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I'll have to paint up more Rune priests to nullify all your sorcery shanagans.

Please don'y remind us of how easy it is for any loyalist to counter thr Psychic powers we pay for,please, if you have to continue we can ask fabius to "fix" the wolves, okay :D . Jokes aside, the painting is really nice, makes me want to repaint my Thousand Sons to a better standard then they are, compared to anyone else who has posted here, mine are terrible, why do you guys have to keep putting my painting to shame?

What colours did you use on the disc soecerer? he looks really nice.



I've witnessed "amazing" counter psychic powers, admittedly from a Loyalist stand point; Ahriman tried casting Gift of Chaos from turn 2->4 3 times each turn, either failing his psychic power test or it being nullified.


The colours on the Disc Sorceror are Mordian Blue then Ultramarines blue over it, dheneb stone then white, with alot of shining gold, bleached bone, and some mithril silver on the shield.


As for the comment on painting, how many armies did you do before you did the Thousand Sons, i've had a midnight blue Space Marine army, a Camo Green Guard army, my Blood Guard army, an Urban camoflaged Imperial Guard Army and now i've got the Thousand sons, and in each army the painting has improved...I cant show you either of the first two armies because i've binned them, they were horrendous. All it takes is practice, and a steady hand.

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Thats what I thought. Its nice to get some difference in the armies. You've - as you say, got Plague Marines, Noise marines (with pink dice!) and more than likely Bezerkers, i know Nigel has Bezerkers, but theres no real show of Tzeentch stuff except the rare occasion that we play on a saturday.
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Thank you for the colour scheme, I will try it out soon, my first armies were Space wolves for 40k and Lizardmen for fantasy, though for some reason my Space wolves I managed to paint really well, whilst my Lizardmen just look terrible, and my Grey Knights are okay, as are my Battlefleet gothic fleet, it just seems to be Thousand Sons and Lizardmen I struggle to paint.
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Cool looking horrors. I'm still waiting for my store to get them in. Mine are gonna be blue though.


Damn, is yours a GW store or a stockist? if its a GW store either they're very popular with the Horrors (...or they havent come out in America yet - doubt it mind) or they're very lax. I *would* have been able to pick them up straight away if i wanted to.


As for the blue horrors, thats great, as the old rules were a pink split into the two blues, I dont know what the Daemon 'dex rules are but would be good if they produced a box of blue horrors at slightly smaller size to the blue...Tbh, as long as you're horrors are either pink or blue it should be fine...as long as they're not green or yellow horrors...tho a luminescent yellow horror would look pretty funky...

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  • 4 weeks later...

So its been about a month or so since my last post on here (almost...)


The last month or so has been spent working my aris off and i'm struggling to find time to paint any models...and hence its only been the Sorceror Lord + Daemon Prince below. Admittedly, its a Warhammer model for the Sorceror Lord; and not a 40k model, and hasnt been altered into looking the part of a 40k CSM....Or i might just remove the Sorceror and deal with constructing a true CSM sorceror...In time maybe lol.


Daemon Prince:




Sorceror Lord:




Will look in the next few days at painting some more models up...maybe continue along the lines of the rest of the Thousand Sons squad, or do a CSM squad (in the same colours ofc) with a Mark of Tzeentch melta gun etc etc...


I had a question for you all. I might look into getting some more Sorcerors to act as normal Aspiring Champions, but instead of having Force Weapons using CCW weapons instead. I've informed one of my colleagues as to this plan, however I would like to know anyone elses thoughts of the matter.


Thank you in advance.

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More work...Done whilst waiting for a new fridge freezer to be delivered, i had some time so did this.


I'm happy with how it turned out, especially as i was going to do the yellow parts grey...


Soon will come the rest of the Thousand Son specific bits, then the Rhino itself lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there...after soooooo damn long i've got something else to update on here. Its a case of an almost finished job, but theres still a few things that need to be done..such as the tracks and the lights, but the majority of it is done except for gluing everything down.


First things first, the second hatch of the Rhino:




And the front hatch; final forge world part of the tank




Top hatch + Tzeentch logo...going to do a bit more work on the "triangular" part of the logo as i hadnt quite noticed it wasnt as curved as the circle.




