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Saurok Riders - Squad and HQs


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Been working on these guys for a while. It took several months just to figure out what parts to use and how I could convert them. After that, I could only paint them infrequently, so all told it took a couple months. But I finally got them finished, just in time for the 'Ard Boyz Finals this weekend. I know painting isn't part of the scoring, but I like to play with as many fully-painted models as possible, and these guys will just look fantastic on the tabletop.


Anyway, here's the pics. Each pic is also a link to its page on my dA account, where you can see larger-sized versions if you like. Sorry if they're a little dark, I couldn't find all my lamps I usually use for model pics.



Whole Squad:




Regular Squad:




Captain Ith'mak and Command Sergeant Dellin (Wolf Lord and Battle Leader)




The mounts are Dark Elf Cold Ones, the legs are Chaos Knights, and the rest are a mix of vanilla and Dark Angel bitz, with a few Space Wolf and Black Templar bitz thrown in. The bases are both regular and flying 60mm "ruins" bases from Micro Art Studios, though I believe Captain Ith'mak's base is from the "temple" line. I wanted everyone on unique bases, hence the mix of regular and flying (though they're the same size anyway). So, except for the bases, the models are also 100% GW parts, so I shouldn't have to worry about any issues with that in any future tournaments. I still need to get the HQ's Saurdons (Fenrisian Wolves) done, too...

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Great idea - Space Marines on dinosaurs. I really like how they are done! Reminds me of a comic i've seen somewhere, about Space Wolf who was "riding on a wolf", but on a dino it's far, far better :P

Thanks for the inspiration, also, as i wanted to make my Commander special and now it seems i have an idea how i can do that.

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Great idea - Space Marines on dinosaurs. I really like how they are done! Reminds me of a comic i've seen somewhere, about Space Wolf who was "riding on a wolf", but on a dino it's far, far better ;)

Thanks for the inspiration, also, as i wanted to make my Commander special and now it seems i have an idea how i can do that.

Thanks! I decided to go for more of a reptile/dragon theme with my guys, so this seemed a logical choice. Seems to have worked out well...



I really like them.


For some reason though, having the dino's the same color as the marine's torso doesn't look right to me. I'm not sure why.


The painting is very good, and the modeling is great. The color scheme on the dino's though I don't know.

Well, I wanted them to match the Marines at least somewhat so there wouldn't be a huge contrast between the two, and they'd blend together better. And blue was a much better choice, I think, than green, as it helps them stand out better, seem more exotic, and not look like carbon-copies of the GW-painted ones (since those are all green and are likely what people will typically think of when one says "Cold Ones").

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