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I've recently decided to go Chaos - actually, as of Tuesday when i looked at the Advance Orders + fell in love with the new Daemon prince model + Horrors.


Probably about 2 - 3 months ago, whilst reading the 1000 Sons book, i fell in love with the Chapter's story, and went into my local GW store to purchase a box of them, but with the intention of selling/trading the Sorceror with some friends who play Chaos, and convert the 1000 sons into Sternguard for my Blood Angel army, but as i say, with the Advance Orders, (+ proding of my friend Mark) I've decided to semi-turn to Chaos, and Tzeentch in particular - A friend have Nurgle/Slaanesh, one has Khorne, and another does play Tzeentch, but he doesnt turn up to battles that much, its more the first two that come alot.


I'm going to try to do a pure Tzeentch army, at least in terms of staying away from having any Nurgle units at least (back in the day i remember how Nurgle/Tzeentch dont get on, as well as Khorne/Slaanesh) and even a Warhammer Fantasy battle report of representations of all 4 Chaos Gods having a mass fight...(or was it 40k - i cant remember). I'll try not to do Khorne/Slaanesh as well,


Having got some money, i decided to go into GW today/yesterday, and picked up some more models for my army, basically a Terminator Lord (will be Sorceror!) and some Terminators, as well as some paint to get me started, only i picked up (/shudders) Ultramarines blue + Mordian blue basecoat. - I'm base coating then painting smurf blue over the top. Going to need to go back in later on to pick up some more Shining gold as what i've got is a bit dry, as well as some new paint brushes.


Basically, I've started painting the 1000 sons up, and got one of them finished - except for washing and getting transfers put on the model as well, as well as making a small start on the Terminator Sorceror, but having taken pictures of my Blood Angels, i took one of the Rubric as well:





What would be appreciated is any suggestions into how to making the painting easier, especially with the head totem thing (cant think of the correct wording...)


I'd also appreciate any suggestions into what to purchase, I'm thinking some more Thousand sons, the Horrors when they come out as well as the Daemon Prince, as well as Raptors, Possessed, Havocs, Obliterators and eventually Predators, Rhinos and the like.


Obviously, with you all having experience in the field with the sons of Tzeentch, you'd be better to assist me than my friends, and help would be very grateful.

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Greetings and welcome to the legion.


On how to make the painting easier, I do think that the best way to paint a good looking army is to go (for the main color, blue in your case) with a base coat, then a heavy drybrush, then a wash. I personally like regal blue, ice blue drybrush then asurmen blue, but you can do it in any variation you like. For the headdress, I can only say that you should go first with a foundation yellow, then with a mix of foundation and citadel (example : tausept ochre, then mix it with golden yellow, then pure golden yellow). It is pretty efficient if you go and apply it on a dark color like blue. And also, it takes practice to get those small lines right. Don't be afraid to go back on your first models once you get better, I did and it certainly paid off.


As for what to buy to be competitive with an army like the Thousand Sons, just your luck, you can't go wrong with Daemon Princes and Lesser Daemons (horrors). You should also consider Obliterators for your heavy support as they provide something rubric marines lack : anti-tank. Terminators for elites are pretty useful for that as well, especially as Termicides.


I hope my advice helps, good luck with this new army. :D

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Tzeentch as a first army? Good luck man, you'll need it, but it's better to play what you like rather than the flavor of the month brainless steamroll army so good on you. As has been mentioned, daemon princes are very good HQ's and of all cult legions 1k Sons get the most use out of lesser daemons due to the specialized nature of your troops.


Also don't forget to mount all of your Sons in Rhinos to protect them from fire and to move them around especially as slow and purposeful means it's the only reliable way to deliver them anywhere. In any case, not to scare you away from the army, but it probably will take some learning to be able to play pure Tzeentch as it's one of the hardest armies to play (in my opinion of course) that said, it's always fun to watch the smug look on a flavor of the month player's face slowly fade 4 turns in or so as he watches your "fluff army" put him in a position he realizes he can't win from.


As for painting, again it's one of those harsh truths, if you don't spend time on your minis they won't look good. Period. So yeah, expect to spend about 40 hours of time painting a decent sized army to a decent level, but hey, once it's done it can serve you in games for as long as you want really since models rarely become obsolete.

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Tzeentch as a first army? Good luck man, you'll need it, but it's better to play what you like rather than the flavor of the month brainless steamroll army so good on you. As has been mentioned, daemon princes are very good HQ's and of all cult legions 1k Sons get the most use out of lesser daemons due to the specialized nature of your troops.


Not quite, Tzeentch is my first Chaos army - I also play Blood Angels and Imperial Guard - probably didnt say that...sorry. I know that armies take a long time to paint up, i think at the moment my Blood Angel army comes in about 2500 points or more, as well as the Guard.


The way that im painting them is Mordian Blue, then Smurf Blue, then probably asurmen blue on the top...and its only smurf blue because i didnt pick up the right colour, but as I say, i do know someone that plays with Thousand Sons, and it might give some differenciation (typo?) to the two armies when we both play together - I do like your suggestion for the headdress tho Cosmic.