And finally...the bit im most proud of, the hatch "gunner" and Havoc launcher.



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I'm trying. Working nights is still screwing my body over and i seem to be doing anything but painting when im at home...sleeping/fifa 11/work is pretty much my life atm :lol:


On the plus side i've got a few nights off in a row coming up gonna try crack a few models out, home to get the Rhino done today/tomorrow just leaving myself to using the weathering powders (for first time...eek)

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Looking good... though I would prob add a wash around the gold and yellow iconography to make it stand out more, but it could just be the photo. The Rhino is looking real good, and its equiped with one of those freakin Havocs I love soooo much.

Soon have a playable army. Freaky Fryer is doing some Tzeentch marines but using crested helmets from an alternative company he picked up at Salute. You guys can team up against me and Scott for a rumble soon.

Still not adjusted to nights then! I did nights for a week and couldnt crap 4 a week... just thought I'd share that with you. lol.

I dabbled with weathering powders but couldnt get the hang of them...should have persevered I guess.... let us know how you get on with them.

Cant wait to see your army on the table! Loving the deamon Prince. One last question how you planning on basing the army?

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I actually havent got around to washing the model, but it is something i'm going to be doing soon...well soon being monday at the earliest when i've actually finished the Rhino (cant do tracks as dont have black spray paint to start them off)


I'm still slowly adjusting. Where I'm doing two nights in, one of, one in, one off, one in, one off (then repeat the cycle...) on my days off i was tending to go to bed 12ish->2ish, whereas the last couple of nights off i've tried to stay up for as long as possible, which is a more sensible thing to do.


At the moment I don't have a legimate army, got 5 Thousand Sons done (1 troops) Terminator Sorceror + Daemon Prince, and 5 horrors which dont count as FoC choices, but atm - before getting spray i'm working on a CSM squad so...As for basing, I don't know...was thinking of stealing some sand from the beach but i'm not sure at the moment...You'll just have to wait and see i suppose.

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Soooo...another model. Didnt get round to finishing the Rhino over the weekend as i need to get some black spray (just to start it off, easier than painting the tracks black...) Intended to go into S'end today and getting some but that didnt happen as i found out my cousin was coming this afternoon...so plans changed (didnt have sleep and working this evening...)


Instead I've got the Rhino done bar the tracks, and started work on a normal CSM squad - get this done and i'll have a legit army at least, then will work on the Thousand Son squad again, then the rest of the normal CSM...then im not sure what...Anywho:





I've had a plan to distinguish the squads. The Thousand Sons will have a logo akin to whats on the Rhino, the current CSM squad will have white, then each different squad will have a different colour logo, and this will go onto the shoulder pads where Chapter logo goes. Its still the same army just looks a bit easier to distinguish squads as the right shoulder pads all have skulls and whatnots on them.

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Its a work in progress - havent got round to moving onto doing any different weathering yet....Worked till about 7am on saturday...8am on sunday (was back in at 4pm as well (dont ask...) and 7.30 this morning...started weathering the tnak friday evening before work) I'm fuppin tired and wont be doing any more of it till tomorrow probably


I'm asking for your opinions as its my first time weathering (properly) a tank - its only the bottom half that i've done...did it friday havent had a chance to do any more (around the exhaust area im thinking of doing dark iron or rust) and i'm not sure if i should put a bit more - gotta touch up the other side of the tank because theres a bit less, as well as a bit on the front and the ramp but...its being planned for soon...Anywho...



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  • 2 weeks later...

The Chaos Right flank - Two Daemon Princes, a Terminator Sorceror, Raptors and a CSM squad:




An Ultramarine Vindicator wondering what to shoot at:




Terminator Sorceror doing his best to get to the front line:




Predator versus Daemon Prince before:




And after:




Raptors coming close to the Ultramarine line:




And getting even closer - get your Chainswords running:




1 Sorceror Apprentice + Horrors looking at some Grey Hunters:




After horrors charged...




