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"Blood Duel" Arena of Death Competition

Brother Tyler

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Holy mongoose in a monster truck...Markus survived round 1!?!?!?!


To SonofTerra and Arkadi Mountainreaper, I thank you for the battle and hope to cross blades with you next time.


To CodexGrey and Captain Bral Reiko, I look foward to the coming combat and wish you luck.


To Brother Tyler, my special instruction is to run foward firing until I can assault, then charge into assault. combat instructions are my default ones.

Time to do my happy dance!




I mean, time to compose an epic saga to remember the victory through the ages for the future of the Blazing Sons Chapter and the worthy adversary in the Sons of Bennu.


Then do the happy dance.


SP, I can't believe we got pitted against one another, or rather that our characters did. Hat's off to what would have been a good fight!


Good luck to your champion, Lemainus and mine. May the best man win! :)


I'll take this moment to wish best of luck to the other contenders in round two as well.


Lastly, but certainly not leastly, err... thanks to Brother Tyler for all the hard work I reckon.

Ah, the fates conspire against me, it seems. Oh well I could not have been defeated by a better opponent. Such is the fate of all whom help building mosters I suppose...


Well, this might inspire me to create a bit of fiction over the battle between these two mighty Champions. Perhaps even redeem Arkel from his self destructive nature, as I have a feeling Coenwahl would kill the oft fatalistic Aldrest.


The amusing thing is this comes after just playing and winning my first tabletop victory of the Eternal Legion (previously/still somewhat known as the Sons of Bennu).


Good luck to GHY and the mighty punchyness of Captain Coenwahl, may his fists fly true for the rest of the Duels.


EDIT: And might I ask just how close the duel between Arkel and Coenwahl was, for interests sake.

I expect nothing less than your best. If the Emperor decrees that Markus is to no longer continue in this duel, I expect an epic fight worthy of legends. That being said, I have vast amounts of faith that Markus will prevail yet again.


Let the best warrior have the glory of victory.

EDIT: And might I ask just how close the duel between Arkel and Coenwahl was, for interests sake.

They started off 26" apart. Coenwalh won the Initiative check, running forward to close distance. Aldrest moved forward and shot, but Coenwalh made his save. Coenwalh won the Initiative check in Turn 2, moving forward and then charging into assault. Aldrest attacked first, but failed to hit with the single attack he allotted, the other two attacks saved for parries. Coenwalh attacked back with his power fist, but all four of the to hit rolls were pathetically low (three 2s and a 1), wasting Aldrest's parries. Aldrest attacked back in his turn, getting a hit, but failing to wound. Coenwalh attacked back, landed a hit that wounded, but Aldrest made his save. In the next turn Aldrest again attacked, landed two hits that both wounded. Coenwalh made one save, but failed the other. First blood to Aldrest. Coenwalh attacked back with his power fist, landing two hits that both wounded. Aldrest failed both saves and was Stunned, losing all further actions for the turn. So Coenwalh got to attack back (bottom half of the turn), getting a hit that wounded, with Aldrest failing the third save and losing his third wound.

It was a close one.


It seems to have been quite an epic duel and I can only imagine how the fight was to have taken place in the game world.


Getting smacked with a power fist is probably not the best of consequences though. 'Stunned' indeed. Also yes you should probably do some fancy wordsmithing there SP since as a Blazing Son, your man's fatalistic attitude would have won him any respect-points or rather, 'don't kill me' points.


That said, in the end for Coenwalh there is no honour in killing a defeated ally who fought well in such a contest! :D

First off - Thank you to Brother Tyler for running the matches and Congratulations to Lemainus and to everyone into the next round! :D


Second, a little something to add flavour for the match between Brother Praetor Juris Fracta and Brother-Captain Hubros




Before the battle, Battle-Captain Hubros felt a hollowness he could not explain. The bitterness of defeat at Jakart had left it's mark deeply even after many years. This battle would be cathartic to him; to find his way again, of atoning for his mistake and to do honour to the "Founding Fathers" and the Emperor.


The duel was long fought and drawn out. Both competitors had taken pains to counter the others moves. Parry after parry Brother-Captain Hubros made, determined to carve out a new honour for both himself and that of his Chapter. But in the end, it was all for naught. Brother Praetor Juris Fracta was too strong, too diligent in his martial prowess and left nothing to chance.


At the battles' end, Fracta approached Hubros and gave the sign of the Aquila. Hubros returned it.


"Brother, I thank you," Fracta said, "May the Emperor protect!"


"Nay, brother. I thank you. After this day, I return to my Chapter, renewed by the vigor you have shown in your victory. I thank you for showing me the way forward."


With a renewed sense of purpose, Hubros left the Arena.



Lemainus, if it's okay with you I'd like to either add this (or something better) into both my IA and the storyline I'm in the middle of doing for my Chapter :P


For completeness, could you tell me which Chapter Fracta is from? Thanks! And congratulations again ^_^


Go Liber! ^_^


Juris is a commander my created chapter, the Order of the Silver Hand.


I'm completely okay with your using the battle in your IA - I will have to do the same!

  • 3 weeks later...

Whoa! We're tardy on this one. Sorry about that. Neither Ferrata nor I has had a lot of free time, so no batreps yet.


Our battles for Round 2:

  • Lieutenant-Captain Markus vs Captain Bral Reiko - Victory to Captain Bral Reiko
  • Captain Coenwalh vs Brother Praetor Juris Fracta - Victory to Brother Praetor Juris Fracta
  • Miguel Karitan got the bye

The Markus vs Reiko fight lasted four turns, with Markus failing to do any damage shooting. Bral Reiko spent the first three turns running forward, got the charge, and killed Markus in two player turns of assault (flawless victory).


The Coenwalh vs Fracta fight lasted two turns, with both characters running in the first turn, Coenwalh getting the charge, and Fracta landing three wounds before Coenwalh got a chance to swing his power fist. Another flawless victory.


Our semi-finals matchup will be:

  • Miguel Karitan vs Brother Praetor Juris Fracta
  • Captain Bral Reiko gets the bye

I'll need special instructions within 24 hours.

Bral Reiko prevails!


I promised myself I wouldn't get my hopes up, but this is looking good.


@ 11th Company Dark Master: Thanks. Good game, Brother. With your 15 points to spare, you should have upgraded your bolter with hellfire rounds, maybe then the shooting could have done some damage on Reiko.


@ Grey Hunter Ydalir: Thanks, Ydalir. I was hoping Reiko and Coenwalh would get the chance to duke it out, so I'm sad to see him go. Bral will fight for the Blazing Sons as well!

Bral will fight for the Blazing Sons as well!


Now that would make a great sidebar. :tu:


Appreciate the kind words there Grey, I was hoping to see what would happen there too but it was not to be. Reiko will have the support of the Blazing Sons behind him now though. ^_^

I know the sentiments been made already, but Go Liber!


"We have our own Fluff, and we're not afraid to use it!" :P

Also let's not forget the useful threat of;


"Don't mess with me, pal, or you'll be nothin' but a sidebar." :D

Ah well, at least justice was served with a side order of smack down on Coenwahl, although I admit I kinda wanted him to do well (dont know why...) So know all I'm left to say is go Bral Reiko!


:tu: Well the dice were not in my favour this time unfortunately. Those first strikes are a bugger that's for sure. A couple of parries probably wouldn't have gone amiss there, but never mind. I can understand your position too. :P


Seems we're all rooting for Bral Reiko here! Grey has done it again. :tu:


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