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Ulriks Minion

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I'm not sure what GW fluff says about the beast, but the name is formed from:

Chameleon: Reptile that can change colour.

Doppelgänger: A double, a person who looks identical. Often used as the name of a beast that can change to replicate someone's appearance.

Gangrel: From the old Scottish for a Wanderer, a Clan was named Gangrel in White Wolf's Vampire game.


Overall: Changer, taking another's shape.

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I thought it was made from the hair of every woman he had laid at the age of 12, and it's properties were made as to sheild him from the child protection agencys to cover up warhammers deep shame!




I've never seen one though, it's probably a very elusive beast on Feris.

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I put it to you that the Reptile like creature hibernates during the coldest years or takes on the shape of another

warmer bloodied beast (depending on how skilled those chameleonic really are); and is most powerful if the years

that Fenris is closest to it sun. Remember that Fenris is not always an ice planet, but becomes a planet of fire and

change as well.


If the Doppegangrel does hibernate and only comes out in the warmer time of the planets' orbit (2 Terrian years

wasn't it?) then he would be very elusive and shows the hunting prowess of Lukas.


However, if he doesn't hibernate and if the Doppegangrel is a reptilian creature it would be weakest in the coldest

years of the planets' orbit (they are names for these season but they elude me right now) and might take on the

form of another furred animal, that Lukas might have been hunting and killed. THe Doppegangrel would have then

transformed back to its original shape and I bet that Lukas would not miss the opportunity to show off this great

moment of fortune.


I came to the second, because isn't exactly a powerhouse; and his nature would definitely enjoy the idea of bring

this rarest of rare arifacts back to The Fang, acting nonchalant until pressed and creating a great epic of how he

hunted this believed-mythic creature.

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remember were taking assumptions that a scaled creature on planet fenris which goes between bone chilling cold freezing entire seas to boiling oceans is the same as a scaled creature on our pleasant little ball. terran biology doesnt always equate to fenrisian biology you know?


for all we know this creature could have been perfectly happy in ice cold waters/land or in some sort of temperate heat zone during the seasons of fire.


so basically we can conclude that its scaled, hard to kill, harder to hunt, and that loki is the only one to do so. then again he was one of the few fenrisian teens tapping more kegs then a smashed frat boy at a sorority house if you catch my drift which makes him god to some nerds.

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