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Novasminis (update 26/10 - Dread Commission)


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i agree about the face, i think i may need to give it more of a highlight, the actaul mould wasnt very good and i think it may have taken a few knocks so it was a little hard to make out the wrinkles, hence why it looks a little flat.


the armour was really simple, the hard part is just making sure you get the lighting right, first it was a coat of regal blue with a touch of black, then i washed the whole nodel with bedab black. after that its just applying coats from regal blue, through to regal blue with increasing amounts of white mixed in, probably about 4 layers. then the extreme highlight of just white, this is the most important part, as its what gives the armour its shine. youve also got to make sure that when building up the layers there is a large contrast between the light and the dark, if you cover up to much of the first layers then it wont look as good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

recently finished a couple of models for sale, first is a canis wolfborn which I painted in a similar fashion to the space wolves army that I painted, only difference was that I used NMM for the gold and silver. I'm happy with the model but I don't think that its my best work. I've also painted a Sanguinor model which I'm very happy with, just need to take pictures so they will follow soon.







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Didnt take me that long to get the photos done, I tried painting this guy as close as possible to the GW painted Sanguinor and I'm very happy with how it came out. It was a very fun model to paint, except for sll the parchment that hold him up, that was a little annoying to do.





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Really like the Blood Angels with their kooky purple wings. I would've never thought that would look so good, but purple and gold just always go together I guess. Did you consider red wings? I wonder how that would look (guess it might come out pink....).


I'm really not a fan of that Calgar though. Just looks bizarre. It might just be that the head is too vibrant while everything else is super muted. it looks like his wargear has been sitting around in a warehouse for 1000 years and no one bothered to shine it up when he got it out of storage. Try muting his face's colors or adding some vibrant color to the rest of the model to balance it out. The end effect right now is that his head looks HUGE, and it's really not that big...


And no offense to you're skills, but that Calgar's NMM doesn't look metallic to me at all, and if I scrutinize the Sanguiniary Guard I'm sure they would likewise be wrong. But like I said, no offense to you, because GW and almost everyone else is doing NMM just as wrong.

I dunno what THAT technique should actually be called (certainly not NMM), but you have it down, whatever it is.

I've only ever seen like 2 guys who managed to pull off actual NMM.

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Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it. I've only been painting about a year, so its all practice at the moment to me. I no the calgar isnt perfect, but he definatly looks better in person. I'm not great at getting the lighting right in photos, it always dulls out the highlights a bit. camera is about 7 years old to and only a slimline so quality isnt perfect. I no the head doesnt look quite right, but it was the last thing on the model I painted and I just wanted him finished.


The main reason my models dont look super fantastic and the NMM isnt perfect is because I only spend a day or two on each model. If I really went for it and spent a month on a model I'm sure the standard would be much better. I also think a lamp that doesnt give off an orangy light might help ;) give me a few more years and I'm sure I'll have caught up with those 2 guys :tu: .

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No no. I think you misunderstand me.

It's not that you're doing it poorly (you're doing quite well, in fact, in nearing the high quality standard for what they call NMM), it's that the standard that has been set by all of the so called "NMM" paint jobs that are running around is nonsense. What the vast majority of those paint jobs do is a fairly arbitrary set of highlights that don't even slightly reflect the actual properties of light shining off of metal surfaces.

Even GW's 'Eavy Metal team seems to have missed the point entirely.


For example-

The first one was painted "NMM" style but with actual metallic paints, the second one is GW's "NMM". Notice how, when compared to how light actually behaves on the metallic version of the surface, the so-called "NMM" paintjob from Games-Workshop makes no sense at all? The so-called "NMM" highlights and shadows appear to be just completely defiant of logic and the physics of light:


I mean yea, the GW version's paintjob is great for picking out details, but it's all wrong for emulating metal, which (as I understand it) is the point.

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Oh with the Sanguinor as an example I agree completely, it really doesnt work properly as NMM when painted as it has been by GW. And I'm sure there are much better NMM versions of that model out there.


@Muller - I got those names from this website http://www.20000-names.com/male_norse_names.htm I can't remember fully but I think I may have added extra letters to the words so that they would fit on the scrolls better. they are however based on norse words to do with wolves and such.

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To be honest the added letters makes them sound very made-up and non-norse.

I'd switch them back to the way they're really spelled :geek:


And if you want them to fit the scrolls better you can always combine names instead, like you did back in the day up here in Scandinavia.

Just a personal preference :P

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I love how you did Canis.... he looks great. I personally like the sculpt but it does put a lot of pressure on the painter or it can look nasty. You did him justice.... he looks feral-tastic! :tu:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've finished a couple more models, found out I can use googles picasa to upload images. I'm not going to update all the older images to that so will have to wait for photobucket to refresh to see them, or have a look on my blog http://novaminis.blogspot.com/


First is Astorath the Grim he was my first go at using a lot of reds on a models armour and it wasnt as difficult as I'd expected to get a smooth coating, as usual the photos for these models arent top notch so sorry for that.








I also had a go at St. Celestine which I bought for a nice discount of ebay. I had a go with using more washes on the armour of this model, the subtly of which cant really be appreciated in the images.







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I recently finished a commission for a dreadnought. The client wished for a dreadnought that looked like it was an ultramarine being taken over by chaos, the difficulty in this was that it is a chaos model not a space marine one. So it was a difficult challenge. Anyway some pictures.






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