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New Pictures located on my LPC vow: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...p;#entry2618567


Question; I've been reading The First Heretic, and like the fact that Magnus and Lorgar were good friends (least originally...whether they still are at the end I'm not so sure...) Would anyone mind if i were to have some Word Bearers - (Dark Angel sprue things and Chaos bits ofc) to act as Chosen? - How would you guys find that, possible/probable?

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  • 2 months later...

Right, as previously mentioned, Some of my stuff has been in the WIP folder. Due to the LPC vow mainly, and just didnt get round to uploading them on here as well...but here goes


The vow was to do some another 3 terminators, 5 Thousand Sons and a squad of raptors.







Better shot of the Icon Bearer.








Thousand Sons:




Hope you like them. Will get round to doing a shot of everything in the vow...and all the Chaos I have at them moment soon...admittedly, some of them havent been replaced, those mainly being the Horrors and a few of the CSM's. Also, As I've put on the WIP file, the raptors havent been based. I'm not too sure that I will base them on the Secret Weapon bases...as much as I want to, i dont want to damage the bases.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Right...after a while I've got another model done...mainly because right now i'm concentrating more on my Blood Angel army...Sorry great lord and master that is Tzeentch.


I was at Salute in London last weekend, and one of the few purchases was a box of Chaos Spawns. Whilst looking at all the bits in the box, i kept noticing bits similar to the Pink Horrors, and thought i'd have a "Horror Spawn", painted up as if it was a horror just larger. The second spawn, that i've started to assemble isnt looking like a Horror, and thus shall be painted differently. Not that that should be a problem.


Anyway, here he is:




Yes, i know theres a gap in the bottom most picture where I havent glued it all round. Has been corrected. Also, i know theres alot of different bits to fill the back (and other parts) with, but i didnt like the look it would give. At least this way it looks akin to a Horror.

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That spawn looks great, really fits with the rest of your army, and as you said, especially the Horrors.Very Tzeentch! Good work buddy.


Thanks Mark...currently on hiatus of Warhammer 40k for a bit (well, i'll finish the StormRaven...) but then i wont do any 40k for a bit

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Thats a shame mate, was hoping to have another crack at your Thousand Sons With my Wolves soon. Looking forward to seeing the Storm Raven though.


I actually mean i wont be painting 40k for a bit. Will still be up for 1v1 battles tho.

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  • 1 year later...

So, its been over a year since updating this thread; not good and im sure Tzeentch would be displeased...Oh dear.


I think the main reason that i dont update them is that i dont really tend to play with them, tend to concentrate on my Blood Guard army, added to the fact that i'm not very lucky with them and tend to lose or do badly in the battles in which i've used them.


Plans for the short term future is to expand them. As i've previously mentioned, I'm gonna have a small band of Word Bearers in my army, to act as some Chosen. Thinking of doing either 10 or 11 of them. If its the 11, one would be an "Acting" Dark Apostle, mounted on the Marneus Calgar base; if i can get hold of one, as well as having a crumpled up Smurf on the base, as if he's been smacked in the chest by a mace (probably the power mace on the dark angels box set, will need some of them to act as cloaks...) If its just the 10, it'll be the same model just without the Calgar base. There will also be a Rhino for the squad, and for that there will probably be the forge world doors. Also planned is another CSM squad, and maybe 2 more rhino's for them - one for the current csm squad, and one for this squad, or the Thousand Son squad - either way theres another couple of rhinos.


After that? Who knows. Probably a vindicator or a Predator, or alternatively a couple of Obliterators, http://hitechminiatures.com/2/product/info/75 look pretty cool, and at £14 (ish) for 1 or £33 for the 3, its more likely to be the latter. They're about the same kind of price as the GW ones, and imo they look better too. Maybe a new Daemon Prince, or the current one will get a repaint "Spandex" as he's so...affectionately called by my enemies + allies, is rather unlucky as it is, and who knows, being repainted might alter that.


None the less, I might be starting on the Dark Apostle today, thinking of the CSM Rhino hatch guy as having a good chest to start with...


Thoughts on a postcard please.

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Or, alternatively, i'll make what i can of him given the bits i have, wait till pay day - under a fortnight away...till i have money, and try the new gw paints. Had gone to the Vallejo (typo?) paints for the Blood Guard, with gory red, and - Albeit im doing another red squad, i dont really want to be using the same red. I do have Army Painter Dragon red that i'm using as a basecoat for the normal marines, but dont think its dark enough for the Word Bearers.
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