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"Blood Duel" Arena of Death Competition

Brother Tyler

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The hotly anticipated Arena of Death competition for our members begins now. The first round will involve a number of forums have smaller Arena of Death competitions to determine each forum's champion. After that, each of the champions will face each other in a site-wide Arena of Death competition to determine the overall Bolter & Chainsword Blood Duel champion.


In order to fight in the Liber Astartes forum, your character must be from a Chapter/Legion/Order/Warband/whatever for which you've started a topic here in the Liber Astartes forum, and the character must be created using any of the codices supported by the Bolter & Chainsword (Space Marines, Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Chaos Space Marines, Daemonhunters, Witch Hunters, or Chaos Daemons).


If you desire to submit your character to fight here in the Liber Astartes forum, please submit your character as a reply to this topic no later than midnight PST on 22 August.


You can find the rules of the competition, the submission requirements, and ask any questions in the main announcement thread here.


In addition to all of the other requirements for submitting a combatant, please include a link to your discussion here in the Liber Astartes forum.

You do need an image of your entry (that just sounds wrong). It is just a good way of thinning the ranks a little, requires that bit more effort. Any kind of picture will done, even an 8-bit image from an old phone as long as we know it is a Space Marine.
You do need an image of your entry (that just sounds wrong). It is just a good way of thinning the ranks a little, requires that bit more effort. Any kind of picture will done, even an 8-bit image from an old phone as long as we know it is a Space Marine.


I feel discriminated against because I don't model.





It would be to easy otherwise for people to enter - you have to show some effort. Surely you have a SM laying about somewhere.



I know - I'm just amusing myself.


Nope, no models.. To be honest I can barely summon the willpower to log in most days, let alone shoddily paint a mini!

Blast you! 'Shakes fist at picture necessity'


Means that you might get a poor quality pick of a beautifully painted model. It has wings.


Er, I can use Codex : Space Marines for a Chaos model, right?

Character name: Brother-Captain Hubros of the Second Company: Steel Wings Chapter (Liber Astartes)

Codex used: Codex:Space Marines

Unit entry used: Captain

all weapons, wargear, abilities, options, etc: Chainsword, Bolter, Artificer armour, Frag n Krak, Iron Halo, Hellfire rounds, digital weapons and Abilities as a standard Marine Captain

Cost: 145pts


Stock special instructions:

Moving - Move minimum distance to get within 12" Then Charge

Shooting - Fire weapon until Hubros is within Charging range

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range - Charge/Assault. Parry once per turn

Voluntary fallback - No



Image of painted mini (must be at a tabletop level – three colors or more): When I buy the Captain Box set <_< .


Edit: To reflect the information given by kind Liber readers below ;)

No, as long as it is a model (and we presume it is one you own and not just some random image of the internet...)

Thing is, DarkKnightCuron has been collecting an army of my Heralds of Light since right after last christmas, and I have had several discussions regarding fluff and how that would impact his models. It started off as just the Captain and command squad of the 5th Company (which he actually offered to send to me after being finished, but I turned him down since I don't collect), but now he's building an entire battle company. And recently he commissioned another guy to do the Captain who turned out great, and I thought it would be cool to honor DKC's dedication to my Chapter by entering the Captain in the contest.


So there's my explanation. I might be pushing it, but no biggy if I'm not allowed.


Here's the thread with the model in question:

Relevant thread

Bah, curse my rotten luck.

I haven't got any chance to take part in this, since real life is getting complicated at me. :D


Oh, and I don't own any tabletop legal models other than the occasional bolter-only-marine*. :lol:


I'll be restricted to cheering on from the sidelines this time. Go Liber!



*And they aren't painted in the colours of a chapter I've written about, here or anywhere else. :sweat:

I hope it's not considered bad sportsmanship to use a model another guy painted (for my my Chapter), since I don't paint myself. Is it?

It should be a model that you possess, otherwise we'll be opening the floodgates for anyone to enter models that aren't their own.


Now if you don't have any models of your own, perhaps you and DarkKnightCuron could collaborate on entering a model together - something along the lines of he creates the model and rules while you write whatever background you want. That would be acceptable.

