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DA standard bearer

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Hi all!

Another one of my finished minis I'd like to share with you.


This one was quite interesting since it is the first non-plastic model I attempted, the first one with a banner and the first one I "converted" (I actually only cut the left arm bolt pistol and converted a right arm power axe to that cut arm, but I guess it still counts as a conversion ;))


I have to say that working with metal models is quite different from the plastic ones. When I started on this one, chipping paint was a problem. Eventually I added a thin coat of dull clear coat in between steps, which actually solved that problem fairly well. Also mold line removal is quite a pain for the metal models imho. Especially there is one on the hood of his cloak on the left side which I had to leave since filing it would have destroyed all the detail.


Secondly I attempted to freehand the banner. I am pretty pleased with the result, but there is obviously room for improvement. I kept the design simple and 2D for starters. But I guess practice makes perfect :) The banner itself is made from a piece of kleenex. I read in a tutorial that kleenex resembles cloth once painted and I have to agree with that.


Now for the pictures. C&C as always is more than welcome.










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I think you've made an excellent job -- it's a very good DA standard bearer ;). The colouration of the armour and the approach you've used on the robe is working really well.


I haven't seen the tutorial you mention on using Kleenex as a basis for banners, but, looking at the results I'd say it was both too absorbant and too textured to enable accurate designs to be painted on at this small a scale and level of detail. Plus cutting it cut results in too broken an edge due to the fibres in the paper. Just my opinion of course.




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