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New to the B&C

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Hello all,


I found my way here via a series of links more ridiculous than I care to explain, but I'm glad I'm here!


I've been collecting Space Marines on and off for roughly ten years, but five years ago most of the collection was lost to the "Great Purge" (parentals cleaning out the old toys after I left for university). I'm just now trying to rebuild my army, and finally getting into the playing side of the game. I've been attempting (weakly) to paint models for some time, but I think I finally have enough skill to be satisfied with the results of some models. I look forward to learning more and developing my painting, modelling, and gaming skills with all the resources from the B&C.


At present, I'm in the process of deciding just what colours to paint my new company in. If you don't mind heading over to the Index Astartes section and providing some input, it'd be greatly appreciated. I currently have a Land Raider, Tactical Squad, and some Daemonhunters in need of paint, so once the chapter colours are decided, I'll begin working on them!




Brother Puma

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I found my way here via a series of links more ridiculous than I care to explain
C'mon, we've got 56000 members waiting to hear it... :P


Welcome to the board. University and parents can have that effect on an army. Treat it as an excuse to get another one...

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