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"Blood Duel" Arena of Death Competition

Brother Tyler

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  • 2 weeks later...
And Brother Praetor Juris Fracta prevailed over Miguel Karitan.


So our championship battle will feature Brother Praetor Juris Fracta versus Captain Bral Reiko.


Exciting stuff! ^_^


I don't suppose you've got some spare foam hands, have you? :P

On that note, may the best man win. Go Liber!


Liber solidarity for the win. Had to be said.


I'm looking forward to this final battle like something on the absolute very edge of it's seat, as I inferred earlier. :jaw:

*exits Thunderhawk, brushing Wolf fur from his once immaculate Extremely Black battle-plate* :D




Looking forward to it.


*preempts the nail-biting by sitting with bottom on edge of seat in anticipation* :lol:

The following was transcribed by a scribe-servitor in service to Inquisitor Irene Fraxius (IF) of the Ordo Malleus during the interrogation of Bara Methelian, former Chamberlain to the late Governor of Mycetale IV. It had been revealed that the Chamberlain, now Prisoner 49A3-4G, had been in service to the Dark Powers and had masterminded the troubles that took place on Mycetale IV in late 997 and 998 of M41.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: My Master speaks to me, though you who refuse to listen cannot hear. Only those whose minds are open to the wonders of the Æther, those who are not afraid to face the mysteries of the universe, can hear.


IF (to unidentified attendant): Castigate him.


(Sound of neuro-torture device activating for 1 second, followed by screams from Prisoner 49A3-4G.)


IF: Continue.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: (panting) You may destroy my body…but my soul will serve my Master unto eternity.


IF (to unidentified attendant): Again.


(Neuro-torture device activates again, for 3 seconds this time. Subject screams again.)


IF: As I said, continue.


(Subject whimpers incoherently for a minute before regaining composure)


Prisoner 49A3-4G: The powers of my Master are beyond anything you can fathom.


(Subject remains silent for several moments, apparently waiting for some response from IF. After some time, subject continues.)


Prisoner 49A3-4G: My Lord has promised me power beyond imagining. I had only to offer up my soul in service to him and he rewarded me upon Mycetale IV.


(Post-transcription note: Prisoner 49A3-4G exhibited sorcerous powers in the Troubles, though previous bio-screenings never indicated any psyker-mutation traits.)


Prisoner 49A3-4G: Do you remember the glorious events upon Rycaen?


IF: How could you know about that? The Rycaen Insurrection took place on the other side of the segmentum at the same time that you staged your coup.


(Silence as Prisoner 49A3-4G smiles at IF)


IF (to attendant): Punish him again.


(Neuro-torture device activates for 3 seconds again. Subject screams again.)


IF: Do not try my patience, prisoner. Answer my question.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: Rycaen and Mycetale were part of the same scheme – different battles in the larger war. My Master achieved his objectives.


IF: Your Master was slain by the Astartes, or do you not remember?


(Prisoner 49A3-4G laughs. Neuro-torture device is applied, abruptly cutting off prisoner’s laughter.)


IF: Do not presume to laugh in my presence again, prisoner, or your miserable life will be ended summarily.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: My Master was not slain. He withdrew from the material world as his plan was enacted.


IF: Then what was it that the Astartes destroyed upon Mycetale? Was that some other servant of the damned?


Prisoner 49A3-4G: As I said, the power of the Æther is beyond your comprehension. My Master’s goal all along was to kill an Astartes, one whose continued existence might complicate future events. At the same time that the Astartes arrived on Mycetale, more Astartes arrived on Rycaen to face my Master there.


IF: Surely your master cannot have been in both places at once.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: He was, Inquisitor. He was. On both worlds he came face-to-face with Astartes, as was his plan all along.


(Post transcription note: Imperial records corroborate the subject’s claims that Astartes fought on both worlds.)


IF: I saw the daemon’s head cut off with my own eyes, witnessed its form dissipate. How is it that the creature wasn’t killed?


Prisoner 49A3-4G: My Master had withdrawn from the battle at its start. When the Space Marine first struck and my Master blocked the blow with his sorcerous power, he wasn’t just blocking the attack. At that moment, He was also fighting the other Astartes on Rycaen, stopping a similar attack. On both worlds He used His magical power to absorb the power of his opponent.


