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"Blood Duel" Arena of Death Competition

Brother Tyler

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May as well have a crack...


Name:Lieutenant-Captain Markus, 3rd Company, Angels of Shadow (Liber Astartes)

Codex: Dark Angels

Unit Entry: Company Master

Equipment: Storm Bolter, Power Fist in addition to standard equipment

Points: 130Pts



Moving:half distance until in charging distance then charge

Shooting:always shoot if able

Psy Power: N/A

Charge/Assault: Charge when in range. Attack, parry then attack again

Voluntary fallback: when two wounds are lost




better pic now


Link in sig V V V V V

Well I've been meaning to do this so here's my go. I actually originally designed this guy for the Iron Gauntlet with this very purpose in mind. Of course he uses Company Commander rules as opposed to his invented rules:

Character name: Chapter Champion Arkel Aldrest of the Sons of Bennu

Codex used: Codex: Space Marines

Unit entry used: Company Captain

Equipment: Artificer Armour, Relic Blade, Boltgun, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo

Cost: 145pts

Stock special instructions:

Moving - Move and rapid fire bolter then assault where possible

Shooting - Fire weapon until within Charging range

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range

Parry - Nah... he kinda want to die.

Voluntary fallback – No, see above.


Character Fluff HERE

Chapter Fluff (Albiet undergoing complete re-write) HERE

Bugger it I have so many unpainted minis sitting in boxes under my desk from my last move. I would have loved to enter a Blazing Son into the mix.


As it stands I'll just have to provide as much moral support for the Liber Astartes contenders as possible! :lol:

I'm pleased to announce, a joint submission, from myself and DarkKnightCuron.

Character name: Captain Bral Reiko, of the Heralds of Light

Codex used: Codex: Space Marines

Unit entry used: Company Captain

Equipment: Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo

Cost: 145pts


Moving - Move and run towards opponent, always strive to get the charge

Shooting - N/A

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range

Parry - No parrying. If charged by opponent, parry twice

Voluntary fallback – Never!


Heralds of Light

As an aside, would anyone in the Liber be willing to paint up a Blazing Son for this challenge? My vanity and conceit know no bounds! :)


Whilst I would be willing to paint one I couldn't enter it due to the whole already entering thing. Although I'm not sure if you could enter it. As I think it would be a 'joint entry' and I've already put forward Arkel.

Well you could post it to me, then I could send one back if you like as replacement, or a bunch. That said I think my local Australia Post - postie gets a little hammered on his route and just ends up posting some things because he damn well feels like it in the wrong damn boxes. Not a good state of affairs let me tell you.



In any case I appreciate the offer Phoenix. :tu:


(I'll cheer for you from the sidelines! :mellow: )


*Edit* (And Grey/DKC too!)

I'm pleased to announce, a joint submission, from myself and DarkKnightCuron.

Character name: Captain Bral Reiko, of the Heralds of Light

Codex used: Codex: Space Marines

Unit entry used: Company Captain

Equipment: Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Frag and Krak Grenades, Iron Halo

Cost: 145pts


Moving - Move and run towards opponent, always strive to get the charge

Shooting - N/A

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range

Parry - No parrying. If charged by opponent, parry twice

Voluntary fallback – Never!


Heralds of Light

Magnificent! I especially like the work on the blade of the Glaive Encar- erm, I mean Relic Blade. Very nice indeed, plus the subtle glow of the eyepieces is sublime. The cool blues of the cloth work well with the stark white of the armor also.

Well you could post it to me, then I could send one back if you like as replacement, or a bunch. That said I think my local Australia Post - postie gets a little hammered on his route and just ends up posting some things because he damn well feels like it in the wrong damn boxes. Not a good state of affairs let me tell you.



In any case I appreciate the offer Phoenix. :tu:


(I'll cheer for you from the sidelines! :huh: )


*Edit* (And Grey/DKC too!)


Well, let me see what I can do. I may not be the greatest painter out there but I like a challenge...


EDIT: PM me what sort of Wargear/unit entry you want and I'll take a look.

