is for a B&C member, DarkKnightCuron...

i'm sure he'll be popping his head in here soon...




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Very, very beautiful model! I really like how the colours complement each other.


One gripe though - I think the shading/blending on the cloak looks to coarse compared to the otherwise wonderful paintjob. Is it just the pictures?



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Indeed, I was the one that commissioned Jah ;)


As I've said before, absolutely awesome work overall, Jah! I love the contrast between the white armor and the blues across the model, especially the cloak's shading! The sword just absolutely amazes me every time I look at it!


For those of you who don't know, I'm currently collecting a Heralds of Light army since I absolutely loved the IA article that Codex Grey put together.

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I've never been able to paint up minis myself, which have always made me sad since I knew the color scheme for these guys would look excellent on a mini. But now I can finally see it, thanks to DKC, and of course you jah-joshua, great paint job!

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hey B&C...


i've added the write-up of my latest commission to my blog...

have a look and let me know what you think...




there are pics of the unpainted conversion of the shield arm, and a top down view of the terracotta stone work on the base, without the mini...


thanks for lookin'...




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Looked beautiful as all of your models do, man. I rather liked the detail on the pistol holster, not because it was flashy, but because it looked real. I also really like the hilt and hand-guard of the sword, plus the freehand for the company symbols. Incredible work, dude. Incredible :cuss
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  • 5 weeks later...

I am a month late for this, I know, but I just saw this as an Arena of Death entry by Codex Grey in the Liber Astartes sectiion and had to say how much I liked the miniature.


I have been trying out white and blue for a squad of marines myself this last week, and found this inspirational. ;)

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