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EvilEye's BA WIP!

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So I've been working on Astorath for the past week, and without further ado:





I noticed a couple of minor things I'll have to fix after looking the photos, but I'll get on with that later. C&C welcome and appreciated!


Also, I'm getting ready to paint Lemartes and a Sanguinary Guard. I'm thinking that I'm going to use the same scheme for the SG as I did for Astorath so that they look like his personal guard. Thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I worked a bit on Astorath and now I've started work on his "personal bodyguard" unit. I figure, he can't travel all alone, can he? So I'm painting them red to match his colors. I'm using the amazing Sanguinary Guard kit and so far this is what I have:










I've only painted the one PF guy, he's sort of the test model to iron out the color scheme. He's not done yet, I want to put some more highlights on the armor and tidy him up a bit (damn white takes sooo many layers when thinned!). So, any comments, suggestions, and crit is welcome!

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