Character name: Brother Praetor Juris Fracta, Captain of the 2nd Company

Codex used: Codex: Space Marines

Unit entry used: Company Captain

Equipment:Frag and Krak, Iron Halo, Artificer Armor, Power Sword x 2

Cost: 145pts




Moving - Move and run towards opponent, always strive to get the charge

Shooting - N/A

Psychic powers - N/A

Charging/assault - If within charge range

Parry - No parrying. Attack attack attack attack. If beaten to the charge, parry once

Voluntary fallback – Only if there's a sale at the GAP




Character name: Miguel Karitan, Warrior-Priest of the Aurora Knights

Codex used: Codex: Dark Angels

Unit entry used: Chaplain

Equipment: Crozius Arcanum (represented by the power weapon), Bolt Pistol, Power Armor, Rosarius

Cost: 100 pts


Stock special instructions:

Moving - Always make a full move towards the enemy.

Shooting - Always fire when in range. If out of range, run towards the enemy.

Charging/Assault - Charge when in range. Parry once each round. If charged by the enemy, parry twice. If wounded, parry twice until the end of the duel.

Voluntary Fallback - No



@Viray: Does your camera have a macro setting? If it does then set it to that, and that should help. Bt just a tip for it! Position your object a little further away from the camera and zoom in until you get the perfect close up of what you want. Half click the button down until it focuses and see if thats right, because sometimes it will focus on the background... hence the zooming in. :) hope this helps!

Hmm... I'm not entirely sure (lost the manual :P ), but I think my camera does have a macro setting. However, I took several shots under each and every setting from varying distances, including a shot under the conditions you recommended, and I still get stuck with such a terrible picture. I'm wondering if it's the lighting, but I felt I was quite thorough in that regard.


Anyway, thanks for the helping hand.

Hmm... I'm not entirely sure (lost the manual :huh: ), but I think my camera does have a macro setting. However, I took several shots under each and every setting from varying distances, including a shot under the conditions you recommended, and I still get stuck with such a terrible picture. I'm wondering if it's the lighting, but I felt I was quite thorough in that regard.


Anyway, thanks for the helping hand.


If you can tell us the Make and specifications of your camera, we can judge whether it will take a good photo. If your tools are of a certain level, you will produce that level of work.


Your camera does seem to close to the piece.

Your lighting also seems bright and close. Move the light further away (or move your miniature further away, eether ither :P )

It is very yellow (which is the light given off from incandescent globes).

I had a similar issue with yellowness and on moving the lamp further away and letting the room's lighting have more effect, the yellowness was reduced.

You want the light coming from over your shoulder, so to speak, when you take the photo.

Using a tripod or the "2 second delay" function will give that a solid foundation to snap from.


"Macro" is depicted by a flower icon.


Also, take the photo of just your guy and not with the beast behind him.

Firstly, it is easier to focus on him for us and

Secondly, that could cause confusion for your camera. Camera to self 'What am I supposed to be focusing on?.... ' = unfocused shot.

An absolutely terrible picture (the camera supposedly is an 11m one, but I set it a 1M as it seemed to take a better picture at that resolution :) ), but I finally give you Brother-Captain Hubros of the Steel Wings, Second Company:


Let it begin brothers, let it begin! ;)

Name: Arkadi Mountainreaper, Grand Shaman, Clan of the Mountain Yeti, Disciples of the Jackal

Codex Used: Space Wolves

Unit: Rune Priest

Equipment: Runic Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Frag and Krak grenades, Chooser of the Slain, runic armor

Powers: Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane

Cost: 145


whoa! giant pic.... how do i make that smaller?


Moving - move back 2"

Shooting - Use Plasma pistol if with 6"

Psyker Powers - Use Living Lightning if opponent is more than 18" away, use Murderous hurricane if opp. is 18" or less away.

Charging/Assault - charge if within range. parry once if charging, twice if getting charged

Voluntary Fallback - yes.

other - place chooser 1" behind Arkadi.

I have an entry! I don't have the time to post more than this right now but please don't lock me out. I have to go straight back to work right this second. Hopefully I'll be back home from work earlier than 12am (AusEast) and can tie this up.

Appreciate any leeway I could be allowed here, otherwise I hope time is on my side! <_<


Edit mk2:

Link to (still unfinished) IA: Blazing Sons.

Character Name: Captain Coenwalh of the Blazing Sons Fourth Company.

Codex Used: Codex Space Marines

Unit Entry: Company Captain

Wargear: Powerfist and Storm Shield (on top of default gear), coming in at 140pts.

His tactics should be fairly simple. Go forth and lay about with yonder over-sized fist.


By the way this was not painted by me, but by a supremely talented friend of mine. You get a cookie if you can guess who it is.


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