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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update:


Finished painting a squad (10) of horrors. Problem is, I might not take pictures of them till i get the bases...which is going to be at least a month away as they're my xmas pressie from my bro. (obviously if i get told im playing as Chaos in a battle before then i might have to base them anyway...)


Next plan is more traditional Chaos Space Marines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got 2 more normal CSMs done since my last post, but only one has been photographed- Theres a group on Deviant Art that is running a contest for a single non character model, so i finished up a marine and photo'd him...unfortunately, as I put in my previous post i dont have the bases so its just on a bog standard base...tho its a square one as its what i had nearby, + hes only bluetacked down anyway so....




Bit flash heavy unfortunately, but you should get an idea of him.

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Very nice Colin,.. Love the terminators too. Looking forward to see your growing army on the board, ... and also ripping them to shreds aswell. Just finished painting a new Space wolf squad.. perfect for hunting down cursed Thousand Sons. Cue evil laughter Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaa! What else is Father Christmas bringing you, any Chaos nasties?
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Just the closest base i had nearby...Give it 2 weeks and it'll be on something different.


Mark - I know what i've got but you're going to have to wait and see...It might be a Defiler...another Daemon Prince...some Terminators...Obliterators...Possessed...who knows?


I know for a fact that my brother has ordered some bases from > here < but i dont know what ones hes ordered so it'll be xmas day when i find out. (bit of harmless advertising cant hurt can it?)

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Just wanted to mention that today Ahriman took the fight to the Space Wolves and got a resounding win. 10 kill points to 2! Sent those mongrels running. What was left of them that is!


I wish you well in your war brother Irabrai! :D


p.s. I could post up pics of the battle if you like...?

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Just wanted to mention that today Ahriman took the fight to the Space Wolves and got a resounding win. 10 kill points to 2! Sent those mongrels running. What was left of them that is!


I wish you well in your war brother Irabrai! :D


p.s. I could post up pics of the battle if you like...?


Always good to hear a Thousand Son player kicking Space Puppy arse...Would definately like to see some pictures.

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Commence Operation Thread Hijacking-


I heard a rumor that Ethrion will be a new character in the next Chaos codex. Some of his abilities and stats are as follows, but take this rumor with a grain of salt.


9 stats all across the board, Fearless, and on a roll of 1+ against a Space Wolves army opponent before first turn, he wins.


The downside is that he'll cost 999 points.

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I have a feeling that most of those Skyclaws didn't make it to you with their jump packs.


Unfortunately I didn't really take enough photos to illustrate the battle phases very well but yes, basically the Sky Claws deepstriked in too close and were subsequently gunned down by plasma weaponry from the obliterators (who I was counting as a type of sorcerer) and the rubric marines inferno bolts.

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Very nice Colin,.. Love the terminators too. Looking forward to see your growing army on the board, ... and also ripping them to shreds aswell. Just finished painting a new Space wolf squad.. perfect for hunting down cursed Thousand Sons. Cue evil laughter Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaa! What else is Father Christmas bringing you, any Chaos nasties?

Thats ok Mark.While your chewing on Colins butt,i'll be kicking yours and Scotts just like the last battle LOL. :sweat:

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Thats ok Mark.While your chewing on Colins butt,i'll be kicking yours and Scotts just like the last battle LOL.


Last battle Mr Fryer?????, wasnt that when Ragnar chewed up your main assault and my wolfguard slaughtered your deamon prince??. lol

and a jolly good game it was too! But the battle your referring to,:- yeah its a fair cop... we didnt take down your Deamon prince before it got into our lines and it ate us for breakfast, lunch and dinner.... lesson learnt! Though I still enjoyed the game and thats what its all about.

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Thats ok Mark.While your chewing on Colins butt,i'll be kicking yours and Scotts just like the last battle LOL.


Last battle Mr Fryer?????, wasnt that when Ragnar chewed up your main assault and my wolfguard slaughtered your deamon prince??. lol

and a jolly good game it was too! But the battle your referring to,:- yeah its a fair cop... we didnt take down your Deamon prince before it got into our lines and it ate us for breakfast, lunch and dinner.... lesson learnt! Though I still enjoyed the game and thats what its all about.

Yes you are absolutely right,i got a right mauling on that game.However, i also learnt my most valuable lesson ever while playing 40k.Wont be making that mistake again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New picture of an old model...with a new base. Also done a base for the Daemon Prince...but i've gotta get new to a camera i bought yesterday.


Mounted on one of my xmas presents, Trench works bases from http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com ...



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Sooooooo...I shall start by hoping you all had a good new year...I didnt...i actually slept thru it as i was knackered but hey ho...


Since my last post i've had a battle so I can now divulge my other 40k related Christmas present. I got a Mark IIb Land Raider (admittedly with the Blood Angels doors for my other army, but also got the Thousand Sons doors to go along. It was a complete pain in the arse. SERIOUSLY. Many things dont sit in the right place, i've had to bodge parts of it, and theres still a couple of bits i've got to finish off on it, the cupola for one and the exhaust pipes, and then i'll look at "tarting it up", have some free hand Tzeentch logos on it, and i'm not sure what else, but any suggestions would be considered. Bearing in mind the hassle I had, I've named it Obduro...One of the latin words that translates for to Persist...Not very Changer of Ways but still...


