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Let us see how far we've come!

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Hey guys, in this hobby, everyone has to start from somewhere, and it is always nice to see how we improve over time. I personally found an old mini of mine and decided to photograph it next to my favorite company champion and my most recently finished mini as a comparison, you giys tell me how it looks and this thread is also for everyone else to post their older and most recent minis!:P


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nice, you can really see how much you have improved :)

i started about 7 or 8 years ago, this was my first marine...


favourate marine...


a test raptor i finsihed this morning, most recent...



its a great testament to the B&C where i learned most of the skills i know today and i owe my improvement to the site and its members :lol:

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I truely wish I had some of my very first mini's :woot: I started bout 15 years ago and would probably about the same as sword brethren's first mini's.

My girl friend is starting to get into it, but is getting down hearted that her's aren't as good as she would like (IE like mine.) I've been teaching her some of the tips and tricks I've learned over the years. Keep trying to tell her that her's are a hundred times better than my first attempts, but she wont believe me. ;)



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My current project (the last thing promised in my Call of Chaos), is actually repainting my metal Plague Marines. I started this army about 6 or 7 years ago, and they just don't hold up to things I'm painting nowadays.

This isn't a before, and after, but you can clearly see the difference (new scheme on the left ... but I hope I didn't have to point that out).


I've got 4 marines done from the first of two metal squads now. The second squad (from which the dude on the right hails) will receive the same treatment eventually.

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sword brethrens first marine is epic!! I would keep it 4EvER! and his work after is fascinating! GRATS on the IMprovments. :o


ha ha thanks, i do keep it just to remind myself when i get angry at painting to man up and stop whining :P


I truely wish I had some of my very first mini's :( I started bout 15 years ago and would probably about the same as sword brethren's first mini's.

My girl friend is starting to get into it, but is getting down hearted that her's aren't as good as she would like (IE like mine.) I've been teaching her some of the tips and tricks I've learned over the years. Keep trying to tell her that her's are a hundred times better than my first attempts, but she wont believe me. :(




tell her that the B&C backs her, if she keeps sticking at it she will get the jist :)


the plague marine looks awesome, some real good improvement. Terminatorinhell had a great idea with this thread :)

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