Character name: Brother-Captain Hubros of the Second Company: Steel Wings Chapter (Liber Astartes)

Codex used: Codex:Space Marines

Unit entry used: Captain

all weapons, wargear, abilities, options, etc: Chainsword, Bolter, Artificer armour, Frag n Krak, Iron Halo, Abilities as a standard Marine Captain

Cost: 115pts


Stock special instructions:

Moving - Move minimum distance to get within 12" Then Charge

Shooting - Fire weapon until Hubros is within Charging range

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range - Charge/Assault. Parry once per turn

Voluntary fallback - No



Image of painted mini (must be at a tabletop level – three colors or more): When I buy the Captain Box set :D .


Dude, you are short changing your Captain IMO. You have 30 points left to play with and could still give him more "bite" without having to worry about adding extra stuff to the model. Example, Hellfire Shells and Digital Weapons. Just my recommendation trying to help a fellow brother out.

Character name: Brother-Captain Hubros of the Second Company: Steel Wings Chapter (Liber Astartes)

Codex used: Codex:Space Marines

Unit entry used: Captain

all weapons, wargear, abilities, options, etc: Chainsword, Bolter, Artificer armour, Frag n Krak, Iron Halo, Abilities as a standard Marine Captain

Cost: 115pts


Stock special instructions:

Moving - Move minimum distance to get within 12" Then Charge

Shooting - Fire weapon until Hubros is within Charging range

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range - Charge/Assault. Parry once per turn

Voluntary fallback - No



Image of painted mini (must be at a tabletop level – three colors or more): When I buy the Captain Box set :P .


Dude, you are short changing your Captain IMO. You have 30 points left to play with and could still give him more "bite" without having to worry about adding extra stuff to the model. Example, Hellfire Shells and Digital Weapons. Just my recommendation trying to help a fellow brother out.


Thanks for bringing this up, as I was aware Hubros is underpowered. However, I was of the impression that the model should represent what items the Character has i.e. Relic Blade on Profile - Relic Blade on Model. I could be wrong (it has been known :D ), but that is how I took it. The reason, I bring this up is because I honestly don't know if I could sculpt said weapons onto a model if my life depended (I have only ever used Milliput than Greenstuff and I wasn't that handy with Milliput to be honest), so until I knew for certain or not, I thought it best to just leave them off the profile.


Thanks again for the heads up though ^_^

Dude, you are short changing your Captain IMO. You have 30 points left to play with and could still give him more "bite" without having to worry about adding extra stuff to the model. Example, Hellfire Shells and Digital Weapons. Just my recommendation trying to help a fellow brother out.


Thanks for bringing this up, as I was aware Hubros is underpowered. However, I was of the impression that the model should represent what items the Character has i.e. Relic Blade on Profile - Relic Blade on Model. I could be wrong (it has been known <_< ), but that is how I took it. The reason, I bring this up is because I honestly don't know if I could sculpt said weapons onto a model if my life depended (I have only ever used Milliput than Greenstuff and I wasn't that handy with Milliput to be honest), so until I knew for certain or not, I thought it best to just leave them off the profile.


Thanks again for the heads up though ^_^

True, as far as I am aware the model must represent the profile, and vice versa. However, Hellfire bolts and Digi Weapons don't need to be modeled on the mini. Hellfire ammo is just different ammo for the Bolter, and Digital Weapons are so small that you don't need to model them on.

We'll do our best Rex (I bet my character will be among the first to fall).

Character name: Brother-Captain Galvanon of the Fourth Company: Ghost Dragons Chapter (Liber Astartes)

Codex used: Codex: Space Marines

Unit entry used: Captain

Equipment: Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, Digital Weapons, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo, Abilities as a standard Marine Captain

Cost: 140pts

Stock special instructions:

Moving - Move full distance to get within 12" Then Charge, no running

Shooting - Fire weapon until Galvanon is within Charging range

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range - Charge/Assault. Parry once per turn

Voluntary fallback – No


How I wish I could take better pictures.

Link to Chapter discussion:


Character name: Captain Lithotum (Liber Astartes)

Codex used: Codex: Space Marines

Unit entry used: Captain

Equipment: Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo, Abilities as a standard Marine Captain

Cost: 145pts



Moving - [Full speed ahead at enemy.]


Shooting - [use Run IF NOT in charge range]


Psyker Powers - N/A


Charging/Assault - [Charge if possible. All out attack in combat.]


Voluntary Fallback - [No]




Hehe, should do badly :) Good luck to all :D


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