I'm gonna see about procuring some Rhinos in the future, probably after being paid i'll see about getting some of the other models, i'll probably start with the Obliterators, and pre-order one of the Daemon Princes as well whilst im in there.


Thanks for the help B)

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I'm SUPER pissed. Thanks for pointing out the new Daemon Prince, he's awesome. The thing I'm mad about? I JUST got my order delivered for the Old Daemon Prince and a set of Dragon Wings. Total came to $49 bucks with tax. I still have 'em in the box. Think I'll call the company and see what their return policy is, and also why I wasn't informed of the new model when I ordered the old one w/ wings (Because they had to have known it was available soon).


Grrrr. Games Workshop! Grrr.

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I'm SUPER pissed. Thanks for pointing out the new Daemon Prince, he's awesome. The thing I'm mad about? I JUST got my order delivered for the Old Daemon Prince and a set of Dragon Wings. Total came to $49 bucks with tax. I still have 'em in the box. Think I'll call the company and see what their return policy is, and also why I wasn't informed of the new model when I ordered the old one w/ wings (Because they had to have known it was available soon).


Grrrr. Games Workshop! Grrr.


Its not my fault! Dont blame me. I am sorry tho.


I believe they'll take it back if its still in the box and still in the plastic wrapping, tho im not too sure tbh. Good luck tho

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EDIT: Just got off the phone w/ them, and when they looked at the date on my order instead of having me ship it back, they're sending me one of the new ones at no charge. :blink:


Yay for great customer service!

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One old one, one new one, AND dragon wings. So they'll both have wings. Woot. Averaged to what $25 each? Not too shabby. Now if their prices were more a little less to start with. hehehe. I'm not complaining any at this point though. The guy w/ British Accent I got in Customer Service was bang up!
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Well, we Brits are top Chaps you know


I rang GW helpdesk once because i ordered something with different delivery dates (pre-order stuff) - ordered in store but the guy did an order without splits instead of with them...rang up had a good chat with the guy which is really odd, but cool at the same time. Cant say i've seen a message bad mouthing GW help desk. Maybe if they stopped being so kind (i.e. for you taking old DP + Wings and just sending you the new DP instead) they might be able to reduce their prices.


Maybe if we all sit in a circle and chant to our Great God Tzeentch, he'll come and change GW's policy...

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Update time. In the last few days I've been unable to do too much painting due to work (Wooohoooooo! - P.s. I'm not crazy, i actually enjoy my new job!) but i have managed to finish a model, that being a Sorceror in Terminator Armour.


I hope that i haven't commited Heresy...(wouldnt that be funny lol) by not attaching the spikes to the armour, i personally dont like them, and dont intend to attach them to the Terminators either, - obviously with them looking antiquated they're quite obviously not Loyalists, but as for the Rhinos/Predators/Land raiders i might attach some as to prove theyre different, but I'll have to wait and see.


Especially love the fact that the Bolters on the terminators have Daemonic faces for the reload slots, hadnt noticed them before and they look cool as hell!





Next plan is to continue painting up the Rubric, then to do the Terminators, tho that might change based on the date and how close it is to pay day.

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Update time. In the last few days I've been unable to do too much painting due to work (Wooohoooooo! - P.s. I'm not crazy, i actually enjoy my new job!) but i have managed to finish a model, that being a Sorceror in Terminator Armour.


I hope that i haven't commited Heresy...(wouldnt that be funny lol) by not attaching the spikes to the armour, i personally dont like them, and dont intend to attach them to the Terminators either, - obviously with them looking antiquated they're quite obviously not Loyalists, but as for the Rhinos/Predators/Land raiders i might attach some as to prove theyre different, but I'll have to wait and see.


I'm the exact same way. The only terminator I put the spikes on was my Chaos Lord, just to differentiate him a little bit. Otherwise, I think there is enough detail on the Chaos terminators.


Very nice work on the sorcerer. Especially with the staff, that bugger can be tricky to paint properly.

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I'm the exact same way. The only terminator I put the spikes on was my Chaos Lord, just to differentiate him a little bit. Otherwise, I think there is enough detail on the Chaos terminators.


Very nice work on the sorcerer. Especially with the staff, that bugger can be tricky to paint properly.


Least I'm not the only one 'eh. I know one of my friends tend to stab themselves quite a few times - especially with his Land Raider...


Thanks for the compliment on the Sorcerer.

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Rule query please - Quite possible i'll need to know in the future as i might run Ahriman a few times.


In a battle today, one of my opponents used Ahriman. He stayed in close combat with a Ultramarine Captain for a good few turns and kept trying to cast Gift of Chaos against the Captain in his turn - kept getting nullified or failed to beat the toughness but thats not what i'm querying. Because he tried that 3 times and failed each, can he not charge his Force Weapon, or would it just count as a power weapon for that turn. Also, would he be able to "charge" the force weapon in "my" turn (I was playing as part of a loyalist Army), My opponent who played Ahriman doesnt play alot and kept saying silly things that we kept correcting, but none of the other players really use Psykers so we're not sure. I know some of the Blood Angel psychic powers say they can be used in the opponents turn (most obviously Shield of Sanguinius) but as for the force weapon charging in either turn I'm not too sure about.


