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Daemons vs Tyranids battle report

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The game was at 1750


My list http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=207051


His list


Swarmlord with retinue (lash whips on the guards)

Tervigons x2

Hive guards x3

Biovores x2

Ymgarl Genestealers


Tyranid Shrikes with lash whips, boneswords and toxin sacs

Zoanthrops x2


We rolled annihilation in spearhead.


I put on my first wave the two soulgrinders, the fiends, the big plaguebearer unit and the bloodthirster.


1st turn

The first wave came in with one of the grinders getting off the table and then back on reserves.

Some shoots from the tyranids and i lost some plaguebearers and had one wound on the thirster and a fiend. The plaguebearers got into hand to hand with two units of termagaunts.


2nd turn

And here is where the fun begins, i rolled for reserves and only the rest of the plaguebearers and the prince didn't come.

I shoot pavane with the Masque. I move some termagaunts away from the zoanthropes so that the fiends can charge them. Then i bring the hive guards close to the bloodthirster so that he can charge. And with the last shoot i place a huge horde of termagaunts so that 5 out of 6 flamers can hit. The soulgrinders shoot The Swarmlord and the Shrikes making some wounds.

He counter attack with the Genestealers arriving from reserves and charging the fiends and the Masque. A tervigon that got wounded by the flamers assaults them and keeps them locked in combat until it killed them. Unfortunatly i could not send anything to help in time. The swarmlord attacks the Bloodthirster and the epic battle begins!!! The monsters fought for 3 rounds until the tyrand finally brought the daemon down. Both the Masque and a fiend escape the genestealers with their hit and run. Both tervigons stopped sending termagaunts at this point.


3rd turn

All of my reserves arrived. The Masque did the trick again. I lined up the Shrikes nicely and out of cover and BOOM the soulgrinder got a hit and no more Shrikes. The second soulgrinder joins the Bloodthirster far from the Swarmlord and increase the rate that the tyrand guards got wounded.

The close combat rages on in my opponents turn and the Genestealers finally manage to kill the Masque. Some termagaunts kills the last fiend as well.


4rth turn

My free soulgrinder shoots and then charges a tervigon that had 5 wound and manage to kill it with its fearless wounds. The Daemon prince kills the second tervigon that kill the flamers. And the plaguebearers finish of the genestealers and last termagaunts. The Swarmlord killed the Bloodthirster in my turn but could destroy the soulgrinder.


At this point al that was left of my opponent was the Biovores and the Swarmlord with one wound and a single guard locked in combat with my soulgrinder. So he consided before the wipe out that was right behind the corner. It was a great battle that had a great hand to hand battle start from turn two wich made it really excited.


The Blue scribes couldn't earn their points but i think they are a very versatile unit espesially in combination with the Masque's pavane.

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The Masque can only shoot at two targets, I am sure this is not what happened but the way it reads implies she shot at 3 targets.


I assume the Termagaunts charged the PB?


Otherwise very interesting report, I wish I had juicy targets like that to throw my KoS into, I seem to always kill guardsmen with her.

So you mean that when we are legion says ''fire any of its weapons at a different target'' you can only choose one more target? not as many as the weapons?

Are you sure this is how it is, because there is no real point in having three pavanes and can move its target only ones at a time...


Yes the termagunts assaulted the plaguebearers and with the tervigons nearby it was one feel no pain against an other, really funny battle.

I can only imagine the PB termagaunt battle - must have been a lot of....sooooo, were tied? Oh noes I lost, fearless save, darn feel no pain!


Just went to the codex and reread it, I think you are correct. I always took it as 'fire at A additional target' but I missed the plural on 'any of its weapons'


I am glad you posted this, gives me a ton more options now with the Masque (I field her in an all Slaanesh army)


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