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Novasminis (update 26/10 - Dread Commission)


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New to these forums, wanted somewhere to showcase my space wolves army, its still growing, but what ive done so far is complete, they arent the best pictures, but i dont have the best camera.


First my only HQ Ragnar Blackmane






Drop Pod





Blood fangs, and Grey hunters



The lot



Predator Tank


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which colours are you refering to? all I can say for most of what I paint is that it all comes down to thinning your paints ans applying several layers. Generally I do a basecoat (over black primer), then a bedab black wash, then another coat or two or a lighter shade from the original basecoat. sometimes more layers are required (red and yellow) but the wash helps define the borders between one colour and another as well as one portion of the model to the other. I would prefer to do all the shading from a darker colour as i have in the past, instead of a wash, but that would take far to long.
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The base color looks like it's either Fenris Grey or Shadow Grey (most likely Fenris as, being a Foundation Paint, would make your basecoating work far easier, even when diluted).


From there I'd hazard a guess and say Astronomicon Grey or Space Wolves Grey mixed with a bit of the base color for highlights, maybe working up to either pure Astronomicon or Space Wolves.


Kudos on the very crisp and clean army, and I applaud the technique and patience required (although personally I'm more a fan of blending instead of edge highlighting).




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the grey is a shadow grey basecoat over chaos black undercoat, then i do a bedab black wash, after that i mix the shadow grey with a hint of fortress grey to lighten it a bit, and do a whole coat of that avoiding the shadows. then to finish i do another mix of shadow grey and fortress grey for the highlighting, this time with much more fortress grey. if i had the time i would do blending instead, as i have on some high elves ive painted, but the aim is to get this army completed so edge higlighting is much faster.


also no paticular reason why i used those heads, just did, lol. i like painting something slightly different everytime and id just done the 2 units of 10, so something simple was a nice change

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  • 3 weeks later...

well finished the rest of them off here they are. im very happy with how they've turned out. Enjoy :D






Both Dreads




Wolf Guard terminators




The Whole Bunch


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Really like that army, I do prefer it when people keep their SW's darker.


I really like your tanks. Normally I really dislike the whole "battle worn/muddy" effects, but something looks so right about yours, the "chips" and faded paint make sense rather than, as they often are, just there for the sake of it, which I think is unreal.

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thanks, I'm really happy with how they came out as well. I had to put a lot of consideration into the muddy scratched look, and decided that if you go to far with it its takes away something from the model, so i kept it more low key.


@Bay - im definatly going to consider drilling out the weapon muzzles, I did drill out the bullet damage on the tanks, but never thought about doing it for the weapons.

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  • 1 month later...

Well finished up painting a unit of Sanguinary guard i got a while back, happy with the results, was going to build a whole blood angel army but dont really have the cash at the moment so am just selling these of on ebay, will hopefully be able to afford a whole army at some point in the future.


hope you like the colour scheme, not really a fan of the blueish wings so went with the purple instead, also had a go with using shading in metallics, which worked when I was patient (the first model) and not so well when I wanted to get the rest of the models finished.













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well having rummaged through my old warhammer from eons ago, I discovered an old marneus calgar and decided that id have to give him a go. had a look around for some inspiration and found the images of the newer verion that won the gold demon open category in 2008, so thought id paint him in that style just for some practice with NMM and shaded armour. I'm very happy with how he came out, though not so happy with the white on the cape. The base is simple as I currently dont have any glue, but may update it in the future.



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