Thanks in advance for any answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update. Got paid on friday - Wooooooooooo to having money. Spent some money in my local GW, and ordered a couple more sorcerors. Both from Fantasy tbh, so got some converting to do, as well as some of the Tzeentch logos as well, for when i get some tanks. According to the guy at customer services its being posted today (rang because had problems in store when ordering it + website still says "order being processed"...)


Havent really had a lot of time to get painting done, i'm working nights, did a few days in a row last week and ended up sleeping most of sunday, and then worked last night as well and hadnt really got any painting done over the last week or so. However, i have painted up the Sorceror from the Thousand Sons box, though i havent got around to taking a picture of him yet.


In the near future - probably after getting paid, i'm going to order some more Chaos bits and pieces, namely a couple of the battleforce boxes - flog the Bezerkers to a friend and order a couple of the Thousand Sons box. Also i'll be ordering the new Daemon prince and Horrors as well.


I am going to go slightly back on what i said in my original post, i think at least...I am going to do a "pure" army in that i just have Tzeentch bits and pieces, but i'll also be using Raptors/Obliterators/Possessed etc, having had a little look around on the other posts in the sub forum, i see lots of people dont, and people suggest that the Obliterators are Terminator Sorcerors, v. fluffy, but not to my liking.

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Glad to see you're still around. I just got my Thousand Sons box in the mail, but I'm going on vacation, so I won't have time to build them. Regarding the battleforces, I know you're planning to stay pure Tzeentch, but a few berzerkers can be very helpful. You might want to keep a squad handy for some battles. Taking out a squad of 30 ork boyz with 8 zerkers is priceless.
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I know just how much damage that Bezerkers can do tbh. In my last battle - a Clash of Heroes battle - my Chapter Master charged some Bezerkers...and there was alot of dice. Problem is, i was using Seth and they didnt count all the 1's that were rolled! Seth didnt die despite all the attacks the Bezerkers had - the special characters can only be reduced to 1 wound unless its another special character that hurts them lol.


Hope you have a good holiday fella

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Right, after another week or so and i've got some pictures...tho i've still forgotten to take one of the Sorceror in the Thousand sons box...D'oh. Took a couple of pictures of my Sorceror on Disc (one of the disc and one with the Sorceror on it, albeit missing the arm. The other picture is my first attempt at painting a Horror


First things first, The Disc, then half done Sorceror...







Obviously...I've gotta work on dealing with the bases, keep meaning to walk out the house and down the road stealing some sand from the beach


Horror time:





Was gonna follow the GW recipe for painting the Horror up, but to the Dwarf flesh with Baal Red wash then Leviathon purple, but did the Baal Red and quite liked it. Really Really easy to paint as well, but then again its all flesh with some metal, bone/finger nails and then odds and sods depending on what bit of sprue you picked up.


Btw, another "rule query" *Could* a Chaos Sorceror on a Disc of Tzeentch attach himself to a squad of Raptors, the disc effectively gives him a jump pack, so i dont see it being a problem, i just want confirmation thats all.


Thanks for looking guys!

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Looking good buddy! The Tzeentch stuff not you obviously! Have you used a wash on the blue armour? or it might need a highlight, though could just be the photography, but overall looking excellent, especially the Horror. I'll have to paint up more Rune priests to nullify all your sorcery shanagans. Looking forward to seeing more. Could be an idea to focus on getting a squad of Thousands sons done and trying them out in a Killteam game.??
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I'll have to paint up more Rune priests to nullify all your sorcery shanagans.

Please don'y remind us of how easy it is for any loyalist to counter thr Psychic powers we pay for,please, if you have to continue we can ask fabius to "fix" the wolves, okay :D . Jokes aside, the painting is really nice, makes me want to repaint my Thousand Sons to a better standard then they are, compared to anyone else who has posted here, mine are terrible, why do you guys have to keep putting my painting to shame?

What colours did you use on the disc soecerer? he looks really nice.

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Looking good buddy! The Tzeentch stuff not you obviously! Have you used a wash on the blue armour? or it might need a highlight, though could just be the photography, but overall looking excellent, especially the Horror. I'll have to paint up more Rune priests to nullify all your sorcery shanagans. Looking forward to seeing more. Could be an idea to focus on getting a squad of Thousands sons done and trying them out in a Killteam game.??


I take it thats you Mark...Who knows, you'll take more Rune Priests and i'll turn up with my Imperial Guard...or my Blood Guard Army just to confuse you :D


If you're refering to the Sorceror on Disc, no i havent washed him yet, or for that matter any of them except for the Terminator Sorceror.


Deffinately interested in doing another Kill team game, i need some kind of reason to get some painting done - get 4 horrors and 1 more Thousand Son done and i've got a kill team unit ready for a battle.

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