As i say, since the last post I've been involved in a battle. It consisted of 1500 points of Thousand Son and Iron Warriors, versus a similar size Ultramarine army...An Annihilation battle was rolled for with normal set up, with the Chaos boys rolling up first.


First things first, some pictures of the battleground:








Ultramarine Setup (no Chaos pics, forgot...)




In the First Chaos turn, many of the Chaos Marines charged off towards the enemy, the Two Daemon Princes stuck to one side in attempt to get to an Ultramarine Vindicator and a Whirlwind, and the Chaos Vindicator immobilized the Ultramarine Vindicator, the MkIIb Land Raider sat still and fired two lascannons into the Ultramarine Redeemer but only managed to prevent the tank moving, and the Thousand Son Rhino moved slightly forward but didnt go very far.




Ultramarine turn 1:


An Ultramarine Drop pod came down behind the lines and unleashed a Dreadnought into the fray, many things moved forward, The Dreadnought destroyed the Vindicator outright, and succeeded in catching a couple of Iron Warriors in the explosion, and combined with the deathwind on the drop pod, and the Whirlwinds missiles, some more of the Iron Warriors died. However, they held their position well. A Hunter Killer missile from the razorback was set off and caught the Thousand Son Rhino's gas tanks and that went up in a plume of smoke, killing a couple of Chaos Space Marines.




Chaos turn 2:


Both Iron Warrior squads turned around to try destroy the Dreadnought, whereas the Daemon Princes both moved forwards to their targets. The land raider moved forwards, and fired at the Razorback and destroyed it. The Thousand Son CSM's ran forwards into cover. 4 meltaguns were aimed at the Dreadnought, and succeeded in destroying the close combat arm, and also preventing it from moving or shooting in its next turn. The Land Raider managed to prevent the Land Raider from shooting as well. Both Daemon Princes charged their targets, the Khornate Daemon destroying the Vindicator, and the Tzeentch one ripping the missiles from the Whirlwind.


Ultramarine turn 2:


With 2 Daemon Princes on their left flank, the Ultramarines sent their Land Raider and occupants into range, and sent a rhino with a tactical squad in a rhino charging towards the Thousand sons and then getting out, and the Whirlwind reversed out of combat. Shooting was uneventful, but the Assault cannons on the Land raider, using its machine spirit, managed to take a wound from the Tzeenchian Daemon Prince. In the assault phase, the Terminators in the Land Raider charged the Tzeentch Daemon Prince




A dire display of attacking ceased to find a terminators, only to see it slewn in close combat...It had almost survived, but with rerolling to hits on the charge due to the Chaplain, as well as rerolls to wound with the lightning claws, it wasnt good.


(Bad rolling-)




Chaos turn 3:


Seeing its fellow Daemon Prince, the Khornate Daemon decided to charge towards the Terminators, hell bent on getting revenge. The Land Raider moved towards the Ultramarines, and let the terminators out. The Iron Warriors again shot at the Dreadnought, and the Thousand Son marines and terminators shot at the tactical marines, and then charged into the survivors. The Land Raider shot at the rhino and destroyed it. Again, meltaguns shot at the Dreadnought, but destroyed it this time




In the combat between the Khornate Daemon Prince and the Terminators, the Daemon managed to kill a single terminator, but fell in combat itself...




Ultramarine turn 4:


The terminators headed back into their transport, which then headed into the Chaos Land Raider. A lascannon hiding behind a building shot at the Land Raider but ceased to do anything.


Chaos Turn 5:


The Chaos Terminators moved towards their Land Raider, and all the Chaos Space Marines moved forwards towards the Ultramarines. Whilst on their way, one of the Chaos Space Marines squads decided to desecrate a Statue of a Space Marine:




Ultramarine turn 5:


The Land Raider continued going forwards, and unleashed its terminators close to the other Land Raider. A Predator moved forwards and shot at one of the Iron Warrior Squads, and the Whirlwind moved forwards, a couple of Iron Warriors died, but the squad still stood still. The Redeemer unleashed a swarth of burning promethium over the Thousand Son CSM's and killed all but 2.


Chaos Turn 6:


Chaos Terminators moved towards their opposite number, and the Chaos Space Marines moved forwards trying to get into range of the Redeemer to try destroy it. Shooting reduced the squad to 2 men and the Chaplain, with one wound left







Ultramarine turn 6:


Redeemer shot at the CSM's, as did the Predator at the Iron Warriors. The Thousand Son squad was killed, but regardless of all the firepower aimed at the Iron Warriors, they still survived.


Battle ended at the end of turn 6, 7 points to Chaos, 6 points to the Ultramarines.

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Right, two things I need to ask/say.


1: I'm intending on equiping a Terminator squad with an Icon of Tzeentch (Why go anywhere else?) How do you guys go about equiping the squad with it, Do you use something akin to the Sorceror Staff in the Lord/Sorceror box and stick a Tzeentchian logo on the top? Do you do a Loyalist thing and make something like a banner pole? Please Enlighten me my brothers, and you may post pictures into this thread into how you've done it.


2: I've entered the LPC, and will do the rest of the Terminators (Hence the question above). I'm also doing a squad of Raptors and finishing off the Thousand Son squad i've previously started. Because of this, im going to create a post in the Works in Progress part of the forum, also due to the fact that i can get more critisism, as from here its a bit limited to Tzeentch players (Not that thats a bad thing!)

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