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Adeptus Mechanicus - Busted


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I hope this is OK to post here.... In the game tech-priests wear power armour so I assumed it was. If not then I apologise.


This little project started off with me having a large quantity of models to paint and nothing to make.  I dont know if anyone gets this but I just was in the mood to make something not paint so I had to find something to do.  Being pretty skint right now I had the obvious problem that I would need to make something without spending a whole load of cash.


Id been feeling this way for a few days when searching through some of the rubbish in my room I found a pack of green stuff and four packs or milliput.  WINNER!  So what was I going to make.  I havent used milliput a lot and thought this seemed like a good opportunity to try some things out.  Now Im not much of a sculpter...  I know I might seem to be with some of the things I have made but whenever I make things its more fashioning them out of plasticard or bitz, not sculpting.  But as I said, this was a chance to try out some new things.


I decided I would sculpt a bust.  I havent even attempted to greenstuff a head before and thought that by doing something big it would help if I ever came to making a smaller one.  I didnt want to go too ambitious, so thought a mechanicus bust could be a good idea for several reasons.  Firstly I love the mechanicus and the background behind them.  Secondly it meant that I wouldnt have to try to put any emotion into what I was making and as I just wanted to try to get the proportions and shape correct this seemed like a good idea.


I wish I had taken some WIP shots now but I just never got around to it as the model was either wet and drying or I was working on it....  Oh well.


So here he is:







As you can see I wanted him to look quite gaunt and scarred as I always think of the mechanicus honouring the machine but often neglecting or not caring about the scaring that adding mechanical parts might add.


Some of the parts might look not very smooth but thats just because of slight colour variations when mixing the milliput.  I also had a chance to mix milliput with greenstuff.  That was a VERY interesting experience, changing the way it could be worked and shaped and if how I could get the edges of the hood so thin.


One moment of total stupidity that I thought I would share is the half closed mouth and cut up the right side of the face.  I wanted to show how the mechanical implants were grafted onto (or replaced) the bone structure of the skull and the scar roughly stapled closed would show this best.  I sculpted the cut and then spent a day working out how to make the "staples".  It would need to be something perfectly straight with a flat top but rounded edges...  I just couldnt think of something that would work well as medical staples.  Then in a moment of genius (or the clouds of stupidity briefly dissipating) I realised the closest thing to a staple I would get is shockingly...  some staples! A nice example of not seeing the woods for the trees :devil:






Hope you like him and as always comments and constructive criticism are welcome.


Now that Ive finished Im not sure what to do with him.  Im happy with what Ive learnt and I think Ive taken a lot from it.  I guess I will either sell it or paint it...  or paint it then sell it :)

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Wow! That's very impressive, more so for someone who's "not much of a sculptor". I like that you didn't go too cray with the bionics, I think you've got the balance between man and machine just right. Personally, I think you should paint it and keep it as a reminder of what you can do :)



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I cant believe I didnt put a scale model in there.... I normally do that. Here is a pic next to a 40k scale tech priest.



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I never thought I'd see the day....that really is your first sculpture? Its rather refreshing to see something like that. Take pride in your achievement and get yourself a cookie you totally earned it. Here's hoping you continue with more sculptures! :huh:
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as i am not a sculptor i cant lend any particular tips, but you have the scale of the shoulders to head great. my only criticism is that some of the facial features are quite exaggerated for example the lips

i would suggest when you do your next sculpt drawing out details on paper over and over until you have the right look then you can much more easily visualise how the sculpt will look and not have to make it up as you go along..

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That would be a good idea other than the fact that I cant draw... Like at all. I know it sounds silly but seriously when I draw it looks like some spider ran over some ink and then had a fit on the page. Thanks for the advice though ^_^
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