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Flying Salamanders

Garden Ninja

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Here are some Salamanders Assault Marines that I was commissioned to both assemble and paint.


All commentary is welcome.





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Great paint work, as usual.

Some of them look like a total pain to get into base contact, though. Especially the Marine in the center of the bottom shot. While the landing and flying poses are awesome, many of them are too close to the ground, and look like they're crashing or falling down due to their proximity to the ground :HQ: Of course, I think this is one of those situations where a 360 degree view probably makes them look far better.

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The dude in center bottom looks like he is flying close to the ground for a that drive by shot :HQ: Some others look like they are going to land hard.


I like it! ^_^ I'd think the JP would be black but that doesn't mean this isn't great work!

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As everyone seems to have picked up on, your paintwork is brilliant. As a big fan of action poses myself, I have to say that some of those are excellent, although I am struck by the impression that some of them seem to be falling over or tripping, maybe stumbling backwards and in one instance, downright falling on his arse.


Don't take that as unnecessary harshness - I have a suggestion (if it hasn't been suggested already - my settings don't allow me to read the whole thread in one go): Has anyone mentioned the use of "flying" bases yet? When I got my first squad of assault marines I just painted them in the traditional grounded fashion, but on receipt of another box I managed to snag some flying bases from a Battlefleet Gothic player and mounted five guys on those.


But of course, these Salamanders were a commission and so it's entirely down to the buyer what the models look like, I suppose.


Still, if you get the chance, give it a go. It makes them a pain to pack for transport, but the visual effect - combined with your painting skill - would be awesome.



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Thanks for the input everyone.


These minis were commissioned as part of a larger force- one where the troopers are all painted at this quality level, and the characters and most of the vehicles are done at a higher level.


That is why none of these marines have source lighting from the lava. However, every one of the characters I've done for this force so far have had OSL like that (here the whole Salamanders Gallery for those interested).

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Very nice work, especially the painting :woot:

Question though: how long did it take you to do the squad?

And what did you use to hold the marines up in the air?

Just asking because it took me 8 FRIGGIN' MONTHS to find adequate wire and finish my squad:



I really started hating the buggers halfway through, but the endresult was worth it.

In any case, very good work, I particularly like the rightmost marine in the first squad, the one in MkVI armour - his pose is brilliant, very dynamic ;)

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