Sorceror Apprentice getting gang beat by the Sons of Russ...he did take one out mind:




Daemon Prince v Grey Hunters and Ultramarines:




Down to one Ultramarine:




Terminator Sorceror doing his best to get to the front line:




T'was a 1500 point battle a side, with 2 players on each - having 750 point per person. My Thousand sons lined up alongside the Iron Warriors, facing the treacherous Sons of Russ and the Ultramarines. Obviously having only "recently" started painting a Chaos Army i had a small one and had a 5 man squad of CSM, 5 Thousand Sons, a Daemon Prince and 5 horrors, but was along side 2 9 or 10 man CSM squads, a 7 man raptor squad and another Daemon Prince. Against us stood 2 squads of Grey Hunters, a Rune Priest, Long Fangs and a Whirlwind, a Predator and Vindicator as well as 2 squads of Tactical Marines and a Chaplain belonging to the Ultramarines.


Unfortunately, my forces didnt do that much - admittedly it is hard with so few models on the board. My Daemon Prince lead the charge and got shot at by the Vindicator, Predator, one of the Tactical squads, but survived with one wound left, only to jump into difficult terrain (the Space Wolf power...) and trip under its own tail. However, it did protect the much nastier Khornate Daemon Prince. my CSM basically spent the whole game running and didnt even get a shot off. The Terminator Sorceror took a pot shot at the vindicator - just in range - and blew it to kingdom come and took out a couple of Marines with it...and then spent the rest of the game running up...The Thousand Sons killed a couple of Grey Hunters, and got trouced in shooting/close combat to the Grey Hunters to the same squad that killed my Horrors. (Admittedly, losing 2 to the psychic power didnt help...then charging into cover just made it worse.) The Sorceror was engaged in close combat but even with the help of Tzeentch he fell, tho did take a Grey Hunter with him. On the other hand, the Iron Warriors force faired better. Admittedly, one of the CSM squads was taken out in shooting, one spent time running up but did successfully shot a terminator Chaplain and kill him stone dead - two bolt shells to the eyes as Scott rolled Snake Eyes for two of the saves. The Raptors took out a Tactical Squad on the Chaos Right flank then was moving round to engage in close combat with the Wolves, and the Khornate Daemon Prince took out the Predator, Grey Hunter squad, Rune Priest, Tactical squad with relative ease. Was fun to watch such blood spilling.


The only things not to get a mention were the Long Fangs which helped to shoot up the Rubric and one of the squads of Iron Warriors, and the whirlwind which again shot at both the Iron Warrior CSM squad as well as my CSM squad.

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Sounds like a sweet game. It's always nice to actually do something with bolt of change (I assume that's how your Sorcerer blew up the Vindi). That table is pretty cool looking too.


Yeah, i was kinda banking on Bolt of Change doing something as my Daemon Prince/Sorceror Apprentice/Sorceror Lord all had it...


As for the board, theres a better one that we've played on...not sure if ive got any decent pictures of it...but some of the boards that the club has done - admittedly smaller scale for other games like Flames of War have won awards in the UK so...




A few shots of one of the better battlefields (looks similar but its not)






(Oh no...Imperial Guard (mine :mellow:) But there are Marines so it should be valid lol)

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  • 3 weeks later...

More work, in the form of two terminators. I'm hoping that the guys i battle with wont mind if they work along side the terminator Sorceror should i have a battle before more terminators get done...as for now I'll be heading back to painting up troops choices and making them larger squads








I've decided to paint up the visible eyes red with a white iris. I like it and it looks creepy i think. I've also half decided on what to do for my basing on them finally. Trawling through the forum I found a link to a basing company in America...sods law...http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/ I've just gotta work out whether to go with the Trench works or the Urban Streets...and obviously buy them.

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Nice work Colin i like those alot.The bases you mentioned are good as well,ive seen the website.Does that mean you will rebase the Tzeentch minis you have already based?


Yes. Saying that, I've only got one with a proper base - the Terminator Sorceror Lord guy; all the others have simply been glued to a normal base with nothing done to it, so thats not too bad.


Thanks for the comment Nigel.


*edit* = typo

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