IF: Go on.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: After absorbing the power of his Astartes opponents, he transferred the power of each into the form he had taken upon each world, allowing his own Presence to withdraw from the simulacra he had controlled and enabling the power of each Space Marine to animate the simulacra that the other fought. In a sense, the two Astartes fought each other, the power of each animating their opponent’s body. (Laughter)


(Neuro-torture device is applied, abruptly cutting off prisoner’s laughter.)


IF: That is your last warning, heretic. Laugh again in my presence and you will die.


(Subject pants for a minute.)


Prisoner 49A3-4G: As the two Space Marines fought what each thought was a mighty daemon, my Master exerted his influence, opening a rift into the Warp upon each world.


IF: Your world was saved, heretic.


Prisoner 49A3-4G: Yes. Somehow my Master’s plot was foiled upon Mycetale. Rycaen, however, did not fare so well, did it?


IF: No. That world was lost to us. Seven billion souls were lost to the Imperium, including Lord Inquisitor Verilian, seven regiments of the Imperial Guard, and two companies of Astartes. What happened there?


Prisoner 49A3-4G. On each world my Master orchestrated a struggle with the Astartes. Though His power was manifested elsewhere, it was still tethered to the simulacra that fought the Astartes. When the Captain destroyed the simulacra on Mycetale, my Master’s link was severed. His power could not remain upon my world and there was a backlash as it instantly transferred to consolidate with the rest of His Presence. The sudden merging of his Will into a single entity didn’t just double His power – it was increased ten-fold as the synergy of His complete consciousness in one location awakened His full power. It was that sudden surge in his power that triggered the death knell of Rycaen.


(Silence as IF thinks on the import of Prisoner’s 49A3-4G’s words.)


Prisoner 49A3-4G: And that was my Master’s plan all along. My world was a ruse – a gambit in the objective to turn Rycaen into a daemonworld. The gambit was a success, of course, and my Master succeeded in destroying one who would otherwise have been a problem in the future, securing a world for himself at the same time.


IF: Enough! (To attendant): Take him back to his cell and send word to the Silver Hand and Heralds of Light Chapters. We must attest to the purity of Captain Bral Reiko and honour Captain Juris Fracta.


(Post-transcription note: Prisoner 49A3-4G was executed at 608998.M40, his body cremated, the ashes encased in an iron canister sealed with sigils of warding and the canister fired into the sun of Mycetale. Captain Bral Reiko was deemed pure after three months of scrutiny. Brother Praetor Juris Fracta of the Silver Hands Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes and his entire strike force was lost on Rycaen when that planet suddenly imploded. The Silver Hands Chapter received the record of Inquisitor Fraxius’ testimony and certification of Prisoner 49A3-4G’s fate, honouring their Brother-Praetor with all due ceremony.)



Victory to Captain Bral Reiko - the Liber Astartes Blood Duel Champion


That, was suitably epic.


Congratulations to the winner and commiserations to the loser, Both were dedicated members of the Liber and will be honoured for their achievements!


Next up, the battle for the Board! :)


For Liber, and beyond!


Go Liber! ;)


As an aside this makes us all sound like Liber is a chapter and we are the battle brothers. :eek

:verymad: :woot: :pinch: :rolleyes:


Sacre boltre! The machinations of the wicked, they are so insidious!


Congratulations to the winner?!



I was cheering for the guy without the dreaded 5th ed. SS




I will admit I was also cheering for myself. Ha!




Congrats to Bral Reiko!


And congrats to me, for having some incredibly cool stuff to put in my WIP IA.


Dude this is going to be sweet.


Almost glad I lost.



Well done! Now go forth and conquer the rest of the forum and Liber will reign supreme!


That, was suitably epic.


Congratulations to the winner and commiserations to the loser, Both were dedicated members of the Liber and will be honoured for their achievements!


Next up, the battle for the Board! :lol:


For Liber, and beyond!


Go Liber! :D


As an aside this makes us all sound like Liber is a chapter and we are the battle brothers. :P

I thought it was? ;)

Captain Bral Reiko, congratulations! ^_^



Though it has been a long and arduous journey, the Liber Astartes at last has its champion.


Congratulations, Codex Grey, now go make the other boards cry. ^_^


:HQ: Yes, the congrats should have been to Codex Grey (D'oh!)


But the sentiments still stand ^_^

<_< Yaaaaaay!


I'm a bit late, but better late then never.


*clears throat*


My brothers. It is my honor to fight for our sacred forum in the battle(s) to come. I do not know what I will face, but with the entire Liber Astartes at my back, I cannot possibly fail.


For Liber!


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